A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- Resources
- Projects Using Vue.js
- Components & Libraries
- UI Components
- UI Layout
- Frameworks
- UI Utilities
- Utilities
- Integrations
- Dev Tools
- Scaffold
- Runtime
- Prerendering
- UI Components
Official Resources
External Resources
- Vue.js資料まとめ(for japanese) by @hashrock
- Vue.js Newsletter - Weekly dose of handpicked Vue.js news
- Vue.js Tips - Tips to become a better Vue.js developer
- Vue.js Wikipedia
- Vue.js Radar - Curated newsletter + site covering new Vue.js releases/contributions.
- Vue News - Social website focusing on the latest Vue.js news and information.
- Vue Curated Resources - Recommended Vue.js courses and tutorials.
- BuiltForVue - NPM Mirror of all Vue.js components and packages.
- Vue School - Learn Vue.js from video courses by core members and industry experts
- VueDose. Tips & tricks about the Vue ecosystem, for busy devs.
- Vuelibs. A minimalistic list of Vue.js libraries and components based on the awesome-vue repo.
Job Portal
- Vue.js Jobs - VueJobs - A Vue.js job portal to hire or get hired for all your Vue.js jobs.
- Vue.js Interview Questions - A List of 300 VueJS Interview Questions and Answers
- Official Forum
- vue-requests - Request a Vue.js module you wish existed or get ideas for modules
- VueJS Iran - Telegram Channel & group (group link available in channel bio)
- vueslack - 2300+ registered users worldwide
- Vue Land - Discord chat server
- VueJS Russia - Telegram Group [Russian]
- VueJS Viet Nam - Facebook group
- VueJS Spanish - Slack Group
- VueJS Korean - Slack Group
- VueJS Thailand - Facebook Group
- VueJS Brasil - Telegram Group [Portuguese]
- VueJS Brasil - Facebook Page [Portuguese]
- VueJS Brasil - Facebook Group [Portuguese]
- VueJS en español - Facebook Group [Spanish]
- VueJS India ?? - Discord chat server
- VueJS Indonesia - Telegram Group [Indonesian]
- VueJS Hong Kong - Facebook group
- VueJS Arab - Telegram Group
- VueJS Vix - Telegram Group [Portuguese]
- VueJS Vix - Meetup Page [Portuguese]
- VueJS Norway - Meetup
- VueJS Israel ?? - Facebook Page
- VueJS Finland - Meetup
- VueJS Finland - Facebook Page
- Hablemos de Vue.js - Telegram Group [Castellano]
- Full Stack Radio #30 (11-23-2015)
- JavaScript Jabber #187 (11-25-2015)
- Changelog #184 (11-27-2015)
- Software Engineering Daily (12-29-2015)
- JavaScript Air 016 (03-30-2016)
- Codecasts #2 - Falando Sobre Vuejs e Web Components (2016-08-19) [pt-BR]
- Full Stack Radio #50 (09-21-2016)
- 和 Vue.js 框架的作者聊聊前端框架开发背后的故事 [zh-CN]
- MW S04E08 - Vue.js with Evan You and Sarah Drasner (04-27-2017)
- Request For Commits #12 - Crowdfunding Open Source (Vue.js) (06-15-2017)
- The Web Platform Podcast 132: Vue.js (07-27-2017)
- JavaScript Jabber #276 with Maximilian Schwarzmüller (08-29-2017)
- Animating VueJS with Sarah Drasner(Software Engineering Daily 01-12-2017)
- Views on Vue (weekly podcast on Vue started 03-06-2018)
- The Official Vue.js News Podcast
- Vue podcast list via The QIT Tech Podcast Indexer
- DNE 138 - Vale a pena VueJS? (01-05-2018)
- Cynical Developer #99 (10-15-2018)
- Syntax #130 (03-27-2019)
Youtube Channels
Official Examples
- Basic Examples
- Vue.js TodoMVC
- CoffeeScript Version
- Vue.js HackerNews Clone
- Vue.js 2.0 HackerNews Clone
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts
- Vuejs 2 Authentication Tutorial on Auth0 blog
- Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js on
- Vue.js Tutorial on Vegibit
- Vue.js build set-up from scratch with webpack, vue-loader and hot reload
- Vuex basics: Tutorial and explanation
- Vuex introduction video - James Browne from London Vue.js Meetup #1
- Vue.js 中文系列视频教程 on Laravist
- Develop a Reactive Invoice App using Vue.js on
- Hybrid App Example with Laravel and Vue.js in Portuguese by @vedovelli
- Vue.js Introduction Turkish Language on
- Vue.js VideoTutoral Series in Spanish (3-8-2016) on YouTube by Juan Andrés Núñez
- Vue.js Screencast Series in Spanish on
- 讲解Vue.js 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube on bhnddowinf
- Exploring Real Time Apps with VueJS, ES2015 and Webpack on Pusher
- Vue.js in Bahasa Indonesia on
- Vue.js from Scratch Series in Russian on YouTube by .dev
- Створення сервісу для зберігання файлів з Flask, RethinkDB та Vue.js, ч. 1 Ukraine
- VueJS 2 French tutorial Français par Grafikart
- Jayway Vue.js 2 workshop. Build an e-commerce site with vue-router, vuex and vue-resource
- How to Create Great VueJS Applications Using Wijmo Controls
- 讲解Vue.js 2 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube on bhnddowinf
- Vue.js Cheatsheet: Server-side Applications, Router, Vuex Store, GraphQL and more by @xpepermint
- Medium like Image Loading with Vue.js
- How to Use Vuex in a Laravel Spark Project on Metric Loop
- How To Set Up Modules in Vuex on Metric Loop
- Learn Vue 2: Step By Step on Laracasts
- Vue.js 中文教程
- Up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework on SitePoint
- How to make API Calls with Vuex on Metric Loop
- How to Use Vuex to Build a Feature on Metric Loop
- Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals on YouTube by DevMarketer
- Vuex For The Clueless — The Missing Primer On Vue’s Application Data Store
- Real-time Grid Component Laravel, Vue.js, Vuex &
- VueJS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vuex) - Udemy Tutorial
- Develop Web Apps with Vue.js on
- Vue.js 2 - Getting Started
- Vue.js 2 & Vuex (Basics)
- Türkçe VueJS Eğitim Videoları on YouTube by Fatih Acet
- Building a JSON Tree View Component in Vue.js from Scratch in Six Steps on digimondo devblog by Arvid Kahl
- Let's Vue! - OpenLecture 2017.01 in Russian on YouTube by Illya Klymov (@xanf)
- Bootstrapping your first Vue.js application using vue-cli by @afropolymath
- Build vue-hackernews-2.0 from Scratch by @ Detachment
- Role Based Authorization for your Vue.js and Nuxt.js Applications Using vue-kindergarten
- Complete Vue.js Application Tutorial - Creating a Simple Budgeting App with Vue by @matthiaswh
- Vue.js Tutorial: A Prerendered, SEO-Friendly Example
- Vue.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By
- Fetching Data from a Third-Party API with Vue.js and Axios
- Fun Projects with Vue 2 (Video) by Peter van Meijgaard, Packt. (April 2017)
- Vue JS: Simultaneously Running Express and Webpack Dev Server on Medium by Henrik Fogelberg
- Vue JS 2 Tutorials on Youtube by The Net Ninja
- Add a headless CMS to VueJs in 5 Minutes
- vue 架构中的 Watcher
- Building Your First App With Vue.js
- 5 Practical Examples For Learning Vue.js
- Migrating from KnockoutJS to VueJS by @jesalg
- Create a quiz with Vue.js by @rap2h
- Vue.js: Getting Started by @chadcampbell
- Vue.js 2 & Firebase - Building Real Time Single Page Web Applications
- Vue.js 2 & Vue-Resource - Real-World Application With External API Access
- Interactive Vue.js Screencasts For Beginners
- Vue.JS ile NASA API'ını Kullanarak Veri Çekme on YouTube by Ali GÖREN
- Web development with Vue.js 2 (Video) by Olga Filipova, Packt. (June 2017)
- Build a realtime chart with VueJS and Pusher
- Intro to Vue, repo for Frontend Masters Course
- Vue Guide on CSS-Tricks
- Using Typescript in your VueJS app
- Vue.js视频系列,免费、入门、实战 on nodelover
- Vue.js 预览 on
- Vue.js: Development Machine Setup by @chadcampbell
- Building a Vue v2 JS app using Vue-router by @mikestreety
- Build your own carousel with Vue by @Atom_Hernandez
- Unit Testing Vue.js Components with the Official Vue Testing Tools and Jest by @alexjoverm
- Creating Vue.js Transitions & Animation: Live Examples by @udyuxdev
- Creating Custom Vue.js Plugins
- Async in VueJS part 1
- Async in VueJS part 2
- Using localStorage with Vuex store without a plugin by @mikestreety
- Using props for accessing URL parameters within components with Vue Router by @mikestreety
- Deploy Vue.js — SSR(Vuetify) on Production with Pm2 and Nginx
- Testing Vue Components on laracast
- Building a Full Stack Web App with Vue.js and Express.js by @CodyLSeibert
- Vue.js 2 Recipes (Video) by Peter van Meijgaard, Packt. (September 2017)
- Getting Started with Vue.js on
- Building Your First Advanced CRUD Application with Vue 2 (Video) by Peter van Meijgaard, Packt. (July 2017)
- 프론트엔드 개발자를 위한 Vue.js 입문서
- 누구나 다루기 쉬운 Vue.js (Video) on Inflearn by Captain Pangyo
- Build a Vue.js Blog in 2 hours tops on Snipcart
- Getting Started with VueJS 2 by Sachin Bhatnagar @sachinbee on Udemy
- Getting Started with Vuex: Managing State in Vue.js on
- Vue2 ACL using CASL by Sergii Stotskyi
- JavaScript Choice Made Easy - Angular v. React v. Vue (Video) by Daniel Kmak, Packt. (November 2017)
- Vuejs 2.5+ Authentication Tutorial using Auth0 on Storyblok blog
- GraphCMS beginners guide with Vue on GraphCMS
- Vue.js debugging in Chrome and VS Code This recipe shows how to use the Debugger for Chrome extension with VS Code to debug Vue.js applications generated by the Vue CLI.
