- Logstash需要使用管道和过滤器处理日志,这需要花费大量的时间,如果日志爆发,可能会成为瓶颈;
- 弹性搜索需要对日志进行索引,这也消耗了时间,当日志爆发时,它就成为了一个瓶颈。
The detailed enviroment is as below:
- logstash69167/69168 (hostnames: e2e-l4-0690-167/168): receive logs from syslog, filebeat, etc. and forward/produce logs to Kafka topics;
- kafka69155/156/157 (hostnames: e2e-l4-0690-155/156/157): kafka cluster
- zookeeper will also be installed on these 3 x nodes;
- kafka manager will be installed on kafka69155;
- logstash69158/69159 (hostnames: e2e-l4-0690-158/159): consume logs from kafka topics, process logs with pipelines, and send logs to Elasticsearch;
- elasticsearch69152/69153/69154 (hostnames: e2e-l4-0690-152/153/154): Elasticsearch cluster
- Kibana will be installed on elasticsearch69152
- Data sources such as syslog, filebeat, etc. follow the same configuration as when Kafka is not used, hence we ignore their configuration in this chapter.
Install Elasticsearch on elasticsearch69152/69153/69154;
Configs on each node (/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml):
cluster.name: edc-elasticsearch node.name: e2e-l4-0690-152 path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch network.host: discovery.seed_hosts: ["e2e-l4-0690-152", "e2e-l4-0690-153", "e2e-l4-0690-154"] cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["e2e-l4-0690-152", "e2e-l4-0690-153", "e2e-l4-0690-154"]
cluster.name: edc-elasticsearch node.name: e2e-l4-0690-153 path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch network.host: discovery.seed_hosts: ["e2e-l4-0690-152", "e2e-l4-0690-153", "e2e-l4-0690-154"] cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["e2e-l4-0690-152", "e2e-l4-0690-153", "e2e-l4-0690-154"]
cluster.name: edc-elasticsearch node.name: e2e-l4-0690-154 path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch network.host: discovery.seed_hosts: ["e2e-l4-0690-152", "e2e-l4-0690-153", "e2e-l4-0690-154"] cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["e2e-l4-0690-152", "e2e-l4-0690-153", "e2e-l4-0690-154"]
Start Elasticsearch service on each node:
systemctl disable firewalld systemctl enable elasticsearch systemctl start elasticsearch
Verify (on any node): 3 x alive nodes should exist and one master node is elected successfully
[root@e2e-l4-0690-152]# curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/state?pretty'
Install Kibana on elasticsearch69152;
Configure Kibana(/etc/kibana/kibana.yml):
server.host: "" server.name: "e2e-l4-0690-152" elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://e2e-l4-0690-152:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-153:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-154:9200"]
Start the service on each node:
systemctl enable kibana systemctl start kibana
Verify: access to verify that Kibana is up and running.
Zookeeper 部署
Zookeeper is a must before running a Kafka cluster. For demonstration purpose, we deploy a Zookeeper cluster on the same nodes as the Kafka cluster, A.K.A kafka69155/69156/69157.
There is no need to do any installation, decompressing the package is enough;
Configure zookeeper on each node(conf/zoo.cfg):
tickTime=2000 initLimit=10 syncLimit=5 dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper clientPort=2181 server.1= server.2= server.3=
Create file /var/lib/zookeeper/myid with content 1/2/3 on each node:
echo 1 > /var/lib/zookeeper/myid # kafka69155 echo 2 > /var/lib/zookeeper/myid # kafka69156 echo 3 > /var/lib/zookeeper/myid # kafka69157
Start Zookeeper on all nodes:
./bin/zkServer.sh start ./bin/zkServer.sh status
Connect to Zooper for verification:
./bin/zkCli.sh -server,,
Kafka 部署
A Kafka cluster will be deployed on kafka69155/69156/69157.
Kafka does not need any installation, downloading and decompressing a tarball is enough. Please refer to Kafka Quickstart for reference;
The Kafka cluster will run on kafka69155/156/157 where a Zookeeper cluster is already running. To enable the Kafka cluster, configure each node as below(config/server.properties):
broker.id=0 listeners=PLAINTEXT:// advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:// zookeeper.connect=,
broker.id=1 listeners=PLAINTEXT:// advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:// zookeeper.connect=,
broker.id=1 listeners=PLAINTEXT:// advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:// zookeeper.connect=,
Start Kafka on all nodes:
./bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon config/server.properties
Once the Kafka cluster is running, we can go ahead configuring Logstash. When it is required to make changes to the Kafka cluster, we should shut down the cluster gracefully as below, then make changes and start the cluster again:
Kafka Manager 部署
可以使用CLI命令管理Kafka集群。然而,它并不是非常方便。Kafka Manager是一个基于web的工具,它使基本的Kafka管理任务变得简单明了。该工具目前由雅虎维护,并已被重新命名为CMAK (Apache Kafka的集群管理)。无论如何,我们更喜欢称之为Kafka经理。
The Kafka manager will be deployed on kafka69155.
Download the application from its github repo;
After decompressing the package, change the zookeeper option as below in conf/application.conf:
Create the app deployment(a zip file will be created):
./sbt clean dist
Unzip the newly created zip file (kafka-manager- in this demo) and start the service:
unzip kafka-manager- cd kafka-manager- bin/kafka-manager
The Kafka manager can be accessed from after a while;
Click Cluster->Add Cluster and enter below information to manage our Kafka cluster:
- Cluster Name: assign a meaningful name for this cluster
- Cluster Zookeeper Hosts:,,
- Enable JMX Polling: yes
Log Producers: logstash69167/69168
Collect logs from data sources (such as syslog, filebeat, etc.) and forward log entries to corresponding Kafka topics. The num. of such Logstash instances can be determined based on the amount of data generated by data sources.
