专用终结点是使用虚拟网络中的专用IP地址的网络接口。此网络接口将您安全地连接到由Azure private Link提供支持的服务。通过启用专用端点,您将服务带入虚拟网络。
- Azure存储
- Azure Cosmos数据库
- Azure SQL数据库
- 您自己的服务,使用专用链接服务。
Property | Description |
Name | A unique name within the resource group. |
Subnet | The subnet to deploy, where the private IP address is assigned. For subnet requirements, see the Limitations section later in this article. |
Private-link resource | The private-link resource to connect by using a resource ID or alias, from the list of available types. A unique network identifier is generated for all traffic that's sent to this resource. |
Target subresource | The subresource to connect. Each private-link resource type has various options to select based on preference. |
Connection approval method | Automatic or manual. Depending on the Azure role-based access control permissions, your private endpoint can be approved automatically. If you're connecting to a private-link resource without Azure role based permissions, use the manual method to allow the owner of the resource to approve the connection. |
Request message | You can specify a message for requested connections to be approved manually. This message can be used to identify a specific request. |
Connection status |
A read-only property that specifies whether the private endpoint is active. Only private endpoints in an approved state can be used to send traffic. More available states:
- 专用端点实现了客户之间的连接:
- 虚拟网络
- 区域对等虚拟网络
- 全球对等虚拟网络
- 使用VPN或Express Route的内部部署环境
- 由专用链接提供支持的服务
- 网络连接只能由连接到专用端点的客户端启动。服务提供商没有路由配置来创建到服务客户的连接。只能在一个方向上建立连接。
- 为专用端点的生命周期自动创建只读网络接口。接口从映射到专用链路资源的子网分配了一个动态专用IP地址。专用IP地址的值在专用端点的整个生命周期内保持不变。
- 专用终结点必须部署在与虚拟网络相同的区域和订阅中。
- 专用链路资源可以部署在与虚拟网络和专用端点不同的区域中。
- 可以使用相同的专用链接资源创建多个专用端点。对于使用通用DNS服务器配置的单个网络,建议的做法是为指定的专用链接资源使用单个专用端点。使用此做法可避免DNS解析中出现重复条目或冲突。
- 可以在同一虚拟网络中的相同或不同子网上创建多个专用终结点。在订阅中可以创建的专用终结点数量有限制。有关详细信息,请参阅Azure限制。
- 包含专用链接资源的订阅必须向Microsoft网络资源提供商注册。包含专用终结点的订阅也必须向Microsoft网络资源提供程序注册。有关更多信息,请参阅“Azure资源提供商”。
Private-link resource name | Resource type | Sub-resources |
Application Gateway | Microsoft.Network/applicationgateways | Frontend IP Configuration name |
Azure AI services | Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts | account |
Azure API for FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) | Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services | fhir |
Azure App Configuration | Microsoft.Appconfiguration/configurationStores | configurationStores |
Azure App Service | Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments | hosting environment |
Azure App Service | Microsoft.Web/sites | sites |
Azure Automation | Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts | Webhook, DSCAndHybridWorker |
Azure Backup | Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults | AzureBackup, AzureSiteRecovery |
Azure Batch | Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts | batchAccount, nodeManagement |
Azure Cache for Redis | Microsoft.Cache/Redis | redisCache |
Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise | Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise | redisEnterprise |
Azure AI Search | Microsoft.Search/searchServices | searchService |
Azure Container Registry | Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries | registry |
Azure Cosmos DB | Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts | SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Gremlin, Table |
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2 | coordinator |
Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore | Microsoft.DocumentDb/mongoClusters | mongoCluster |
Azure Data Explorer | Microsoft.Kusto/clusters | cluster |
Azure Data Factory | Microsoft.DataFactory/factories | dataFactory |
Azure Database for MariaDB | Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers | mariadbServer |
Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server | Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers | mysqlServer |
Azure Database for MySQL- Flexible Server | Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers | mysqlServer |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single server | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers | postgresqlServer |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible server | Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers | postgresqlServer |
Azure Databricks | Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces | databricks_ui_api, browser_authentication |
Azure Device Provisioning Service | Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices | iotDps |
Azure Digital Twins | Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances | API |
Azure Event Grid | Microsoft.EventGrid/domains | domain |
Azure Event Grid | Microsoft.EventGrid/topics | topic |
Azure Event Hub | Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces | namespace |
Azure File Sync | Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices | File Sync Service |
Azure HDInsight | Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters | cluster |
Azure IoT Central | Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps | IoTApps |
Azure IoT Hub | Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | iotHub |
Azure Key Vault | Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults | vault |