- Getting Started with Vue JS 2 (Video) by Sachin Bhatnagar, Packt. (January 2018)
- Building a movie app interface with Vue.js by Hassan Djirdeh, @djirdehh
- Let’s Build a Custom Vue.js Router by Hassan Djirdeh, @djirdehh
- Getting started with Vue, Webpack 4 & Babel by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- How to add Bootstrap 4 to your Vue project by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- How to add Semantic UI to your Vue project by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- How to add ESLint to your Vue project by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- How to make content dynamic via URL query parameters in Vue by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- How to enable history mode for AWS S3 hosted Vue applications by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- A basic introduction to debugging Vue applications using breakpoints by Bjorn Krols, @KrolsBjorn
- Build a Vue.Js E-Commerce App with ButterCMS Headless Backend
- Build a voting application with Go and Vue.js
- Build a collaborative painting app using Vue.js
- Build a realtime payment dashboard with Stripe
- Build a cryptocurrency tracker using Vue.js
- Build a design feedback app using Vue.js
- Developing a Single Page App with Flask and Vue.js
- Accepting Payments with Stripe, Vue.js, and Flask
- API Driven Development With Laravel and VueJS (Free Course) on
- Managing State in Vue.js by Hassan Djirdeh, @djirdehh
- Real World Projects with Vue.js by Daniel Khalil, Packt. (August 2018)
- Heartbeat (Vue + NW.js Video series) by @ackzell (2017 - 2018)
- Firebase Server-Side Render Vue Apps with Nuxt.js (Server-side Rendering with JavaScript Frameworks)
- Firebase Measuring Vue SSR Performance with Nuxt.js (Server-side Rendering with JavaScript Frameworks)
- Creating an interactive map with D3 and Vue (October 2018)
- The guide to write universal, SSR-ready Vue components
- Vue.js Fundamentals by Vue School
- Vuex for Everyone by Vue School
- Vue.js Form Validation by Vue School
- The Vue.js Master Class by Vue School
- Vue.js Firebase Realtime Database by Vue School
- Vue.js Firebase Authentication by Vue School
- Dynamic Forms with Vue.js by Vue School
- Custom Vue.js Directives by Vue School
- Vue.js Application Development Essentials by Bartłomiej Potaczek, Packt. (October 2018)
- Troubleshooting Vue.js by Christian Hur, Packt. (October 2018)
- Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Packt. (October 2018)
- Building an Electron File Explorer with Quasar (and Vue) by @hawkeye64. (November 2018)
- Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase on Udemy by the Net Ninja
- Vue JS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex) on Udemy by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- SPA Application using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, and Firebase (Part 1) by Jennifer Bland @ratracegrad. (November 2018)
- SPA Application using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, and Firebase (Part 2) by Jennifer Bland @ratracegrad. (November 2018)
- SPA Application using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, and Firebase (Part 3) by Jennifer Bland @ratracegrad. (November 2018)
- SPA Application using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, and Firebase (Part 4) by Jennifer Bland @ratracegrad. (November 2018)
- Adding Internationalization to a Vue Application by Jennifer Bland @ratracegrad. (November 2018)
- Practical Projects with Vue JS 2 by Jack Herrington, Packt. (December 2018)
- Vue.js 기초 다지기 (Video) on Lessipe by Lessipe
- Full Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node.js by Haider Rehman, Packt. (January 2019)
- Vue for Designers by Design+Code (February 2019)
- Vue Introduction in Turkish by Talat Tufekci
- Data pulling using Vue-Resource in Turkish by Talat Tufekci
- Spa Application using Vue-router in Turkish by Talat Tufekci
- Create Vue Projects using Vue-cli in Turkish by Talat Tufekci
- Messaging between Vue components and Vuex in Turkish by Talat Tufekci
- How to Dynamically Add a Class Name in Vue by Michael Thiessen
- Build a Library web application with Vue JS, Node JS, and SQL or MongoDB using ScaffoldHub By Felipe Lima @scaffoldhub_io
- Building a Realtime Location tracking app with NativeScript + Vue by Saibbyweb
- Starter Application with JWT Auth + sample backend API in Laravel
- Node Webkit + Vue example by @brandonjpierce
- Vue Samples by @superlloyd
- HackerNews clone with vue.js + vue-router by @kazupon
- Electron + Vue example by @bradstewart
- Single page application example (Vue + Voie) by Boris Okunskiy
- Begin - Task Manager SPA written in Vue + Lumen by Raj Abishek
- Vue Mini Shop by BosNaufal
- Vue SoundCloud by mul14
- Feature Requests (Laravel + Vue Combo) by haydenbbickerton
- Vue Cookbook (Vue1.0 + express) by @yjj5855: A demo first screen rendering of a service
- Strong Together - A starter project to build single page Vue.js apps as stand-alone or for Laravel / Laravel Spark projects, based on Browserify and Semantic-ui) by WebSemantics
- vuetest: an ad admin web with user auth, bootstrap ui, uploader, WYSIWYG editor in iframe
- vue-shopping by andylei18
- Vue-cnodejs,060 by @shinygang
- vue-zhihu-daily by hilongjw
- VueChess -Multiplayer online chess game by gustaYo
- Ngexplorer-vuejs-client -Vue client for Ngexplorer by gustaYo
- Vue 2048 (Vue + Webpack) by @pengfu: Popular 2048-Game implemented using Vue,Webpack,Sass,ES6
- Vue Simple PWA by BosNaufal
- Tour of Heroes (Vue 2.0): A Vue 2.0 port of the Angular 2.0 Tour of Heroes demo app. Highlights: ES6/7, render functions, JSX, revue (redux bindings for Vue), vue-router, Airbnb eslint, webpack. by @aweber1
- vue-table-pagination A table with pagination by echovic
- Feathers and Vue 2.0 Blog Admin Demo Demo for using Feathers with Vue 2.0. It includes authentication, vue-router, vue-infinite-loading and roles by delay
- vue-zhihudaily-2.0 Zhihudaily demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering. by cs1707
- vue-demo-todolist a simply vue2.0 demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-cli. by fishenal
- vue-AdminLte by liujians
- Vue(2.0) + Node.js: A blog content manage system (CMS) by @ycwalker
- ngexplorer-quasar -Implementation of Ngexplorer with quasar framework by gustaYo
- zhihu-daily-vue a zhihu daily base on vue2.0 by moonou
- loopback-vue loopback+vue+vue-resource,ionic-app,vue page分页功能,authenticate 权限控制,accesstoken机制,credentials,CI,docker qxl1231
- vue-s3-dropzone A Vue.js drag-and-drop component uploads files to AWS S3 serverlessly
- easy-vue a easy example using the vue to implement easy web with vue 2.0, vuex 2.0, vue-router 2.0, vue-infinite-scroll 2.0, vue-progressbar 2.0 by TIGERB
- Vuex Events Messaging Demo by Metric Loop
- vue-memo a simple demo build with Vue.js(>2.x.), vue-router(>2.x.), vuex(>2.x.), vuex-router-sync@next(>3.x.) and Firebase(>3.6.x) by akifo
- Resume Vue JSON based Resume based on Vue 2.0 by ChangJoo Park
- App example with JWT Authentication developed with Phoenix Framework, Vue and Vue Router (demo) by @Angarsk8
- Sample CRUD app with router in Vue 2.0 by @shershen08
- ASP.NET Core Vue.js server-side rendering sample by @mgyongyosi
- vuefire-quickstart - Documented Firebase integration w/ webpack and eslint, by @sejr.
- hello-vue-django Vue.js and Django integration starter project with hot code reload
- Real Time Social News App developed with Phoenix, Vue, Vue Router and Vuex (demo) by @Angarsk8
- vue-calculator a simply calculator built with Vue 2.0, vue-cli(webpack-simple). by CaiYiLiang
- Wikipedia-viewer A simple wikipedia-viewer page built with vue2.x ,vue-router,vue-cli(webpack-simple) and ajax(jsonp). by CaiYiLiang
- vue2.x-douban A simple of douban movie build with vue2.x,vue-router and axios(豆瓣电影). by Superman
- vue-laravel-example Vue - Laravel - Example is a simple example to set Vue with Laravel. by Jiajian Chan
- vue-foundation A demo app integrating VueJS with Zurb Foundation, built using the webpack vue-cli f
- aspnetcore-Vue-starter A VueJS 2 starter template as part of an MVC dotnetcore project. This template includes the VueJS client app and a backend API controller.
- vue-reddit-app A Reddit SPA demo built with Vue 2.X , Vue Router 2 , Vuex and axios. Using Muse-UI and vue-cli webpack template by @yujiahaol68
- vue-music-qq A qq-music project is based on vue-cli. The pages are simple and smooth
- NavigationTab with Vue-Redux and Plain VueJSX Navigation Tab with both plain Vue JSX and Vue + Redux Binding
- Veggie Map An interactive demo using Vuejs + Vue router + Leaflet and Firebase
- vuejs-d3 examples how to use d3 for visualisations.
- vue-twitter-client A Twitter Client App build with Vue 2.X, Vuex, electron-vue and Electron
- Douban Awesome douban Example created with Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + vue-resource. by jeneser
- Storyblok vuejs-boilerplate - Integrates Storyblok's Component System, allows to create editable Websites.
- Vuexpresso - A boilerplate using VueX, Vue-Router, Vue-Apollo, webpack, GraphQL, Apollo-client, express and mongo
- Vue.js with Sails.js example project - This project is for those who are new to single-page applications and want to learn through a real example.
- Vue.js & Pyramid web framework app - A boilerplate using Pylons Pyramid webframework backend Vuejs webpack2, vue-router, yarn(packet manager)
- vue-feathers-chat A sample realtime chat made with Vue in frontend and Feathers in backend, but using just Socket.IO-Client for the communication
- vue-xplan A rotating earth demo page created with Vue and three.js
- vueSocketChatRoom A socket chat room using vue2.x,vuex2.x,vue-router2.x,vux2.x,
- vue-tetris (Use Vue, Vuex, Immutable to code Tetris) by @Binaryify: Use Vue, Vuex, Immutable to code Tetris.
- route-planner-vue by @Kasheftin: The tool for planning routes with multiple sortable layers, draggable directions, markers and shapes on google map.
- MyDiary-Vue A diary application build with Vue 2.X which is also have contact and todolist function
- VueJS Example Projects on Github by Ali GÖREN
- todo-mvc-webpack by voluntapear TodoMVC implementation on Vue 2 using the webpack-basic template with examples showing vuex, vue-router, central event bus and VueFire.
- Chess Storybook Example with Vue 2.0 by gustaYo
- Vue Weather Notifier A small sample animation app with SVG and Vuex
- Nuxt Type An example Vue project with Nuxt for routing/SSR to demo page transitions
- VueBlog A blog system supporting service side rendering by wmui
- Cinemateka - An example of SPA made with Vue v1 & Laravel 5. Film & events schedule. Russian comments.
- vue-2.x-boilerplate - A simple and small starter kit for a Vue project Vuex + vue-router
- vue-minesweeper - A deadly simple minesweeper game with vuejs by rhapsodyn
- X-Flowchart-Vue - A flowchart editor with SVG and Vue by OXOYO
- koa-vue-notes-web - A fleshed-out SPA using Koa 2.3 on the backend and Vue 2.4 on the frontend. Includes fully featured user-authentication components, CRUD actions for the user's notes, and Vuex store modules.
- Vuejs Shopping Cart - Shopping cart example using Vuejs and Firebase
- PokedexVueJs by @rchung95
- vuefire-auth A Vuefire Vue2-Auth-Email Verification with Firebase
- vuefire-realtimedatabase A Vuefire Vue2-RealtimeDatabaseCRUD with Firebase
- vuefire-storage A Vuefire Vue2-Storage with Firebase
- Vue2-PWA-Blog by @deepak-singh
- vue-firebase-auth-vuex A Vue2 Firebase Authentication with Vuex and support Progressive Web Apps
- vue-chart-stater-kit Quick starter using Vue Router, Vue Chart, Element-UI
- vue2.0-demos using mint-ui, Element-UI,And have Some demos(select city and so on)
- conway Conway's Game of Life in Vue.
- vuex-feature-scoped-structure An example application of the feature scoped vuex application structure
- vuex-examples - Simple Examples on using Vuex to build Real World Apps
- vue-vuex-todomvc - Example TodoMVC Vue.js app with Vuex store and server backend via REST and full set of E2E tests using test runner.
- vuejs-sqljs-boilerplate - This is a boilerplate to use both Vue.js and sql.js together
- X-WebDesktop-Vue - The WebDesktop system based on Vue by OXOYO
- vuejs-music-player - A Vue.js lite music player
- Vue.js Best Practices Example Project - A best practices example project using Vue.js + Vue Router + Vuex + Vuelidate
- Vue.js [ONE] client - [ONE] client written with Vue2.5
- Vue.js 2.5 with vue-cli v3 including authentication with auth0 by Dominik Angerer, Storyblok
- Skeleton Vue+TypeScript - TypeScript, VueJS, ElementUI, Vue Router, Vuex, Material Icons, BrowserSync, Dockerfile
- PENV Starter by @jesalg - A basic example of how to use VueJS, Express and PostgreSQL in conjunction.
- vue-relay-examples - A collection of example applications using vue-relay.
- laravel-vue-boilerplate - A Laravel 5.5 SPA boilerplate with a users CRUD using Vue.js 2.5, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass, Pug and Jest.
- Vue Design System - An open source boilerplate for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js.
- Vue Bulma Demo - A simple demo website to check out Bulma / Vue JS & express in conjunction.
- Starter application ready for production with TypeScript, vuex, vue-router, HMR and more
- vue.js与laravel结合的前后端分离开发模板- A template website to laravel passport / Vue.JS & Element UI.