Actually, such Logstash instances are separated from each other. In other words, they work as standalone instances and have no knowledge on others.
Log Consumers: logstash69158/69159
Consume logs from Kafka topics, modify logs based on pipeline definitions and ship modified logs to Elasticsearch.
Such Logstash instances have the identical pipeline configurations (except for client_id) and belong to the same Kafka consumer group which load balance each other.
The installation of Logstash has been covered in previous chapters, we won’t cover them again in this chapter, instead, we will focus our effort on the clarification of pipeline definitions when Kafka is leveraged in the middle.
- logstash69167: consolidate logs for storage arrays and application solutions based on Linux;
- logstash69168: consolidate logs for ethernet switches and application solutions based on Windows.
Define pipelines(/etc/logstash/conf.d)
# /etc/logstash/conf.d/ps_rhel.conf input { beats { port => 5045 tags => ["server", "filebeat", "ps", "rhel"] } } filter { mutate { rename => ["host", "server"] } } output { kafka { id => "ps-rhel" topic_id => "ps-rhel" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/sc_sles.conf input { beats { port => 5044 tags => ["server", "filebeat", "sc", "sles"] } } filter { mutate { rename => ["host", "server"] } } output { kafka { id => "sc-sles" topic_id => "sc-sles" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/pssc.conf input { udp { port => 514 tags => ["array", "syslog", "sc", "ps"] } } output { kafka { id => "pssc" topic_id => "pssc" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/unity.conf input { udp { port => 5000 tags => ["array", "syslog", "unity"] } } output { kafka { id => "unity" topic_id => "unity" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/xio.conf input { udp { port => 5002 tags => ["array", "syslog", "xio"] } } output { kafka { id => "xio" topic_id => "xio" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } }
# /etc/logstash/conf.d/ethernet_switch.conf input { udp { port => 514 tags => ["switch", "syslog", "network", "ethernet"] } } output { kafka { id => "ether-switch" topic_id => "ether-switch" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/vnx_exchange.conf input { beats { port => 5044 tags => ["server", "winlogbeat", "vnx", "windows", "exchange"] } } filter { mutate { rename => ["host", "server"] } } output { kafka { id => "vnx-exchange" topic_id => "vnx-exchange" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/vnx_mssql.conf input { beats { port => 5045 tags => ["server", "winlogbeat", "vnx", "windows", "mssql"] } } filter { mutate { rename => ["host", "server"] } } output { kafka { id => "vnx-mssql" topic_id => "vnx-mssql" codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } }
Enable pipelines (/etc/logstash/pipelines.yml):
- pipeline.id: ps_rhel path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/ps_rhel.conf" - pipeline.id: sc_sles path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/sc_sles.conf" - pipeline.id: pssc path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/pssc.conf" - pipeline.id: unity path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/unity.conf" - pipeline.id: xio path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/xio.conf"
- pipeline.id: ethernet_switch path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/ethernet_switch.conf" - pipeline.id: vnx_exchange path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/vnx_exchange.conf" - pipeline.id: vnx_mssql path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/vnx_mssql.conf"
Start Logstash servers on all nodes:
systemctl start logstash
Verify topics are successfully created on Kafka:
ssh root@kafka69155/156/157 ./bin/kafka-topics.sh -bootstrap-server ",," --list
Verify logs are sent to Kafka successfully:
ssh root@kafka69155/156/157 ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh -bootstrap-server ",," --topic <topic name>
现在,我们已经将Logstash实例配置为Kafka producer。在继续之前,有必要介绍一些关于使用Kafka作为输出插件时的管道配置的技巧。
- 在输入部分添加标签,以简化Kibana的日志搜索/分类工作;
- 为不同的管道指定不同的id和有意义的名称;
- 如果syslog也是设置中的数据源,则将主机字段重命名为其他有意义的名称。关于这个问题的解释,请参考tips章节。
Define pipelines(/etc/logstash/conf.d): client_id should always be set with different values
# /etc/logstash/conf.d/kafka_array.conf input { kafka { client_id => "logstash69158-array" # client_id => "logstash69159-array" group_id => "logstash-array" topics => ["unity", "vnx", "xio", "pssc", "powerstore"] codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } output { elasticsearch { hosts => ["http://e2e-l4-0690-152:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-153:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-154:9200"] index => "edc-storage-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/kafka_server.conf input { kafka { client_id => "logstash69158-server" # client_id => "logstash69159-server" group_id => "logstash-server" topics => ["sc-sles", "ps-rhel", "vnx-exchange", "vnx-mssql"] codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } output { elasticsearch { hosts => ["http://e2e-l4-0690-152:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-153:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-154:9200"] index => "edc-server-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" } } # /etc/logstash/conf.d/kafka_switch.conf input { kafka { client_id => "logstash69158-switch" # client_id => "logstash69159-switch" group_id => "logstash-switch" topics => ["ether-switch"] codec => "json" bootstrap_servers => ",," } } output { elasticsearch { hosts => ["http://e2e-l4-0690-152:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-153:9200", "http://e2e-l4-0690-154:9200"] index => "edc-ethernet-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" } }
Enable pipelines on all nodes(/etc/logstash/pipelines.yml):
- pipeline.id: kafka_array path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/kafka_array.conf" - pipeline.id: kafka_server path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/kafka_server.conf" - pipeline.id: kafka_switch path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/kafka_switch.conf"
Start logstash on all nodes:
systemctl start logstash
- 对于不同Logstash实例上的每个管道,应该始终使用不同的值设置client_id。该字段用于识别Kafka上的消费者;
- 对于不同Logstsh实例上的相同管道,group_id应该设置恒等值。这个字段用于标识Kafka上的消费者组,如果值不同,负载平衡就无法工作。
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