在Copilot Studio中,一个主题定义了副驾驶对话的进展方式。


在Copilot Studio中,主题代表用户和副驾驶之间对话线程的一部分。您可以在创作画布上定义和使用主题。一个主题包含一个或多个会话节点,这些节点共同定义了一个主题可以采取的会话路径。每个节点执行一个动作,例如发送消息或提问。

通常,一个主题有一组触发短语——短语、关键字和客户可能会使用的与特定问题相关的问题。Copilot Studio副驾驶使用自然语言理解、客户信息和所有主题的触发短语来找到最佳的触发主题。消息不需要完全匹配主题的触发短语来触发主题。例如,关于商店营业时间的主题可能包括触发短语检查商店营业时间。如果客户输入“查看商店营业时间”,则此短语会触发您的商店营业时间主题。


Natural language understanding

A copilot uses natural language understanding (NLU) to parse what a customer typed and find the best trigger phrase or node.

For example, a user might type "Open hours." The copilot matches that to the Store hours topic, begins a conversation that asks which store the customer is interested in, and then displays the hours the store is open.

The Test copilot pane shows how the copilot conversation progresses at every step. You can use the Test copilot pane to fine-tune a topic without having to exit the Copilot Studio portal.

For copilot and topic limits, see Quotas, limits, app registration, certificates, and configuration values.

Topics in Copilot Studio

Web App

Topic types


  • 系统主题支持基本行为,例如与某人交谈或结束对话的自定义请求。一些系统主题有触发短语,您可以自定义这些短语以满足副驾驶的需求。
    • 您无法创建系统主题。
    • 您不能删除系统主题,但可以禁用它们。
    • 您可以更改系统主题。但是,在您能够轻松创建完整的副驾驶体验之前,我们不建议编辑系统主题。
    • 有关更多信息,请参阅使用系统主题。
  • 预定义的自定义主题涵盖了常见行为,如问候客户、结束对话或重新开始对话。
    • 您可以更改预定义的自定义主题,也可以将其从副驾驶中完全删除。
    • 您创建的所有主题都是自定义主题。

Node types

The following types of node are available:

Option Description
Send a message Send the customer a message.
Ask a question Ask the customer a question.
Ask with adaptive card Create a JSON snippet to exchange with other apps.
Author using conditions Branch your conversation based on a condition.
Variable management Set a value, parse a value, or clear all variables.
Manage topics Redirect, transfer, or end the topic or conversation.
Call a flow Call a flow like Power Automate or Excel Online, or use a connector or a plugin.
Advanced Generative answers, HTTP requests, events, and more.


Rename nodes to make them easier to identify. Select the node's name field to update the name directly, or select the More icon () of the node and select Rename from the menu. You can also rename nodes in the code editor.

The Trigger node and Go to step nodes can't be renamed.

Node names can be up to 500 characters in length. Save the topic containing the renamed nodes to save the renamed nodes to the project.

Create a topic

  1. Open your copilot from the list on the Copilots page. For better visibility, close the Test your copilot panel for now.

  2. On the top menu bar, select Topics.

  3. Select Add a topic, and select From blank.

    A Trigger node appears on an otherwise blank topic authoring canvas.

  4. Select the More icon () of the Trigger node, and then select Properties. The On Recognized Intent properties panel appears.

  5. In the On Recognized Intent properties panel, select the Phrases area. The Phrases secondary panel appears.

  6. Under Add phrases, enter a trigger phrase for your topic.

    Your copilot needs 5 to 10 trigger phrases to train the AI to understand your customers' responses. To add more trigger phrases, you can either:

    • Select the Add icon next to the text field, and enter the desired phrase.
    • Paste a set of trigger phrases, each one on a separate line, and select Enter.
    • Type a set of trigger phrases, pressing Shift+Enter after each one to place it on a separate line, and select Enter.

    You can include punctuation in a trigger phrase, but it's best to use short phrases rather than long sentences.

  7. Select Details on the toolbar to open the Topic details panel.

  8. Add your copilot topic details:

    • Enter a name to identify the topic, such as "Store hours." The Topics page lists all the topics defined in your copilot, by this name.
    • If desired, enter a display name that your copilot will show to the customer when it can't determine which topic matches the customer's message.
    • If desired, use the Description field to describe the purpose of the topic for yourself and other copilot makers on your team. Customers never see topic descriptions.
  9. Select Save on the top menu bar to save your topic.


Avoid using periods (.) in your topic names. It isn't possible to export a solution that contains a copilot with periods in the name of any of its topics.

Design a topic conversation path

When you create a topic, a Trigger node automatically appears on the authoring canvas. You can then add different types of nodes to achieve the desired conversation path for your topic.