- Hands-On Web Development with Vue.js by Roman Kuba, Packt. (May 2018)
- Vue Online Shopping Mall - A online shopping mall SPA demo, 基于VUE开发的前后端分离电子商城前端项目
- FUE - Admin SPA client and server side boilerplate with Vue.js + Vue Router + Vuex + Vuetify + FeathersJS
- Vue + TypeScript Cookbook - A small cookbook covering some less-than-obvious solutions for people getting started with Vue + TypeScript
- Vuejs Examples
- ASP.NET Core Vue Starter CLI 3.0 A Vue starter template using Vue CLI 3.0 with custom configuration (default TypeScript, Vue, Router, Vuex, Vuetify) integrated with ASP.NET Core by @SoftwareAteliers (September 2018)
- vue-soundcloud A Soundcloud client built with Vue.js 2, by Soroush Chehresa
- vue-cart A simple shop cart made with vue, vuex and vue router. by crisgon
- Nuxt + Apollo + Element A Vue.js SSR boilerplate with Nuxt, Element (custom theme) and Vue Apollo.
- vue-daily-zhihu a simple demo build with Vue 2.0 & vue-router & vuex by walleeeee
- charcoal A starter template using the Vue CLI 3.0 and styled with Bulma by Seth Davis
- Multi-page ASP.NET Core Vue with TypeScript - Multi-page ASP.NET Core Vue, Typescript, Vuex, Vue router, Bulma, Sass and Jest application. Template/starting point on how to use Vue.js as a multi page(multiple mini spa's) application in .NET Core MVC.
- CION - Design system boilerplate for Vue.js - A design system build primarily for Vue.js applications. It utilizes design tokens, a living styleguide with integrated code playgrounds and reusable components for common UI tasks.
- Vue websockets example - A basic example of Websockets usage with Vue.js 2 + Node project for full working example.
- Vue(2.0) + Node.js: A blog by @FatDong1
- vue-todo-list ToDo List sample app based on Vue + Vuex + Vuetify + Vee-Validate
- Vue.js and Ionic v4 examples - A set of examples of how to use Ionic v4 with Vue.js
- Personal Website that use Vue, Vuex and Vue-Router - A simple website example that made with vue, vuex and vue-router by Muratcan Şentürk
- Client-Side Vue.js - Demo - Vue.js client-side for tiny, quick-loading, node.js-less Single Page Apps by Justin Wash
- Large scale Vue.js application boilerplate + Vuex
- Snake game on Vue.js without Canvas
- Build a Vue chat app with CometChat
- The Majesty Of Vue.js by Alex Kyriakidis & Kostas Maniatis, Packt. (Nov 2016)
- Learning Vue.js 2 by Olga Filipova, Packt. (Dec 2016)
- The Majesty Of Vue.js 2 by Alex Kyriakidis and Kostas Maniatis, Leanpub. (Mar 2017)
- Vue.js 2 Cookbook by Andrea Passaglia, Packt. (May 2017)
- Vue.js in Action by Erik Hanchett and Benjamin Listwon (Spring 2018)
- Testing Vue.js Applications by Edd Yerburgh (Summer 2018)
- Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development by Olga Filipova, Packt. (September 2017)
- Front-end com Vue.js by Leonardo Vilarinho, Casa do Código. (November 2017)
- Vue.js 2 Web Development Projects by Guillaume Chau, Packt. (November 2017)
- Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5 by Anthony Gore, Packt. (December 2017)
- Vue.js 2.x by Example by Mike Street, Packt. (December 2017)
- Mastering Vue.js by Oleksandr Kocherhin. (January 2018)
- Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js by Hassan Djirdeh, Nate Murray, & Ari Lerner. (March 2018)
- Vue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices by Paul Halliday, Packt. (March 2018)
- Vuex Quick Start Guide by Andrea Koutifaris, Packt. (April 2018)
- Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node by Aneeta Sharma, Packt. (May 2018)
- The Vue Handbook by Flavio Copes. (July 2018)
- ASP.NET Core 2 and Vue.js by Stuart Ratcliffe, Packt. (July 2018)
- Vue.js: Construa aplicações incríveis by Caio Incau, Casa do Código. (September 2017)
- Getting to Know Vue.js by Brett Nelson, Apress. (August 2018)
- Vue: Build & Deploy by Daniel Schmitz, Leanpub. (September 2018)
- Building Applications with Spring 5 and Vue.js 2 by James J. Ye, Packt. (October 2018)
- Vue.js Quick Start Guide by Ajdin Imsirovic, Packt. (October 2018)
- Vue.js Component Patterns Course by Frederik Dietz (April 2019)
Blog Posts
- Vue x Hasura GraphQL
- Using GraphQL Mutations in Vue.js
- Learn How To Build A Data-Driven Search UI with Vue.JS
- Using GitLab CI/CD to auto-deploy your Vue.js application to AWS S3
- Dockerizing a Vue App
- Deploying a Flask and Vue App to Heroku with Docker and Gitlab CI
- Large-scale Vuex application structures by Kevin Peters
- Composing computed properties in Vue.js by Kevin Peters
- Learn how to refactor Vue.js Single File Components with a real-world example by Kevin Peters
Projects Using Vue.js
Open Source
- PageKit - Modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js.
- - Compare npm packages and spot download trends.
- Koel - A personal music streaming server that works.
- Raven Reader - Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js.
- Gokotta - A simple music player built by electron and vue.
- CoPilot - An admin portal based on AdminLTE with vue.js integration.
- Retrospectify - A simple tool for doing collaborative retrospectives in agile teams.
- jade-press - Cms based on mongodb, nodejs, koa, vue and more.
- astralapp - Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease.
- EME - An Elegant Markdown Editor.
- Github-explorer - A spa which can help you check your github in a better way.
- Hotel - Start your dev servers from your browser and get local domains in seconds.
- Surfbird - A Twitter client written with modern web technologies.
- Approach0 - A math-aware search engine.
- Flox - Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List.
- JavaScript Guessing Game - A game for identifying JavaScript tools and libraries.
- vue-ghpages-blog - A blog based on GitHub pages by Vue.js 2 + Webpack 2.
- Vuedo - Blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- vue-music163 - A Vue.js project for music.
- Tomato5 - Real-time collaboration tool, it combines Pomodoro Technique with a team status share board.
- Web Learn - A service which provides simple access to thousands of video tutorials on web developing and programming.
- ExcelJSON - A tool to convert CSV, TSV to/from JSON.
- Materialize-blog - A material blog built with Laravel5.3 and Vue2.x.
- VueCompomnentGenerator - Generate vue single file component on browser.
- SDR News - News for web designers and developers aggregated from multiple sources (Reddit, Hacker News and Prominent Blogs).
- PJ Blog - Open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- Lulumi-browser - Lulumi-browser is a light weight browser coded with Vue.js 2 and Electron.
- vue-wordpress-pwa
- OpenAPI 3 viewer - Browse and test a REST API described with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
- Stacer - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring
- - An orientation guide for Linux beginners
- Buka - EBook Management
- Docute - A framework for writing documentation without build process
- pm86 - Production process manager for Node.js apps Websites
- vms - A Vue.js 2.0 Management System
- nativescript-vue - A Vue.js implementation of the NativeScript renderer.
- piper - A drag-and-drop mobile website builder base on Vue.
- mmf-blog-vue2 - A blog based on Vue2(Vue-router, Vuex) and Webpack2.
- Media Manager - Web File Manager.
- dyu/bookmarks - A self-contained, self-hosted bookmarking app powered by leveldb, built with Vue2.1.x.
- JSON Schema Editor - An intuitive editor for JSON schema. Develop with Vue.js 2 and Firebase.
- npm-stats - npm package download statistics dashboard
- vue2-admin-lte - a project that converts AdminLTE to work with Vuejs (v2.x).
- Dockeron - A project built on Electron + Vue.js for Docker on desktop.
- Flamme - An open source Tinder desktop client built with electron and Vue.js for educational purposes
- Goldfish - A HashiCorp Vault UI built with VueJS, Golang, and Bulma CSS
- Adminify - An Admin dashboard based on Vuetify, check the Online Demo
- promptie - A framework written in Vue.js for creating command-line like interfaces in web browsers.
- Hare - ? Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js
- Paper-Dashboard -Creative Tim Paper Dashboard made for Vue
- AdminLTE-VueJS2 - An open source project that implements VueJS (v2.x) on AdminLTE.
- Material Dashboard - Creative Tim Material Dashboard made for Vue
- Explore-Github - VueJS 2 Github Explorer Using API v3
- CoreUI - Open Source Admin Template powered by Vue.js
- ChuckNorris - Chuck Norris Jokes Generator built with VueJS +
- LeafPlayer - A simple and fast, privately hosted music streaming server.
- JSON Editor - A schema-aware JSON editor. Develop with Vue2.
- Voten - A Reddit-like platform built with Vue2 and Laravel.
- News Weaver - A web based RSS Reader/Aggregator made using VueJS and VuetifyJS
- Wake Up Billie Joe! - A web site countdown to October, based on Green Day's song Wake me up when September Ends. Created using Vue and Firebase.
- Astrum - A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project.
- vue2-pwa-vision - A Face Detection Google Cloud Vision with Vue2 + Vuetify + Progressive Web App
- vue2-pwa-rekognition - A Face Detection Amazon Rekognition with Vue2 + Vuetify + Progressive Web App
- - meta search site for online ammo prices across Canada
- - A Vue.js single page application for basic task Management & messaging using ASP .NET Webapi 2 and SQL server
- Book-Trading-Club - Trade or loan books with other book readers in your area. Built using nodejs and vuejs2
- vuejs-extension-pack vscode - An extension packf or vscode with popular VS Code extensions for Vue.js development.
- Wiki.js - A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown
- vue-pwa-speech - A Speech to text With Google Cloud Speech on Vue2 + Vuetify + Progressive Web App
- vue-speech-streaming - A Performing Streaming Speech Recognition results in real time Speech To Text with Google Cloud Speech + on Progressive Web App
- My Animation List - A tool to easy get css animation code
- vue-input-streaming - A TextInput Streaming RealTime And Two Way Data Binding Broadcasting with Pusher
- TidyTab - A Chrome extension for tidying up those tabs.
- peregrine-cms - A Vue.js and Apache Sling based head-optional CMS
- concept-to-clinic - Lung cancer prediction project with Vue.js interface
- grid-awesome - Generate boilerplate css for grid layouts using the css display: grid; property.
- Light Bootstrap Dashboard - Creative Tim Light Bootstrap Dashboard made for Vue
- Hubaga - A free and lightweight WordPress eCommerce plugin for developers and other digital shops.
- vue-webpack-buefy - Vue.js starter with full-featured Webpack and Buefy
- Coypu - Text-editor-like weekly planner
- core-server - Highly scalable VueJs framework with an integrated API system, and multiple advanced features.
- discord-logo - A Vue.js animated discord logo generator based on SVGs. (Github Page)
- node-vue-template - A starter template for building complete application using Node.js (API) and Vue.js (SPA) with some included packages and configurations to help start the development quickly.
- vue-storefront - Vue.js Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento2 supported.
- fd-vue - Vue.js client for an IoT framework
- wildfire - A drop-in replacement for other comment plug-ins.
- Ride Receipts - Simple automation desktop app to download and organize your tax invoices from Uber and Lyft.
- vue-chrome-extension-boilerplate - Boilerplate for Chrome extension using Vue.js and Webpack
- TimeMark - A Time manager which will can record your time and some more function will be developed.
- Laravel Enso - SPA Admin Panel built with Bulma, VueJS and Laravel, packing lots of features out of the box.
- Code Notes - A simple code snippet manager for developers built with Electron & Vue.js.
- Pomotroid - Simple, visually-pleasing and customizable Pomodoro timer.
- XMR Miner - Cryptocurrency (XMR) mining app, built with Vue.js and visualized with D3
- XMR Paper - Monero wallet generator, built with Vue.js
- JoyProxy - Chrome extension for handling proxy settings
- activity-automation - Manage daily activities and get reports on timely basis.