Azure Key Vault HSM (hardware security module) | Microsoft.Keyvault/managedHSMs | HSM |
Azure Kubernetes Service - Kubernetes API | Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters | management |
Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries | amlregistry |
Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces | amlworkspace |
Azure Managed Disks | Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses | managed disk |
Azure Media Services | Microsoft.Media/mediaservices | keydelivery, liveevent, streamingendpoint |
Azure Migrate | Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects | project |
Azure Monitor Private Link Scope | Microsoft.Insights/privatelinkscopes | azuremonitor |
Azure Relay | Microsoft.Relay/namespaces | namespace |
Azure Service Bus | Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces | namespace |
Azure SignalR Service | Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR | signalr |
Azure SignalR Service | Microsoft.SignalRService/webPubSub | webpubsub |
Azure SQL Database | Microsoft.Sql/servers | SQL Server (sqlServer) |
Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances | managedInstance |
Azure Static Web Apps | Microsoft.Web/staticSites | staticSites |
Azure Storage | Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts | Blob (blob, blob_secondary) Table (table, table_secondary) Queue (queue, queue_secondary) File (file, file_secondary) Web (web, web_secondary) Dfs (dfs, dfs_secondary) |
Azure Synapse | Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs | web |
Azure Synapse Analytics | Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces | Sql, SqlOnDemand, Dev |
Azure Virtual Desktop - host pools | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools | connection |
Azure Virtual Desktop - workspaces | Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/workspaces | feed global |
Device Update for IoT Hub | Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts | DeviceUpdate |
Microsoft Purview | Microsoft.Purview/accounts | account |
Microsoft Purview | Microsoft.Purview/accounts | portal |
Power BI | Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI | Power BI |
Private Link service (your own service) | Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices | empty |
Resource Management Private Links | Microsoft.Authorization/resourceManagementPrivateLinks | ResourceManagement |
- 自动批准:当您拥有或拥有特定专用链接资源的权限时,请使用此方法。所需权限基于以下格式的专用链接资源类型:
- 手动请求:当您没有所需的权限并希望请求访问时,请使用此方法。将启动审批工作流。专用端点和以后的专用端点连接是在挂起状态下创建的。专用链接资源所有者负责批准连接。审批后,私有端点可以正常发送流量,如以下审批流程图所示:
- 查看所有专用终结点连接详细信息。
- 批准专用终结点连接。相应的专用端点能够向专用链路资源发送流量。
- 拒绝专用终结点连接。相应的专用端点将更新以反映状态。
- 删除任何状态下的专用端点连接。相应的专用端点将更新为断开连接状态以反映该操作。专用端点所有者此时只能删除资源。
Limitation | Description |
Static IP address configuration currently unsupported. | Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure Application Gateway HD Insight Recovery Services Vaults Third party Private Link services |
Limitation | Description |
Effective routes and security rules unavailable for private endpoint network interface. | Effective routes and security rules won't be displayed for the private endpoint NIC in the Azure portal. |
NSG flow logs unsupported. | NSG flow logs unavailable for inbound traffic destined for a private endpoint. |
No more than 50 members in an Application Security Group. | Fifty is the number of IP Configurations that can be tied to each respective ASG that's coupled to the NSG on the private endpoint subnet. Connection failures may occur with more than 50 members. |
Destination port ranges supported up to a factor of 250 K. | Destination port ranges are supported as a multiplication SourceAddressPrefixes, DestinationAddressPrefixes, and DestinationPortRanges. Example inbound rule: One source * one destination * 4K portRanges = 4K Valid 10 sources * 10 destinations * 10 portRanges = 1 K Valid 50 sources * 50 destinations * 50 portRanges = 125 K Valid 50 sources * 50 destinations * 100 portRanges = 250 K Valid 100 sources * 100 destinations * 100 portRanges = 1M Invalid, NSG has too many sources/destinations/ports. |
Source port filtering is interpreted as * | Source port filtering isn't actively used as valid scenario of traffic filtering for traffic destined to a private endpoint. |
Feature unavailable in select regions. | Currently unavailable in the following regions: West India Australia Central 2 South Africa West Brazil Southeast All Government regions All China regions |
拒绝来自专用终结点的出站流量不是有效的方案,因为服务提供商无法发起流量。- 以下服务可能要求在使用专用端点和添加NSG安全筛选器时打开所有目标端口:
- Azure Cosmos DB-有关更多信息,请参阅服务端口范围。
- Azure Cosmos DB-有关更多信息,请参阅服务端口范围。
Limitation | Description |
SNAT is recommended always. | Due to the variable nature of the private endpoint data-plane, it's recommended to SNAT traffic destined to a private endpoint to ensure return traffic is honored. |
Feature unavailable in select regions. | Currently unavailable in the following regions: West India Australia Central 2 South Africa West Brazil Southeast |
Limitation | Description |
Feature unavailable in select regions. | Currently unavailable in the following regions: West India Australia Central 2 South Africa West Brazil Southeast |
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