To add a node after another node or between two nodes on your topic authoring canvas:

  1. Select the Add node icon below the node under which you want to add a new node.

  2. Select the desired node type from the list that appears.

    Screenshot of the options available for selection to insert a node after a Trigger node.

Delete a node

Select the menu icon () of the node you want to delete, and then select Delete.

Controls for editing nodes on the canvas

You can use controls on the toolbar to cut, copy, paste, and delete the selected node or selected adjacent nodes.

Screenshot of the toolbar controls for editing nodes on the authoring canvas.

The toolbar also has a control to undo an edit. Open the Undo menu to revert all actions back to the last save or to redo the previous action.

Screenshot of the Undo menu.

Paste nodes

Once you use the Cut or Copy tools to place one or more nodes on the clipboard, there are two ways to paste them in the canvas:

  • If you select a node and then select Paste, the nodes on the clipboard are inserted after the selected node.

  • If you select the "+" to see the Add node menu, then select Paste, the node on the clipboard is inserted at that location.

Add input and output parameters for a topic

Topics can have input and output parameters. When a topic redirects to another topic, you can use these parameters to pass information between the topics.

Additionally, if your copilot uses generative mode, it can automatically fill topic inputs from the conversation context, or after generating questions to gather values from users. This behavior is similar to how generative slot filling works for actions.

To learn more about input and output parameters for topics, see Manage topic inputs and outputs.

Edit topics with the code editor

The code editor shows the topic in YAML, a markup language that's easy to read and understand. Use the code editor to copy and paste topics from other bots—even ones created by other authors.


Designing a topic entirely in the code editor and pasting complex topics isn't fully supported.

In this example, you copy and paste YAML into the code editor to quickly add a topic that asks the customer for shipping information.

  1. On the Topics page, select + Create > From blank.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the authoring canvas, select the ... to see More options, then select Open code editor.

    Screenshot of how to open the code editor.

  3. Select and delete the contents of the code editor. Then copy and paste the following YAML code:

    kind: AdaptiveDialog
      kind: OnRecognizedIntent
      id: main
        displayName: Lesson 3 - A topic with a condition, variables and a prebuilt entity
          - Buy items
          - Buy online
          - Buy product
          - Purchase item
          - Order product
        - kind: SendMessage
          id: Sjghab
          message: I am happy to help you place your order.
        - kind: Question
          id: eRH3BJ
          alwaysPrompt: false
          variable: init:Topic.State
          prompt: To what state will you be shipping?
          entity: StatePrebuiltEntity
        - kind: ConditionGroup
          id: sEzulE
            - id: pbR5LO
              condition: =Topic.State = "California" || Topic.State = "Washington" || Topic.State     = "Oregon"
            - kind: SendMessage
              id: X7BFUC
              message: There will be an additional shipping charge of $27.50.
            - kind: Question
              id: 6lyBi8
              alwaysPrompt: false
              variable: init:Topic.ShippingRateAccepted
              prompt: Is that acceptable?
              entity: BooleanPrebuiltEntity
            - kind: ConditionGroup
              id: 9BR57P
                - id: BW47C4
                  condition: =Topic.ShippingRateAccepted = true
                - kind: SendMessage
                  id: LMwySU
                  message: Thank you and please come again.
  4. Select Save, and then select Close code editor. The Question node now has many conditions to the question about shipping.

    Screenshot of a conversation created from YAML in the Copilot Studio code editor.

Test and publish your copilot

Test your copilot when you make changes to your topics, to make sure everything works as expected.

After you design and test your copilot, publish it to the web, mobile or native apps, or Microsoft Bot Framework channels.


Use system and sample topics

When you create a bot, several topics are created for you.

Screenshot of the Topics list showing lesson topics and system topics.


  • 课程主题帮助您了解使用节点创建机器人对话的简单到复杂的方法。
    • 您可以编辑课程主题或完全删除它们。
  • 系统主题是您在机器人对话中可能需要的主题。
    • 您无法删除或禁用系统主题或编辑其触发短语。但是,您可以在创作画布上自定义节点。我们建议您在创建端到端机器人对话之前不要自定义这些主题。

Create a topic

  1. From the navigation menu, select Topics, then + New topic, then From blank.

    The Trigger phrases pane opens.

  2. Add several trigger phrases for your topic in the Add phrases section.

    Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas, highlighting Add phrases of the Trigger phrases pane.

    You can specify more than one trigger phrase for a topic, using a new line for each phrase. You can include punctuation in a trigger phrase, but it's best to use short phrases rather than long sentences.