- jsettlers-web Popular German board game to build hexes, settlements, cities, roads with earned resources
- Tamiat CMS - Tamiat is a front-end focused CMS, uses Vue.JS as the frontend and integrates with Firebase for the backend functionality.
- vuegg - vue GUI generator: Create mockups and code in one go! It leverages the creation of pages, components and styles with its visual editor. Generate all scaffolding code for your next vuejs project.
- Podlove Web Player - Podcast-optimized, HTML5-based audio player featuring chapters, transcripts and embedding.
- Leo Vue - Use the open source Leo outlining editor/IDE to create webapps with nested menus, with support for Vue components in content.
- Justine - A configurable HTML documentation generator (currently supports JSDoc) using Vue components for the documentation template
- Deezer-Vue - Deezer client built with Vue\Vuex
- - Online SFC editor for Vue
- V·oogle -, reVued
- Pomidorus - Pomodoro time tracker build using Vue and D3 ?
- Hubble - ? Travel through GitHub Stars' history.
- Vuepress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- Socialhome - A federated rich profile builder with social networking features
- GenVue - a hostable, web application that lets confidential users upload and share private files build on Vue.js, Vuetifyjs and NetCore WebAPI stack
- vue-array - Array object operation under Vue, Array object operation under Vue Use this package to manipulate the array. Vue can monitor the changes in the array
- Laqu-l - A complete App starter kit with Quasar Framework, GraphQL API backend with OAUTH 2.0 authentication, Firebase ready, multilanguage capability and more.
- Protovue - A prototyping component library that helps designers and developers quicky scaffold an abstracted app layout.
- Chattier - SPA social network built with Laravel 5.6, Vue.js 2, and Bulma (Buefy components + Bulmaswatch themes). Also uses JWT authentication.
- chrome-ribbon-reminder - A Chrome extension written using Vue and Async/Await. Uses a popup display and changes badge counts.
- Faviator - A simple easy favicon generator.
- Modular Genealogy - Genealogy / family tree management system using Laravel 5.7, Vue.js 2.5 and various components. Work in progress.
- Minimal Notes - Web app build with Vue.js
- Roast an app built to help coffee enthusiasts find their next cup of coffee while learning about Laravel + Vue.js.
- Stack Edit - In-browser Markdown editor
- Bael Blog Template - A static generated blog template that uses Netlify CMS for the backend and Netlify for hosting. Features a brutalist aesthetic, fuzzy search, serverless email signup, and more.
- Buefy Shop Sample shop, open source, built with Nuxt, Stripe, Firebase, Bulma and Serverless Functions.
- sysmon A B/S mode system monitor for Linux. You can remotely watch the usage of your system resources via web browser everywhere.
- eth-vue A Truffle Box that provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with Vue.js, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled.
- Nippon-color Inspired by nipponcolors dot com. This is a nippon-color PWA build with vue-cli 3.
- Saleina CMS A static site content management system built with vue using git as a backend.
- Vuido A framework for creating native desktop applications. It can run on Windows, OS X and Linux, using native GUI components.
- YouGet YouTube Video/Audio/Subtitle Downloader + Cutter
- Vue Pug Stylus Vue + Pug + Stylus boilerplate ? ? ?
- Crypto News allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, view latest news and exchange rates for each ICO – all the data from the world of cryptocurrencies in one place.
- Epiboard A new tab page extension with material design and useful features ? ?
- zhudyos/duic Distributed configuration center ?
- Vuemmerce Free ecommerce template built with Vue.js and Bulma framework ?
- Nucleus Layered architecture ASP.NET Core API and Vuejs client application startup template
- Carpoolear The open source Vue.js frontend (mobile and cordova app) for the argentinian carpooling application: Carpoolear
- Statusfy: Statusfy is a Status Page System, easy to use and completely Open Source.
- DynamoDb-GUI-Client: Cross-platform GUI client for DynamoDb
- RosterWebApp Open source rostering web application which allows the rostering of employees/teams to work sessions and other features.
- Vue E-Store Templet - An e-commerce templet build with vue/vuex/vue-router and bootstrap4.
- Kitty Ipsum - Generate lorem ipsum composed of "meow" in different languages.
- Git Superstar - Count your git stars and top repositories.
- Twill - An open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible.
- MATH_BOT - Learn math by programming a robot.
- Vue Crossword - A Vue.js based crossword puzzle builder and filler front-end application. Built with CodeSandbox.
- Vue Org Chart - Manage and publish your interactive organization chart (orgchart), free and no webserver required.
- Beep - Account Security Scanner built with Vue.js and Ionic 4
- Vue CRUD - Vue.js based REST-ful CRUD system. Vue CRUD allows you to easily create fast applications such as CMS or CRM.
- Vue HQ Admin Dashboard – A modern admin dashboard powered by Vue, Sass, Firestore, and Netlify.
- MToDo - Mini To Do Lists with simple auth built with Vue.js and JSON Server as data mock. Great as reference for anyone that finding reference about real world Vue.js
- FireX Proxy - FireX Proxy is the user's trusted Chrome and Firefox browser extension that allows you to unblock any website and browse the web privately and securely. ?
- VueSolitaire - Solitaire (spider,klondike) imlemented in Vue.js.
- Thermal - One stop to all Git repository.
- QMK Configurator - QMK Firmware Keyboard Configuration UI in Vue.js.
- Eplee Sweet, simple epub reader made with Vue.js and Electron.js.
- vue-realworld-example-app - Exemplary fullstack clone
- Daily - Curated dev news delivered to your new tab ???
- Laravel File Manager - Powerful file manager for Laravel
- Vue Crypto Dashboard - Cryptocurrency Dashboard made with Vue.js
Commercial Products
- Wijmo - A collection of UI controls with VueJS support.
- Collate Notes
- Formester - Form, email marketing automation made easy
- ChatWoot - Livechat and agent collaboration over Facebook messenger.
- VueA - VueJS Admin template with multiple layouts and laravel version.
- Teleo - Team collab-app moving effortlessly between talking, planning & doing
- Cover - A high quality Component Library built on Vue.js
- EducationLink - CRM and sales automation for education agents and colleges.
- Pragmatic v2.0 - Responsive and configurable admin template built with Vue.js and Element.
- Seat - Simple and modern team communication and collaboration solution.
- Moonitor - Cryptocurrency tracker for Desktop.
- Deskree - Online collaboration platform that combines Ideas, Tasks, and Issues in one place.
- OSHCExpress - A comparison and ecommerce for OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) insurance (Australia's insurance for international students).
- Agiloo - Project Management app for Scrum and Kanban
- ScaffoldHub - Online Web App Generator for VueJS with NodeJS, and MongoDB or SQL.
- Commandeer - Could Management Reimagined. A Desktop cloud management app built with Vue.js and Electron.
- SA Email Builder - Email template builder responsive made with VueJS and Quasar Framework
- Laravel Spark
- Vice Video
- Formlets
- Laracasts
- 稀土掘金
- Prague Airport
- Portfolio Site
- Laravist
- Atiiv - An app aimed for personal trainers and their clients.
- Statamic
- Embalses! - A tool to report water dam level using the U.S. Geological Survey database.
- TravelMap - A simple way for travelers to create a blog based on a Map.
- Proper Cloth Shirt Builder - Custom shirt builder.
- CheckIt
- Reddit News - A browser extension which show notifications and news from reddit.
- Powerpuff Yourself by Cartoon Networks
- 小桃酱
- cloudradioo - Web app that plays randomly all top 50 songs from the soundcloud charts
- vNotes - Simple and beautiful notepad to Markdown with Vue.js and Local Storage API.
- Open Function Computers
- Dermail - A webmail client written in Vue.js for Dermail, a mail system written in node.js.
- octimine - A patent search engine.
- Draxed - A web based MySQL and PostgreSQL data browser and dashboard manager.
- Leapspotleap - A simple way to look up wikipedia articles near you. Or simply navigate to a place and find interesting wikipedia information. Responsive web app.
- X-SONGTAO - A Personal blog. FE and CMS are in same vue SPA.
- Jobinja - A Job Board and career platform operating in Iran.
- 滚蛋吧!莆田系 - Show all Putian hospital information
- Jobi : Recruiting Platform
- The Spice House - Ecommerce website for high quality spices. Checkout, cart, the product detail page, and search are built using Vue. Checkout is a single page app written with Vue & Vuex.
- Livestorm - Webinar / Live events app.
- Metric Loop - A technology services and solutions website.
- Holden
- Global-Exam - Online Training for Language Proficiency Tests
- SlugSurvival - A webapp that helps student better plan their courses (hobby project, not in affiliation with UCSC).
- FreePoll.Online - A group decision making tool built using Vue.js, vue-sortable, Semantic UI and Zappa.
- GitRelease - Track github project's new release on mac menubar using vue.js with electron.
- 12BAY.VN - Applications online flight bookings.
- PLAYCODE.IO - Playground for Rapid Frontend Experiments.
- The Void Radio - Underground House Music Online Radio.
- Bitly Vue - Shorten URLs with VueJS & Bitly API.
- Storyblok - API Based/Decoupled CMS using VueJS for its frontend.
- WizzAir
- Moving to HTTPS - Guide to moving different platform/hosting sites to HTTPS
- Booknshelf - Discover great books and bookshelves on different topics.
- Top HN - A real time display of top news activity on Hacker News
- Euronews - Euronews is a multilingual news media service, headquartered in Lyon, France.
- Roozame روزامه� - Roozame is a Persian smart news media service.
- Koumoul
- NinjaCalc - A suite of embedded engineering related calculators, built as an open-source single-page app with vue.js.
- Vue.js Feed - The latest Vue.js news, tutorials, plugins, and more. Made with Vue.js and Laravel, based on Vuedo.
- 蒜瓣 - A web app developed with Vue2.0 and Douban API
- Guess Right - A 'guess the word' game - Written with Vue/vuex/vue-router (front-end) and Laravel/MySQL (back-end). Code is Open Source on GitHub (although not the live files that run the game at kdcinfo).
- GRAP - Business communication service
- Easy Mock
- mmf-blog-vue2-ssr A blog built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering
- JSON Schema Editor - An intuitive editor for JSON schema built with Vue.js and Firebase.
- Winsome Trivia - A single or multiplayer trivia game featuring over 2,000 unique questions built with Vue.js and powered by the Open Trivia Database.
- Moon Organizer - Lunar calendar app
- Flash-Vue - ‘Flashcards of the Future’ bring learning everywhere ?
- Kinderbesteck - A full Online Shop SPA with Vue2.0, Vuex, Vue Router
- n2ex - A vue ssr(nust) website, use v2ex API
- Power Thesaurus - A crowdsourced online thesaurus
- Chattanosy - A community-powered database of new things and places in Chattanooga, TN.
- PAIXIN - A genuine picture sale website
- CodeBottle - Drag-and-drop snippets to your projects
- 1XBET - A betting company operating since 2007
- MyOwnTV - A streaming website for creating internet television
- CrowdCircus - Europe’s biggest crowdfunding- and crowdinvesting-aggregator
- Talk to Someone - Free, anonymous and confidential online text chat with strangers around the world.
- 轮子工厂 - A ui components and libraries sharing website
- ابیات ناب پارسی - A collection of Persian poems
- Ripplectron - Ripple(Blockchain coin) Wallet Desktop client for vue-electron
- PingBreak A free and simple website monitoring service using vuejs for real-time dashboard
- Todoist Tribute - Todoist clone, written in Rails + Vue
- JSON Editor - A schema-aware JSON editor built with Vue2 and firebase.
- Develteam - A social network for indie game developers.
- Mixsii - A free video chat room site for teens, adults, family, and friends.
- PipQuest - A retro-style puzzle game built in Vue
- Matryx - A decentralized collaboration platform.
- iPrevYou - YouTube™ Player - A chrome app for watching youtube videos on your desktop.
