如今,数据隐私和安全变得至关重要。 因此,我们需要隔离数据库凭证并使其对我们的应用程序/服务透明。
在我的旧帖子中,我写了关于使用 Jasypt 加密数据库凭证的内容。但是我们仍然在属性文件中保留加密值。这意味着,在某些时候,开发人员可以解密该值并读取这些凭据。
我将使用 Hashicorp Vault 作为秘密管理工具。所有数据库凭据都将存储在 Vault 中,我将在引导应用程序时检索这些凭据。
在此用例中,我将创建一个服务并将其命名为 pg_service_1。服务本身将连接到 postgres 数据库,就像任何普通服务一样。但是,不同的是,我不会在属性文件中放置任何数据库凭据配置。相反,它们将保存在 Vault 中。
pg_service_1 会将具有一定有效期的初始令牌传递给 Vault。接下来,通过使用 AppRole 身份验证模式,该服务将在应用程序启动期间使用提取秘密 ID 模式检索数据库凭据。然后虚拟服务将连接到数据库并继续准备好为请求提供服务。
For this purpose, I will have two personas, which are admin and app (pg_service_1).
第 1 步:启用 AppRole 身份验证并创建 Vault 策略、
# enable approle vault auth enable approle # create secret path vault secrets enable -path=database kv-v2 # database-policy.hcl # Read-only permission on 'database/*' path tee database-policy.hcl <<"EOF" path "database/*" { capabilities = [ "read" ] } EOF vault policy write database database-policy.hcl # database-init-token.hcl # policy for initial token tee database-init-token.hcl <<"EOF" path "auth/approle/*" { capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update" ] } EOF vault policy write database-init-token database-init-token.hcl
Step 2: Write AppRole for pg_service_1
# write approle for pg_service_1 with policy:database and ttl:1h vault write auth/approle/role/pg_service_1 policies="database" token_ttl=1h
Step 3: Store KV Data
# Store kv data tee postgres.txt <<"EOF" { "url": "jdbc:postgresql://", "username": "user", "password": "password" } EOF
vault kv put database/postgres/service_1 @postgres.txt
Step 4: Generate Init Token and Pass It to App
# Generate init token for APP, valid for 3 days vault token create -policy=database-init-token -ttl=72h # Result: s.rMdwZh8udP9HVYmu1SmrSO3F
For App, I will use Spring Boot as our pg_service_1.
Step 1: Add vault dependencies in pom.xml
<!-- snippet code --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.vault</groupId> <artifactId>spring-vault-core</artifactId> </dependency>
Step 2: application.yml
spring: datasource: type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver hikari: poolName: Hikari maximum-pool-size: 5 auto-commit: false connection-test-query: SELECT 1 jpa: database: POSTGRESQL hibernate: ddl-auto: update properties: hibernate.jdbc.lob.non_contextual_creation: true hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit: true vault: appconfig: token: ${TOKEN:default}
Please note I exclude url
, username
and password
under spring.datasouce
Step 3: Configure Spring Vault
@Configuration @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "vault.appconfig") public class AppConfig extends AbstractVaultConfiguration { private String token; public String getToken() { return this.token; } public void setToken(final String token) { this.token = token; } @Override public ClientAuthentication clientAuthentication() { final VaultToken initialToken = VaultToken.of(token); final AppRoleAuthenticationOptions options = AppRoleAuthenticationOptions .builder() .appRole("pg_service_1") .roleId(RoleId.pull(initialToken)) .secretId(SecretId.pull(initialToken)) .build(); return new AppRoleAuthentication(options, this.restOperations()); } @Override public VaultEndpoint vaultEndpoint() { final VaultEndpoint vaultEndpoint = VaultEndpoint.create("localhost", 8200); vaultEndpoint.setScheme("http"); return vaultEndpoint; } }
AppRole authentication with PULL mechanism.
Step 4: Reconfigure Datasource Configuration
@Primary @Configuration @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource") public class DataSourceConfig extends DataSourceProperties { @Autowired private AppConfig appConfig; @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { final VaultToken login = this.appConfig.clientAuthentication().login(); final VaultTemplate vaultTemplate = new VaultTemplate(this.appConfig.vaultEndpoint(), new TokenAuthentication(login.getToken())); final VaultKeyValueOperations operations = vaultTemplate.opsForKeyValue("database", KeyValueBackend.versioned()); final Map<String, Object> data = operations.get("postgres/service_1").getData(); this.setUsername((String) data.get("username")); this.setUrl((String) data.get("url")); this.setPassword((String) data.get("password")); super.afterPropertiesSet(); } }
Note: set as @Primary
bean, extends DataSourceProperties
class and override afterPropertiesSet
Step 5: Start Application Using Init Token from Admin-Step 4
# pass init-token using -DTOKEN # init-token: s.rMdwZh8udP9HVYmu1SmrSO3F mvn spring-boot:run -DTOKEN=s.rMdwZh8udP9HVYmu1SmrSO3F
The service should be up and running; with connection to postgres database.
通过使用这种数据库凭证隔离,我们可以确保只有某些人有权访问凭证。 这种方法将使您的 IT 生态系统更加安全、可审核和可控相关用户对生产数据库的访问
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