  3. In the top bar, edit the title of your topic to give it a name.

    Screenshot of the topic authoring canvas, highlighting Details.

  4. Press Enter or select the Save icon to save your changes.

  5. Select the Details icon. Here you can alternatively edit the Name and add a Display name and Description.

    The Display name tells the bot which topic the person is asking about.

    The Description describes the purpose of the topic for yourself and other bot makers. This description isn't shown to users.

    Screenshot of the topic details pane showing Name, Display name, and Description.

  6. Select Save to add the topic to the topics list.

Design the topic's conversation path

  1. In the topic list, select the topic you want to edit. You see the topic's trigger phrases. Here you define the conversation path between a customer and the copilot.

    For existing or system topics, several nodes are created automatically. You can edit these nodes just as you would edit other nodes.

    When you create a new topic, a Trigger node and a blank Message node are inserted for you.

  2. To add a node, select "+", Add node, located between or after nodes.

    Screenshot of adding a node.

  3. To change the paths between nodes, drag the small circle on top of the node—its node anchor—to a new location in the canvas. The dotted line represents the original path.

    Screenshot of moving a node's anchor.

Insert nodes

When you add a node after the Trigger Phrases node or between Message nodes, you can:

  • Ask a question
  • Call an action
  • Show a message
  • Redirect to another topic
  • End the conversation

Screenshot of adding a node between existing nodes from the options.

Ask a question

  1. Select the Ask a question option of the "+" Add node menu to add a new Question node. A question node appears.

    Screenshot of adding a new question mode.

  2. Enter the question phrase in the Ask a question field.

    For example, if the user wants to know store hours, the bot's question might be Which store location do you need?

  3. Under Identify, select an option for the user's response, such as Multiple choice options.

    This option determines what the bot should listen for when the user responds. For more information, see Use entities in a conversation.

  4. Under Options for user, enter expected responses to the bot's question.

    For example, if you chose Multiple choice options in Identify, the options might include store locations such as Seattle, Bellevue, or Kirkland.

    Screenshot of possible options for the user based on the multiple choice selection in Identify.

    Each choice is presented to the user as a multiple choice button in the chat, but users can also type their answer.

  5. (Optional) Save the user response in a variable to be used later.

The conversation editor creates separate paths in the conversation depending on the customer's response. The conversation path leads the customer to the appropriate resolution for each response. You can add nodes to create branching logic, and specify what the bot should respond with for each path or variable.

Call an action

To call Power Automate flows and insert authentication nodes, select Call an action from the "+" Add node menu.

If voice-based capabilities are enabled for your bot, you see more actions.

Show a message

  1. To specify a response from the bot, select the "+" Add node to add a node, and then select Show a message to add a new Message node.

  2. Enter the message you want the bot to say in the text box.

    You can apply some basic formatting, such as bold, italics, ordered and unordered lists, and hyperlinks. You can also use variables that you define elsewhere in your bot conversation.

Redirect to another topic

  1. To have the bot move to a different topic, select the "+" Add node to add a node, and then select Redirect to another topic. A list of topics appears.

  2. Select the topic the bot should divert to. For example, you might send the user to a topic about the closure of a store if they ask about the store's hours.

    Screenshot showing redirection to another topic node with options for other topics.

The redirected topic is a subtopic.

You can insert more nodes under the subtopic's node.

When the conversation path for the subtopic is finished, the bot returns to the original topic. The bot then follows the nodes that are under the subtopic's node.

Screenshot of the authoring canvas showing nodes under a redirected topic node.

If you redirect to any of these system topics, however, the entire conversation ends.

  • End of Conversation
  • Confirmed Success
  • Confirmed Failure
  • Goodbye
  • Escalate
  • Start over (also resets any global variables)

End the conversation

When the conversation ends, you can have a survey ask users if their question or issue was answered or resolved. The response is collected on the customer satisfaction analytics page.

You can also have the conversation handed over to a live agent if you're using a suitable customer service portal, such as Omnichannel for Customer Service.

At the end of a response that resolves the user's issue or answers the question, add an End the conversation node.

Screenshot showing options for ending a conversation.

  • To end with a customer satisfaction survey, select End with survey.

  • To insert a handoff node that links with your configured handoff product, select Transfer to agent.

    (Optional) Enter a private message to the agent.

    Transfer To Agent.

Add a condition

  1. To add branching logic based on variables, select the "+" Add node to add a node.

  2. Select Add a condition.

  3. Select Branch based on a condition.

  4. Select the variable that determines whether the bot conversation should branch at this point.

    For example, if you set up user authentication, you might want a different message if the user is signed in.