- Item Manager - An application to transfer items for Destiny 2 game.
- Frontend Masters Intro to Vue - Frontend Masters full day course
- TR-101 - A drum synth / sequencer.
- Bazaar - Media sharing platform.
- WynnStats - A unofficial WynnCraft statistics.
- Vectr - A free vector graphics software
- brain bits - A P300 online spelling mechanism for Emotiv headsets
- Coin Dashboard - The fully client-side cryptocurrency asset dashboard.
- Habitica - online task management application in the form of a role-playing game.
- MadeWithVueJs - A Gallery of Projects made with Vue.js (also the Site itself uses Vue.js)
- CodeDependencyScanner - A C# dektop application that display .Net assembly code dependencies build with Vue, Neutronium and D3.js.
- Thousand Ether Homepage - The Million Dollar Homepage reimagined as an Ethereum DApp. Build on Vue.js and open source.
- Let's Enchance - free online image upscale and enhancement with neural networks.
- Pi.TEAM - Online Invoicing and Accounting - Simple to use online accounting and invoicing, free for single users and freelancers.
- Vuethwallet - A simple app generate ethereum wallet with vuejs.
- Tipe - Next Generation API-first CMS. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your apps.
- Vuethexplore - A simple app explore ethereum blockchain with vuejs.
- Fintechers - Fintech focused job board.
- Devjournal - Collaborative todo list for projects and ideas.
- Bubbleflat - Online platform that helps students and young Professionals find their perfect roommates by searching for people with similar lifestyles, interests, or schools. Laravel & Vuejs
- TeaQuinox Tea Co -- ecommerce site that specializes in loose leaf tea.
- blip - Test websites for speed, mobile-friendliness, security and the HTML5 doctype. Find businesses around a location and test their websites en masse, or just test your own URL.
- sunpos - Sun position, elevation, azimuth, ecliptic/equatorial coordinates and sunrise/sunset time (Julian day) calculation and conversion utilities. Web site is programmed using pure JS, Vuejs and i18n Vuejs localization plugin. Visualization is created using D3.js.
- U3xyz - A personal blog base on vue ssr.
- - Ukraine-based internet hypermarket
- Chess Guardian - Answer chess positional questions from your own games.
- Blackjack Break - A quick game of blackjack
- MECHANICAL - Reddit mod for Firefox that surfaces contextual data insights.
- GameVix - Swap your used video game discs with others, hassle free. PWA with Material Design.
- VivifyScrum - Agile project management app for teams that deliver. Customizable Scrum and Kanban boards.
- 9GAG - Popular online platform and social media website
- CryptoVue - Real-time cryptocurrency dashboard
- Kitchen Stories - Cooking platform
- MailRabbit - Create, A/B test, and monitor transactional emails without a developer.
- Vue资源精选 - great Vue components list, category, inline demo show and brief
- Cronhub - Painless Cron Monitoring Tool
- wrkprty - Pop-up coworking events for freelancers, remote workers, and professionals looking to get out of the office.
- Made with love - The Made with Love ❤️ around the world, initiative is a movement to celebrate ?, promote ? and build a brand ?. It feed Tech news, design inspiration and trends from over ? sources including Dribbble, ProductHunt, Behance and Techcrunch. ?
- Path to Product - Discover over 1,000 product jobs at startups and tech companies.
- V·oogle -, reVued. A joke-project. :)
- Broker Notes - 'Study to become a Real Estate Agent' ?
- SyncLounge - SyncLounge is a tool to sync Plex content across multiple players in multiple locations.
- - The website of an Italian agency, entirely made with Vue using a Laravel-based headless CMS.
- Pages - Web design inspiration
- Scrumpy - A Beautiful Project Management Tool for Agile Teams
- Spektrum - The website of Spektrum Media Agency
- SPK The website of SPK Ecosystem
- IDDEF ☪️ The Federation of the Associations that Value Humanity's webpage, CMS, CRM and Donation and all e-commerce pages are designed with Vue.js, Vuex and pure JavaScript ?
- Configuration File Management - A simple way to manage your configuration files
- Roast an app built to help coffee enthusiasts find their next cup of coffee while learning about Laravel + Vue.js.
- YBR - Centralized YBS Public eComplaint Management System. (Full SPA)
- Regex Fiddler
- Myanpwel - The website of event ticketing platform.
- CryptoArte - An Ethereum art collection, non-fungible token, and Dapp.
- Muuviez - A movie discovery and tracking website with stylish design
- NAGA VIRTUAL - NAGA VIRTUAL is the first independent virtual goods market.
- - is an independent news, information, and entertainment venture.
- Akunyi - Charity Website
- What Would Mark Ruffalo Do? - Motivational website based on the story that Mark Ruffalo failed at several hundred auditions before finding success.
- Brandy - brand assets manager for your menu bar.
- Ruster社区 - Rust fullstack community forum for CN.
- NBC Sports - NBC Sports is a sports news website.
- WITHIN - Extraordinary stories in Virtual Reality.
- - Plan your running and cycling routes
- beCamp - A community-organized tech conference in Charlottesville, VA. Website code is open-source.
- Trustpilot - a free and open to all review platform.
- Lagom - Simple, intuitive and fully responsive WHMCS theme
- ScoutMyTrip - Roadtrip Planner - Road trip planning app for India which helps travelers to build their itinerary, discover points of interest, find hotels, gas stations, food joints etc along the route.
- Podflix - Podcast app.
- GamersClub - Biggest company of eSport community development in Brazil
- MIT - Official Website of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Elvenar - Elvenar is a browser based fantasy city builder game.
- Beacon - ? A service that allows you to share your content across multiple websites.
- Artfinder - Artfinder is a website for buying & selling art paintings.
- Rolodromo - A spanish website dedicated to tabletop RPG.
- GitHubExplorer - Pure static page webapp for exploring GitHub. Using
andGitHub GraphQL API v4
. - Keynote - Present with Vue.
- HappyPlants - A progressive web app for organizing your plants ?.
- Pocket Lists - World's friendliest to-do list app.
- Padlet - Collaborative bulletin boards
- Glovo - On-demand delivery
- MySigMail - MySigMail is a free, in browser, email signature generator without creating account
- Wordguru - A simple verbal game where you split into teams and try to guess as many keywords as you can.
- ApiFlash - A Chrome based screenshot API built on top of AWS Lambda for Developers
- Kitty Ipsum - Generate lorem ipsum composed of "meow" in different languages.
- Git Superstar - Count your git stars and top repositories.
- DECS - The decentralised all-in-one workspace to manage code snippets and to protect sensitive data.
- Careup - Business management tool for dentists ?.
- Asciiur - Internet's ascii art collection
- Tapestri Designer - Free tool to design PCR primers for genome sequencing experiments (NGS)
- Remote-Access-SSH - Web based remote host access with node-ssh
- Map Marker Generator - A Free Online Tool To Generate Custom Map Icons On The Fly
- Monocle Reader - Follow feeds, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs and everything else, all in one place.
- 前站导航 - 前端社区、文档收录.
- Geenes - Generate and apply color palettes to your UI, then export it to sketch or code.
- Blurrish - Encrypted Morning Pages journal for Mac/Windows, built with Vue and Electron. Blurs as you write so you can journal in public workspaces.
- ExifShot - What and how on photography, beautifully.
- Studolog - Online file sharing platform for students, including tester and reviews. Currently in Czech ?? only.
- sum.cumo – Digital business models (with Vue as a tech stack centerpiece).
- Gamebrary - Open source tool to organize video game collections.
- Guds - Compare prices across supermarkets. Only available in México ??.
- Premium Poker Tools - What poker players use to study.
- QMK Configurator - Configure, Build, and Download Custom QMK Firmware from your browser.
- Worksome - Marketplace/platform for qualified it professionals and freelancers and companies looking to hire them.
- Translator-vuejs - Translation App built with Vuejs, Yandex API & ResponsiveVoice.js API.
- Big Timer - Fullscreen countdown timer for workshops, meetings and presentations. Big Timer helps workshop facilitators, meeting chairs, design sprinters, presenters and aspiring game show hosts stick to their program.
- Wirenook - Free online app for building responsive website wireframes. Hi- and Lo- Fidelity, project sharing and svg download.
- Kvalitetskontroll - Norwegian management system tailored for the construction industry.
- Poolside FM - A retro-style music player
Interactive Experiences
- Jean-Pierre Morin | 1700 LAPOSTE
- Facebook NewsFeed
- YouTube AdBlitz 2016
- Omnisense Experience
- Louis Ansa Website (portfolio)
- Meet Graham
- NOIZE original
- TR-101 Synth Drum Machine
- Bootstrap 4 Editor
- Subtletab - Browser Extension
- web-riimote - Turn your smartphone into a 3D controller (source code)
- CSS ColorVars - Interactive tool code generation (source code)
Enterprise Usage
- Alibaba
- Baidu
- Sina Weibo
- Xiaomi
- Optimizely
- Expedia
- UCWeb
- Line
- Nintendo
- Celtra
- Sainsbury's
- Octimine GmbH
- Hunliji
- GitLab
- Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
- ZenMate
- Codeship
- Storyblok
- Monito - Building the for international money transfers
- Hypefactors - Software for data-driven PR professionals
- Adobe
- Cotabox
- Aromajoin - Develop the finest digital scent products based on the harmony of hardware, software and material technology.
- Carrefour
- Vue A11y project - Vue.js community project to improve web accessibility.
- vue-skip-to - It helps people who only use the keyboard to jump to what matters most.
- vue-axe - Accessibility auditing for Vue.js applications.
- vue-announcer - A simple way with Vue to announce any useful information for screen readers.
- eslint-plugin-vue-a11y - Static AST checker for accessibility rules on elements in .vue
- vue-focus-lock - It is a trap! A lock for a Focus. A11y util for scoping a focus.
- vue-a11y-calendar - Accessible, internationalized Vue calendar.
Components & Libraries
UI Components
Tables / data grids
- vuetable-2 - Data table simplify.
- vue-tables-2 - Vue.js 2 grid components.
- vue-datasource - A vue.js server side component to create dynamic tables.
- ag-grid-vue - Vue adaptor for ag-Grid.
- vue-data-tables - Vue2.0 DataTables, based on element-ui.
- vue-floatThead - Vue 2.0 component for floatThead, a floating & sticky table header plugin.
- vuetiful-datatable - Datatable component with sorting, filtering, pagination, grouping and aggregation.
- vue-materialize-datatable - VueJS datatable for Materialize CSS
- vue-good-table - An easy to use, VueJS (2.x) table plugin with sorting, column filtering, pagination etc.
- vue-grid - A flexible grid component for Vue.js
- vue-easytable - A powerful table components based on Vue2.x
- vue2-datatable-component - The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks
- vue-js-grid - Vue.js 2.x responsive grid system with smooth sorting, drag-n-drop and reordering
- vue-handsontable-official A Vue.js wrapper for the Handsontable spreadsheet component
- vue-grid - A powerful flexbox grid system for Vue.js 2.x, built with inline-styles
- vue-data-tablee - Based on vue-good-table, a simple and pretty table component
- vue-scrolling-table - Simple table component with flexbox sizing, scrolled table body (horizontal and vertical), slots for all tr/th/td rendering.
- el-search-table-pagination - Combines Form, Table and Pagination components of Element UI together. Based on Vue 2.x.(Detail)
- vue-crud-x - Extensible crud component using Vuetify layout, other than the usual page, sort, filter, it is able to do nested CRUD, custom forms, filters, operations.
- Vue Datatable - VueJS powered Datatable with Laravel server-side loading and JSON template setup
- v2-table - A simple table component based Vue 2.x.
- vue-cheetah-grid - A high-performance grid engine that work on a canvas for Vue.js.
- vue-table-component - A straight to the point Vue component to display tables.
- @lossendae/vue-table - Simple table component for Vue.js 2.x with pagination and sortable columns.
- el-data-table - base on element-ui, makes crud easily
- DevExtreme Vue Grid - High-performance plugin-based Vue data grid for Bootstrap.