Delete nodes

Select the menu icon () of the node you want to delete, and then select Delete.

Test and publish your bot

Test your copilot when you make changes to your topics to ensure everything works as expected.

After you design and test your bot, publish it to the web, mobile or native apps, or Microsoft Bot Framework channels.


Design the topic's conversation path - Teams

  1. In the topic list of your copilot, select the topic you want to edit. For example, you might want to edit the topic Store Hours.

    Selecting a topic will take you to the authoring canvas

    Once open, you see the topic's trigger phrases. This authoring canvas is where you define the conversation path between a customer and the bot.

    When you create a new topic, a Trigger Phrases node and a blank Message node are inserted for you.

    For existing or system topics, several nodes are automatically created with each new topic. You can edit these nodes if needed.

  2. You can add more nodes by selecting "+" Add node between nodes or after a node.

    Screenshot of adding a node.

  3. To change the paths between nodes, drag the node anchor—a small circle on top of the node. You see a dotted line indicating the original path.

    Screenshot of moving a node's anchor.

Insert nodes - Teams

When adding a node to a trigger phrases node, choose from five different options:

  • Ask a question
  • Call an action
  • Show a message
  • Redirect to another topic
  • End the conversation

Screenshot that shows the five options available when you add a node to the trigger phrases node.

If you want to redirect a topic, you can go to another topic.

Go to another topic.

Ask a question - Teams

  1. Select the Ask a question option of the "+" Add node menu to add a new Question node. A question node appears.

    Screenshot of adding a new question mode.

  2. Enter the question phrase in the Ask a question field.

    For example, if the user wants to know store hours, the bot's question might be Which store location do you need?

  3. Under Identify, select an option for the user's response, such as Multiple choice options.

    This option determines what the bot should listen for when the user responds. For more information, see Use entities in a conversation.

  4. Under Options for user, enter expected responses to the bot's question.

    For example, if you chose Multiple choice options in Identify, the options might include store locations such as Seattle, Bellevue, or Kirkland.

    Screenshot of possible options for the user based on the multiple choice selection in Identify.

    Each choice is presented to the user as a multiple choice button in the chat, but users can also type their answer.

  5. (Optional) Save the user response in a variable to be used later.

The conversation editor creates separate paths in the conversation depending on the customer's response. The conversation path leads the customer to the appropriate resolution for each response. You can add nodes to create branching logic, and specify what the bot should respond with for each path or value.

Add a condition - Teams

On some node types, you can add a condition.

  1. To add branching logic based on variables, select the "+" Add node menu, then select Add a condition to add a new node. A couple of condition nodes appear.

  2. Choose the variable you want to use to determine if the bot conversation should branch at this point.

    Screenshot that shows two condition nodes where you can choose a variable.

Call an action - Teams

You can call Power Automate flows by selecting Call an action in the "+" Add node menu.

Screenshot that shows how to call an action when adding a new node.

Show a message - Teams

A message can specify a response from your bot to the user.

  1. Select the "+" Add node menu, then select Show a message to add a new Message node.

  2. Enter what you want the bot to say in the text box. You can apply some basic formatting, such as bold, italics, ordered and unordered lists, and hyperlinks.

    You can also use variables that you defined elsewhere in your bot conversation.

End the conversation - Teams

You can choose to End the conversation as a final node to your bot's conversation.

There are two options:

  • End with survey shows a survey that asks the user if their question or issue was answered or resolved correctly. This information is collected under the customer satisfaction analytics page.

    End with survey.

  • Transfer to agent allows you to type a private message to an agent that initiates their contact with the user.

Redirect to another topic - Teams

To automatically have the bot move to a separate topic, select Add node (+) to add a node, and then Redirect to another topic.

In the flyout menu, select the topic the bot should divert to. For example, you might want to send the user to a specific topic about the closure of a store if they ask about store hours for that store.

Go to another topic node with options for other topics.

When the bot goes to another topic, the bot goes through the conversation path for that topic and then returns to the original topic—the place where it left.

You can consider the redirected topic as a subtopic.

Screenshot of the authoring canvas showing nodes under a redirected topic node.

If you redirect to any of the following system topics, however, the entire conversation ends:

  • Start over (resets any global variables)
  • Escalate
  • End of Conversation
  • Confirmed Failure
  • Confirmed Success
  • Goodbye

Use variables

You can use variables that you defined elsewhere in your bot conversation.

Delete nodes - Teams

Select the menu icon () of the node you want to delete, and then select Delete.

Test and publish your bot - Teams

After you make changes to your topics, Test your copilot to ensure everything is working as expected.

Once you finish designing and testing your bot, you can publish it, so other team members can use it.