- vue-ads-table-tree - A vue Table component, with filtering, sorting and pagination. Rows can have child rows, so a tree structure can be build. It also supports async calls to load rows from the backend. It's built with the css framework tailwindcss
- Syncfusion Data Grid for Vue - Displays and manipulates tabular data with features such as paging, sorting, filtering, editing, and grouping.
- @marketconnect/vue-pivot-table - A vue component for pivot table
- vue-teible - Lightweight and flexible table component for the web ⚡️
- vue-jqxgrid - Vue data grid with filtering, sorting, editing, grouping, data export and other features.
- vue-jqxpivotgrid - Vue pivot data grid with pivot designer, drill through cells, pivot functions.
- toast-ui.vue-grid - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Grid.
- vueye-datatable - Vueye data table is a responsive data table component based on Vue.js 2, it organizes your data per pages in order to navigate easily.
- vue-sorted-table - A plugin to turn tables into sorted tables. Supports nested object keys, custom icons and reusable components.
- vue-bootstrap4-table - An advanced data table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4, which includes Multi column filtering, Multi column sorting, Pagination & Info, Checkbox rows and Highly customizable slot options.
- vuejs-smart-table - Straight Forward Table Component using the vanilla HTML Table Structure with Sorting, Filtering, Pagination and Selection out of the box.
- @myena/vue-table - Table Components for Client/Server data handling. Filter, sort, paginate, group, expanding details row. Highly customizible via slots for filter, headers, column, pagination, details row.
- vue-jd-table - Advanced and flexible data table component for Vue 2. Feature Rich: search, filtering, exporting, pagination (traditional and virtual scroll) and so much more!
- vue-grd - Simple, Light-weight and Flexible Vue.js component for grid layout.
- iview-table-page - Combines Table and Page components of iview UI together. Based on Vue 2.x. And Hear are some examples to use iview-table-page.
Toaster / snackbar — Notify the user with a modeless temporary little popup
- vue-notifications - Vue.js agnostic non-blocking notifications library.
- vue-easy-toast - A toast plugin for vue/vue2.
- vue-toasted - Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS.
- vue-notifikation - Vue.js notification plugin.
- vue-notification - Vue.js 2+ notification plugin using
for animations. - vs-notify - Tiny but powerful notification component with no dependencies.
- vue2-notify - Vue.js 2+ notification plugin.
- vue-notifyjs - Minimalist, 3kb themable notification plugin
- vueup - Simple, lightweight and elegant global notification popup for Vue.js
- vuex-flash - Flash message component for VueJS 2.x within Vuex 2.x.
- vue-snotify - Vue.js 2 Notification Center
- vue-notify-me - Stackable notification Alert for Vue
- vue-noty - A Vue.js 2 wrapper around Noty
- vue-notice - Vue.js 2 wrapper around Noty.js with native API
- vue-flash-message - Simple yet flexible notification plugin
- @voerro/vue-notifications - Simple Vue.js 2 notifications plugin with HTML and styling support.
- vue-awesome-notifications - Lightweight Vue.js notification library with advanced async support.
- vue-izitoast - A Vue.js 2 wrapper around IziToast.
- vue-toastr-2 - Simple toast notifications for Vue.js built on toastr
- vue-snack - A Vue.JS plugin for Snackbars based on Google Material.
- vue-m-message - A message plugin for vue.
- vue-notification-bell - A Vue UI component for showing notifications.
- v-tostini - Really plain toast notifications mechanism for Vue.js 2.x. No CSS included.
- vue-toast-notification - Yet another Vue.js Toast notification plugin.
Loaders / spinners / progress bars — Let the user know that something is loading
- vue-radial-progress - Radial progress bar component for Vue.js.
- vue-simple-spinner - A simple, flexible spinner for Vue.js
- vue-wait - Complex Loader Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt applications.
- vue-progress-path - Customizable progress indicators and spinners that support any custom SVG path.
- vue-blockui - BlockUI for vue 2, similar to jquery blockUI, can be used for loading screen.
- epic-spinners - Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration.
- svg-progress-bar - A simple progress bar for Vue.js.
- vue-loading-overlay - Tiny full screen loading indicator
- vue-loaders - vue wrappers for loaders.css
- vue-promise-btn - Tiny and powerful tool for asynchronous buttons(or any other tag) lock with fancy built-in spinner
- vue-spinkit - ? A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for VueJS
- vue2-form-loading - A VueJS directive can be used with forms in order to disable submit button while the next page is loading
- vue-element-loading - ⏳ Loading inside a container or full screen for Vue.js
- tb-skeleton - A skeleton screen loading for Vue.js
- vue-spinners - ? A collection of loading spinner components for Vuejs
- vue-progress-bar - This is a cascading progress bar plugin based on vue
- vue-loading-button - ? Straightforward button with slideout loading indicator
Progress Bar
A slim progress bar at the top of the page
- vue-progressbar - A lightweight progress bar for vue.
- vue2-loading-bar - Simplest Youtube Like Loading Bar Component For Vue 2.
- vue-top-progress - Yet another top progress loading bar component for Vue.js.
- vue-nprogress - Progress bars is based on nprogress for Vue.
- vue-progress-button - Vue.js 2.x animated button component.
- vue-simple-progress - A simple, flexible progress bar for Vue.js
- vue-component-loading - Manage a loading state inside each component and display the global loading state with a progressbar.
- vue-scroll-progress - Simple Vue.js plugin for page scroll progress bar
- vue-read-progress - Customizable progress bar at the top of the page that shows the scroll progress
- easy-circular-progress - Easy circular progress component with counting effect
Tooltips / popovers
- v-tooltip - Easy tooltips with Vue 2.x.
- vue-popper-component - Popper.js directive for Vue.js.
- vue-directive-tooltip - Simple, flexible tooltip directive (based on Popper.js)
- vue-popperjs - VueJS 2.x popover component based popper.js
- vue-tooltipster - VueJS 2.x tooltip component based tooltipster.js. Support html content, hover and hover+click events.
- k-pop - Simple popover component based on popper.js. Highly customizable. Comes with themes. Supports custom triggers and can listen to any event.
Overlay / modal / alert / dialog / lightbox / popup
- vuedals - A VueJS (2.x) Plugin for multiple modals windows with a single component instance.
- sweet-modal-vue - The sweetest library to happen to modals. Now available for Vue.js.
- vue-js-modal - Simple to use, highly customizable, mobile friendly Vue.js 2.0+ modal with 0 dependencies.
- vudal - Modal window for vue.js
- vodal - A vue modal with animations.
- vue-image-lightbox - A Vue image lightbox/gallery to display images nicely.
- vue2-simplert - Vue 2 Simple Alert Component (SweetAlert Inspired) By Irfan Maulana
- Vue-Semantic-Modal - Vue 2 Semantic-UI modal component without jQuery dependency
- v-img - Easy to install image gallery.
- vue-dialog-drag - Draggable dialog
- vue-ya-semantic-modal - Yet another semantic-ui modal component for Vue2 without Jquery but with Vue transition
- vue-pure-lightbox - Very simple lightbox plugin without any dependencies - only Vue! ?
- v-viewer - Image viewer component for vue, supports rotation, scale, zoom and so on, based on viewer.js
- vue-messagebox - Easy and made-to-order messagebox component on Vue.
- vuejs-dialog - A lightweight, promise based alert, prompt and confirm dialog.
- @hscmap/vue-window - Window UI Component for vue2.
- vue-gallery - VueJS responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. Based on blueimp-gallery
- vue-swal - A small wrapper for integrating SweetAlert to Vuejs. (Compatible with SSR)
- vue-modal-dialogs - ✨ Promisify your own dialogs!
- vue-img-view - a plugin for Vue.js, you can drag / view / rotate pictures anywhere
- vue-modaltor - most advance configurable modal component for vuejs
- v-modal-backdrop - A simple generic backdrop component for vue
- vue-cute-modal - A simple and easy to use Modal component for Vue applications.
- v-dialogs - A simple and powerful dialog, including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast modes, based on Vue2.x
- vue-gallery-slideshow - Responsive gallery component for VueJS
- vue-a11y-dialog - A Vue.js component wrapper for the accessible dialog
. - vue-slideout-panel - Stackable panel component for VueJS
- v-gallery - A Vue2 plugin for images show in
- vue2-image-loader - A image lazyLoad loader component for vue2
- vue-my-photos - A simple dependency-free image lightbox component with filtering capabilities
- vue-img-orientation-changer - A Vue.js
that automatically adjust yourimg
to correctorientation
. - vue-topmodal - A fully customisable, easy to use, Vue.js modal component. (Responsive, Stackable, Scrollable, Animated)
- vue-modal ? - Feed your objects array for multiple switchable modal content or quickly inline your content. A fully customisable vue modal component .
- @innologica/vue-stackable-modal - Library for modal dialogs which can be stacked. Fully customizable and very easy to use.
- vue-sweetalert2 - wrapper for sweatlaert2 with support for TypeScript, Nuxt and SSR
- vue-parallax - Scrolls an image slower than the window to create a neat optical effect.
- vue-parallaxy - Vue.js component for parallax image scroll effects.
- vue-mouse-parallax - A simple to use Mouse Parallax Component - Made with Vue.js
- vue-parallax-js - Tiny vue component that adds a directive for parallax effect on elements.
- vue-awesome - Font Awesome component for Vue.js, using inline SVG.
- vue-material-design-icons - A collection of SVG Material Design icons as single file components.
- vue-icon-font - A iconfont plugin for Vuejs (support Font-class and Symbol).
- vue-ionicons - Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team.
- vue-ico - Dead easy icons for Vue with drop-in browser support & selective bundling
- mdi-vue - Material Design Icon components for Vuejs
- vue-fontawesome - Font Awesome 5 Vue component
- g-icon - Simple icon component for your svg icons (compatible with Font Awesome-like font toolkits)
- vue-simple-line-icons - Simple Line Icons component for Vuejs
- vue-country-flag - Vue component for country flag icons - vicon - Vicon is an simple iconfont component for vue.
- md-svg-vue - Material Design Icons by Google for Vue.js & Nuxt.js (server side support (with caching), inline svg rendering, official icon names)
- vue-lang-code-flags - Vue component which shows the flag of the country from which the language comes from
- vue-zondicons - Vue component for the beautiful Zondicon svg icons
- vue-eva-icons - Simply beautiful open source eva icons as Vue components.
- vue-unicons - 1000+ Pixel-perfect svg unicons for your next project as Vue components.
- vue-fa - Simple FontAwesome 5 Vue.js 2 component.
- vue-cryptoicon - Beautiful pixel perfect 400+ cryptocurrency and 10+ Fiat currency icon.
- vue-accordion - Simple accordion nav menu component for Vue.js.
- vue-js-dropdown - Vue.js 2 dropdown menu component. Light, easy to use and extend, no external deps.
- vue-slideout - Vue implementation of the popular library slideout
- vue-quick-menu - This is web navigation component base on vue.js2.
- @hscmap/vue-menu - Menu / Context Menu component for vue2.
- vue-router-nav - Minimalistic responsive navigation bar that renders routes of vue-router.
- vue-drawer-layout - A simple DrawerLayout component like Android has for Vue.js.
- vue-simple-menu - Simple menu component with a set of basic functionality, which is enought in 80% of cases
- vue-tree-navigation - Vue.js 2 tree navigation with vue-router support
- bp-vuejs-dropdown - Vuejs => 2 dropdown. Easy to use, no external, optional.
- vue-bulma-accordion - Simple, easily configurable accordion or collapsible styled with Bulma custom or built in icons available
- v-selectmenu - A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution for Vue2.
- vue-burger-menu - An off-canvas sidebar Menu component with different CSS animations.
- vue-dynamic-dropdown - A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant dropdown component
- vue-navigation-bar - A simple, pretty navbar for your Vue projects.
- vue-simple-search-dropdown - A simple searchable input dropdown component with no external dependency
- @innologica/vue-dropdown-menu - Dropdown menu component for Vue. Any element can be dropdown trigger and anything can be dropded down content.
- vue-menu-aim - Menu triangle select, aka Amazon
Minus Plus Input
- minus-plus-input - A number input with plus minus; included for Vue.js v1 and v2.
- vue-integer-plusminus - Integer input with increment and decrement buttons for vue 2.
- vue-numeric-input - Number input component with controls.
- vue-number-smarty - Number input that can change value on scrolling when field is focused.
- vuetify-number-smarty - Number input that can change value on scrolling when field is focused (Vuetify.js implementation).
- vue-easy-slider - Slider Component of Vue.js.
- vue-l-carousel - A responsive carousel(namely slider or swiper) component for Vue.js v2.x+.
- vue-awesome-swiper - Swiper(slide) component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.x).
- vue-lory - Vue Slider Component based on lory.
- vue-slick - Vue component for Slick-carousel.
- vue-flickity - A Vue Component for Flickity.js.
- vue-carousel-3d - Vue Carousel 3D - Beautiful, flexible and touch supported 3D Carousel for Vue.js.
- vue-carousel - A flexible, responsive, touch-friendly carousel for Vue.js.
- vue-coverflow - A vue2.x coverflow component.
- vue-agile – A carousel component inspired by Slick, written in Vue.js and vanilla JS only.
- vue-tiny-slider – A carousel component created by ganlanyuan, written in Vue.js. No jQuery. Works in IE8+.
- vue2-text-swimlane - A Text Swimlane plugin for Vue.js
- vue-picture-swipe - Vue Picture Swipe Gallery (a gallery of image with thumbnails, lazy-load and swipe) backed by photoswipe.
- vue2-siema - Plugin wrapper for the very tiny Siema carousel/slider library.
- vue-flux - Image slider which comes with 20 cool transitions.
- vue-glide - Vue slider & carousel component on top of the Glide.js
- vue-owl-carousel - Vue component for Owl Carousel 2
- vueper-slides - A touch ready and responsive slideshow / carousel for Vue JS.
- vue-canvas-carousel - Vue canvas component for vuc-carousel
- Hooper - Customizable accessible carousel slider optimized for Vue
- Lingallery - Simple image gallery component for Vue which displays a large image with thumbnails below
- vue-piece-slider - Animated slides in a fragmented look
- vue2-photo-carousel - A photo carousel component for Vue2
- vue-morris - VueJS component wrapping Morris.js.
- vue-charts - Google Charts plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-chartjs - Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js.
- hchs-vue-charts - Based on Vue2.0 wrapper for ChartJs.
- vue-echarts - ECharts component for Vue.js.
- vuetrend - Simple, elegant spark lines for Vue.js.
- vue-highcharts - Highcharts component for Vue.
- vue-echarts-v3 - Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+).
- vue-chartist - Vue.js 2.0 component wrap for Chartist.
- g2-vue - Factory wrapper for using G2 easily in a Vue Component.
- vuebars - Simple, elegant spark bars for Vue.js.
- vue-d3-network - Vue component to graph networks using d3-force
- vue2vis - Vue2 wrapper for Visjs.
- vue-c3 - A reusable vue component for c3 charts
- vue-d2b - Vue components for d2b charts. (Including axis, pie, sankey, and sunburst charts)
- VueChart - A very simple Vue wrapper for Chart.
- vue-chartkick - Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Vue
- d3vue - A D3 Plugin for Creating Reactive Data Visualizations in VueJS
- vue2-frappe - A simple wrapper around Frappe Charts for VueJS
- vue-google-charts - Reactive Vue.js wrapper for Google Charts lib
- vue-graph - Data visualization library for dashboard implementation in Vue.js
- vue.d3.sunburst - Reactive sunburst component based on D3.js
- v-chart-plugin - A customizable component for adding D3 charts that binds to your components data.
- vue-jqxchart - Charting component with Pie, Bubble, Donut, Line, Bar, Column, Area, Waterfall, Polar & Spider series.
- toast-ui.vue-chart - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Chart.
- vue-apexcharts - Vue.js component for ApexCharts.
- vue-doughnut-chart - Doughnut chart component for Vue.js.
- v-charts - Chart components based on Vue2.x and Echarts.
- vue-css-donut-chart - Lightweight Vue component for drawing pure CSS donut charts.
- vue-trend-chart - Simple trend charts for Vue.js
- vueplotlib - Declarative, interactive, linked plot components
- vgauge - A Vue Wrapper to GaugeJS - Create beautiful gauges
- vue-plotly - Wrapper for plotly.js declarative charting library that ships with 20 chart types, including 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps.
- vue-funnel-graph-js - Funnel graph drawing library for Vue.js. Create vertical and horizontal animated SVG funnel charts and add labels, values, legend and other info.
- pure-vue-chart - Lightweight vue charts implemented without any chart library dependencies
Display time / date / age
- vue-timeago - A tiny timeago component for Vue.
- vue-moment-jalaali - Jalaali Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project.
- vue-countdown-timer - Added timezone conversion support.
- vue-analog-clock-range - Analog clock range to show time difference.
- vue-moment-lib - A simple Vue.js 2.0 MomentJS library (filters & globals) using the same momentjs API.
- vuejs-countdown - A simple countdown timer component for vue js 2.0
- vue2-flip-countdown - A countdown timer with flip effect for Vue 2.x
- timeline-vuejs - A minimalist timeline for Vue
- vue-awesome-countdown - Countdown plug-in with high performance and high accuracy for Vue 2.5.0+. Official site:
- vue-clock2 - Display clock component for Vue.
- vuemodoro - Pomodoro timer as single file Vue component.
Display non-editable events in a Calendar
- vue-fullcalendar - Vue calendar fullCalendar. No jQuery required. Schedule events management.
- vue-event-calendar - A simple events calendar for Vue2, no dependencies except Vue2.
- vue-calendar-picker - Lightweight calendar component for events display, period selection and date picker.
- vue-lunar-calendar - A vue component for lunar calendar. Uses Moment.js for date operations.
- vue-simple-calendar - Flexbox-based Vue month calendar compenent; supports multi-day events, localization, holiday emoji, drag/drop. No dependencies.
- vue2-calendar - A simple full calendar component aimed at being flexibile and lightweight.
- vue-jlunar-datepicker - A Chinese lunar datepicker component with festivals and solar terms.
- vue-full-calendar - A complete wrapper for both Vue 1 and 2
- v-calendar - Animated calendar/datepicker that displays regions, indicators and day popovers for simple & recurring dates.
- vue-infinite-calendar - A simple infinite calendar implementation for Vue 2
- vue-calendar - A simple calendar components for Vue 2.1.5+, support custom content. No dependencies.
- vue2-event-calendar - An events calendar for Vue2, support customize event items and calendar header.
- vue2-datePicker-infinite - An infinite datePicker for Vue2, easy to use and no dependencies.
- vue2-slot-calendar - A vue 2 calendar, datepicker component which supported lunar or date event, bootstrap style.
- quasar-calendar - A vue.js calendar using the Quasar framework that implements monthly, multi-day and agenda views.
- vue2-datepicker - A beautiful datepicker / datetimepicker component for Vue2
- vue-pikaday - VueJS wrapper component for Pikaday datepicker
- vue-tuicalendar - VueJS wrapper component for tui.calendar calendar
- vue-jqxscheduler - VueJS Scheduler component.
- toast-ui.vue-calendar - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Calendar.
- vue-functional-calendar - Lightweight, high performance calendar component(Date Picker, Date Range) based on Vue.
- vue-cal - A Vue JS full calendar, no dependency, no BS. ?.
- vue-draggableCal - Not your ordinary datepicker. A Vuejs draggable date selector with a fresh responsive design, mobile ready and 0 dependencies, 17kb gzipped
- vue-material-year-calendar - A full year (12 months on a page) calendar for Vue2. Uses dayjs.
- vuelendar - Simple and clean calendar written in VueJS
- vue2-google-maps - Google maps component for vue with 2-way data binding.
- vue2-leaflet - Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps.
- vue-mapbox-gl - Vue 2.x component for Mapbox GL JS
- vue-yandex-maps - Vue 2.x component for Yandex Maps
- vue-baidu-map - Vue 2.x component for Baidu Maps.
- vue-choropleth - Vue 2.x component to display a choropleth map.
- vuelayers - Vue 2 components to work with OpenLayers.
- vue-googlemaps - Vue 2.x components to integrate Google Maps.
- vue-static-map - Vue 2.x simple component to generate an static google map
- vue-mapbox - Vue 2.x wrapper around Mapbox GL JS library that provides vueish-way to interact with the map.
Audio / Video
- Vue-APlayer - ? Easy-to-config music player for Vue 2.x.
- vue-audio - audio-tag wrapper; sound player component for Vue 2.x
- vue-dplayer - A Vue 2.x video player component based on DPlayer.
- vue-canvasvideo - A Vue 2.x component for video backgrounds and autoplay video on iOS/Safari.
- vue-music - A Vue component base on html5
. - vue-audio-visual - Vue HTML5 audio visualization components.
- vue-plyr - A set of Vue components for the plyr video & audio player.
- v-playback - A Vue2 plugin to make video play easier.
- vue-audio-recorder - Audio recorder for Vue.js. It allows to create, play, download and store records on a server
- vue-video-section - A simple video header/section component for Vue. Good for video backgrounds and overlaying content on them.
Infinite Scroll
- vue-infinite-loading - An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js 1.0 & Vue.js 2.0.
- vue-mugen-scroll - Infinite scroll component for Vue.js 2.
- vue-infinite-scroll - An infinite scroll directive for vue.js.
- vue-loop - An infinite content loop component for Vue.js 2.
- vue-scroller - An infinite content loop component for Vue.js 2, including functionalities such as 'pull-to-refresh', 'infinite-loading', 'snaping-scroll'.
- vue-infinite-list - An infinite list mixin can recycle dom for Vue.js 2
- vue-infinite-slide-bar - ∞ Infinite slide bar component.
- vue-virtual-infinite-scroll - A vue2 component based on Iscroll, supports big data list with high performance scroll, infinite load and pull refresh.
- vue-pull-refresh - A pull to refresh component for Vue.js 2.0.
- vue-pull-to - A pull-down refresh and pull-up load more and infinite scroll for Vue.js component.
- vue-data-loading - Another component for infinite scroll and pull down/up to load data.
- vue-quick-loadmore - A pull-down refresh and pull-up infinite scroll plugin for Vue.
- vue-markdown - A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue.
- vue-mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features.
- vue-simple-markdown - A Simple and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue.
- vue-simplemde - A wrapper around simplemde. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.
- toast-ui.vue-editor - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Editor.
- vue-pdf - A pdf viewer based on mozilla's PDF.js
- pdfvuer - A PDF viewer for Vue using Mozilla's PDF.js with text support. Demo
- Vue.D3.tree - A Tree View based on D3.js
- vue-json-tree-view - A JSON Tree View Component for Vue.js.
- vue-tree - A Tree Component for Vue.js 2.X.
- liquor-tree - Amazing Vue Tree component
- vue-trees-ui - A Tree Ui Base On Vue.
- Bosket - Collection of tree view components for front-end frameworks (Vue, React, Angular and Riot).
- plantain-00/tree-component - A reactjs, angular and vuejs tree component.
- sl-vue-tree - A simple customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js
- vue-draggable-nested-tree - A powerful customizable draggable tree view component for Vuejs2 @phphe
- vuejs-tree - A highly customizable VueJs tree viewer
- vue-jstree - A Tree Plugin For Vue2 with beautiful icons and drag&drop
- vue-vtree - Universal and flexible tree component for Vue.js
- vue-json-component - JSON tree view with no dependencies, TypeScript support, and easy customization.
- vue-tree-list - A vue component for tree structure
Social Sharing
- vue-social-sharing - A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, work with Vue.js 1.X or 2.X.
- vue-goodshare - Vue.js component for social share with beautiful button design. Simple install, extensive documentation, developer support, SEO friendly, clean code without scripts tracking user activity on the page, high speed. Work with Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-socialmedia-share - A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, with Vue 2.X
- vue-picture-sharesheet - A Vue Picture Sharesheet Component heavily inspired by the Image Sharesheet in Apple's Newsroom
- vue-twitter - A Vue.js component for embed twitter widgets (e.g timeline, buttons)
- vue-share-buttons - Vue.js component for placing buttons in your project using which you can share anything
QR Code
- vue-qriously - A Vue.js 2 component to draw QR codes on an HTML Canvas using qrious.
- vue-qart - The directive of vue 2.x for qart.js.
- vue-qrcode-reader - A Vue.js 2 component which detects and decodes QR codes from a camera stream.
- vue-fuse - A lightweight plugin for fuzzy search library, Fuse.js
- vue-instantsearch - The ultimate toolbox for creating instant-search experiences using Algolia.
- vue-innersearch - A Vue.js wrapper for Elasticsearch
- reactivesearch-vue - UI components for building data-driven apps with Elasticsearch
- vue-avatar - An avatar component for vue.js.
- vue-touch-ripple - Touch ripple component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.x).
- vue-typer - Vue component that simulates a user typing, selecting, and erasing text.
- vue-keyboard - Vue 2 virtual keyboard component.
- vue-twentytwenty - Image comparison component, works with Vue.js 2.x
- vue-cookie-law - Cookie info plugin for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-gravatar - A dead-simple gravatar component for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-clipboard2 - An easy to use clipboard.js binding for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-flashcard - FLashcard component with animation for Vue.js 2.x ?
- vue-truncate-collapsed - A simple component that truncates your text and adds a 'Read More/Show Less' clickable for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-kanban - A flexible drag and drop kanban board component
- vue-letter-avatar - A simple and elegant letter avatar component for vue.js
- vue-highlightjs - Syntax highlighting with highlight.js
- v-clipboard - Simple, tiny and easy to use directive to save your models to clipboard (less than 2kb minified, no dependencies)
- vue-invisible-recaptcha - Super easy integration for Google's Invisible reCAPTCHA
- vue-embed - Embed component is based on embed.js for Vue 2.x, a component that embeds emojis, media, maps, tweets, gists, code, services and markdown.
- vue-particles - Vue.js component for particles backgrounds
- vue-uniq-ids - Vue.js 2.x plugin that helps to use id-related attributes with no side-effect
- vue-multivue - Use multiple vue apps of the same class on the same page.
- vue-affix - A Vue.js 2.x plugin that affixes an element in the window while you scroll, similar to Bootstrap Affix but much simpler and smarter
- X-Browser-Update-Vue - A Vue.js browser-update plugin.
- vue-query-builder - A UI component for building complex queries with nested conditionals.
- vue-info-card - A simple and beautiful card component with an elegant spark line and CSS3 flip animation.
- v-offline - Simple, tiny and easy to use detection of offline & online events for your Vue app (less than 390b minified)
- vue-word-cloud - A word cloud generator.
- vue-flat-surface-shader - A Vue component for flat surface shader
- vue-easteregg - Easey add an easteregg to your vue app (default with konami code)
- vue-barcode-scanner
- vue-heatmapjs - A Vue directive for tracking and visualising mouse activity
- vue-maze - An itty-bitty maze game made as Vue.js component
- vue-drag-verify - This is a vue component, which is sliding to unlock for login or sign up.
- vue-balloon - Vue components for creating fixed, zoomable containers in the corner of a page. Similar to the mail composition wrapper used in gmail.
- vue-sticker - Sticker effect to any directions
- v-rating - ⭐️ Rating component in Semantic-UI made with VueJS (< 500B gzipped, blazing fast)
- vue-content-placeholders - Composable components for rendering fake (progressive) content like facebook in vue
- vue-page-designer - Vue component for drag-and-drop to design and build mobile website.
- vue-creativecommons - Vue.js components library.
- vue-status-indicator - A Vue.js component to show status indicator as colored dots.
- vue-google-adsense - Vue.js Google Adsense Component with InFeed and InArticle Ads support
- emoji-vue - Emoji ??? dropdown for Vue.js project
- vue-chessboard - Chessboard vue component to load positions, create positions and see threats.
- vue-mindmap - Vue component for mindnode maps.
- v-currency - Vue component for formatting currency.
- vue-emoji-picker - Highly customizable unicode emoji picker ??
- vue-8-puzzle - An itty-bitty slide puzzle game made as Vue.js component
- vue-e164 - Customizable phone formatter with E.164 standart support
- vue-pgn - Vue.js component for viewing chess games in pgn format
- vue-avatar-editor - Resize, rotate and crop your uploaded avatar using a clear user interface.
- vue-connection-listener - Vue event bus plugin listening for online/offline changes.
- vue-sauce - "View source" directive for Vue.
- vue-prom - Vue promise wrapper component.
- numeric-keyboard - Numeric keyboard for mobile browsers.
- vue-zoom-on-hover - Image zoom on mouse hover
- vue-responsive-image - A Vue component that lets you quickly create responsive image tags with an optimal number of image sources for all devices.
- vue-highlight-text - Vue component for highlight multiple instances of a word
- vue-cast-props - Provides a convenient way of converting props to common data types.
- vue2-heropatterns - A Vue2 implementation allowing you to add the popular Hero Patterns onto any Div
- vue-link - One component to link them all ? (treat external and internal links same)
- vue-identify-network - ⚡️Identify what kinda internet your users are using!
- vue-cloneya - A vue component to clone DOM elements
- vue-survey-builder - Survey builder for vue.js applications
- vue-if-bot - A lightweight component to hide/show content to clients based on the user agent
- vue-clampy - Vue.js (2+) directive that clamps the content of an element by adding an ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long.
- vue-cookie-accept-decline - Show a banner with text, a decline button, and an accept button on your page. Remembers selection using cookies. Emits an event with current selection on creation. Good for GDPR requirements.
- @lossendae/vue-avatar - An avatar component for VueJS 2.0.
- vue-text-highlight - Text highlighter library for Vue.js ?
- vue2-hammer Hammer.js wrapper for Vue 2.x to support mobile touch..
- vue-countable - Vue binding for countable.js. Provides real-time paragraph, sentence, word, and character counting.
- v-show-slide - A Vue.js directive for animating an element to and from height: auto in a sliding motion.
- vue-swipe-actions - iOS style swipe actions for Vue.js
- vue-friendly-iframe - A Vue js component for creating super fast loading, non-blocking iframes.
- vue-beautiful-chat - A simple and beautiful Vue chat component backend agnostic, fully customizable and extendable.
- vue-magnifier - A simple image zooming / magnifying component for Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-highlight-words - Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text. Ported from react-highlight-words
- vue-tags-ball - Create a beautiful and spherical tag with this plugin
- vue-rippler - Simple Vue.js plugin for custom ripple effect
- vue-contacts - Mobile contacts component for Vue
- basic-vue-chat - Easy to use Vue.js chat
- vue-resize-text - A vue directive which automatically resize font size based on element width.
- vue-github-profile - A vue component to view the profile and repos of determined user
- vue-niege - ? ? Single File Vue component to add a snow storm through a canvas.
- vue-dynamic-star-rating - A highly dynamic vue stars rating component, like google play rating ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
- vue-katex - Simple plugin for math typsetting using KaTeX in Vue.js
- vue-canvas-identify - Vue canvas component for vuc-identify
- vue-canvas-material - Vue canvas component for vuc-material
- vue-baberrage - A simple Barrage plugin Base on Vue.js?
- vue-terminal-ui - ?Terminal UI emulator Vue: custom and basic commands
- vue-command - A fully working Vue.js terminal emulator
- vue-ribbon - Vue component for GitHub ribbons
- avatio-avatar - Vue component for illustrated avatars - used by Avatio
- vue-jazzicon - A dead-simple Jazzicon component for Vue.
- vue-star-rating - A simple, highly customisable star rating component ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
- vue-fixed-header - Simple and cross-browser friendly fixed header component for Vue.js written by TypeScript.
- vue-particle-effect-buttonsA bursting particles effects buttons component.
- vue-insomnia - Prevent display screen from sleeping (wake lock).
- vue-car-plate-keyboard - A car license plate number keyboard for VueJS 2.x.(车牌号输入键盘,支持新能源车牌???)
- vue-dataflow-editor - Vue2 dataflow graph editor
- cool-emoji-picker - A fast plug-n-play [Tw]emoji Picker (+textarea for Twemoji rendering) component for Vue.
- vue-tabs - Simple tabs and pills.
- vue-swipe-tabs - A touch swipe tab component for vue.js(vue2).
- vue-tabs-component - An easy way to display tabs with Vue.
- vue-k-tabs - A simple tabs components with Gitlab design.
- vue-tabs-with-active-line - Simple Vue 2 component, that allows you to make tabs with moving bottom line
- vue-tabs-chrome - A Vue component for Chrome-like tabs.
Let the user create & edit data
Phone Number Input Formatter
- vue-phone-number-input - A beautiful input to format & valid phone number with country code ?
- vue-smooth-picker - A smooth picker component for Vue 2.x, like iOS native datetime picker.
- FormSchema Native - Generate a form using JSON Schema and Vue.js
- vue-awesome-form - A vue.js component just like json-editor
- vue-generator - Initial router and components for the Vue project.
- vue-form-json - Generate a vue form with validation and bulma style, from json
- form-create - Form builder with dynamic rendering, data collection, validation, and submission capabilities, supporting json data
- element-form-builder - Build element-ui forms with JSON Schema.
- ncform - a very nice configuration generation way to develop form
- Laraform - Advanced form builder for Vue.js with Laravel support
- vue-ele-form - Vue DataForm, based on element-ui
Date Picker
Date / datetime / time Picker
- vue-datepicker - [unmaintained] Calendar and datepicker component with material design for Vue.js.
- vue2-timepicker - [unmaintained] A dropdown time picker (hour|minute|second) for Vue 2.x, with flexible time format support.
- vuejs-datepicker - A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations.
- vuedt - [unmaintained] Crazy lightweight (5.5kb!) Vuejs Date and Time picker component with nice animations and not too much fuzz.
- vue-flatpickr-component Vue.js component for flatpickr datetime picker
- vue-bootstrap-datetimepicker Vue.js component for eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker
- vue-jalaali-datepicker - Jalaali calendar and datepicker for vue.js 2.
- vue-date-picker - A vue date picker component inspired by material design
- vue-monthly-picker - Vue.js component for month and year picker only
- vue-hotel-datepicker - A responsive date range picker that displays the number of nights selected, allows custom check-in/check-out rules, blocking dates, localization support and more.
- vue2-persian-datepicker - An awesome Persian datepicker component for vue. کامپوننت انتخاب تاریخ برای ویو.
- vue-datetime - Mobile friendly datetime picker for Vue. Supports date, datetime and time modes, i18n and disabling dates.
- vue-rangedate-picker - Range date picker with simple usage
- v2-datepicker - A simple datepicker component based Vue 2.x.
- vue-datepicker-local - A Beautiful Datepicker Component For Vue2.
- vue-airbnb-style-datepicker - A Vue datepicker with a similar look and functionality as the popular AirBnb datepicker. Lightweight, configurable and good browser support!
- vue-persian-datetime-picker Persian material datepicker. Supports datetime, date, time, year, month.
- VCalendar Very customizable and powerful calendar/datepicker component with many features and good documentation.
- @owumaro/vue-date-range-picker - A vue component using Bootstrap 4 styles for date range selection
- vue-datepicker-mobile - A mobile friendly datepicker for vue2. ?? select one day or range of date and custom it that you wish.
- vue-draggable-cal - Not your ordinary datepicker. A Vuejs draggable date selector with a fresh responsive design, mobile ready and 0 dependencies, 17kb gzipped.
- vue-vanilla-datetime-picker - Datetime picker for Vue.
- vue2-daterange-picker - Vue2 date range picker based on bootstrap-daterangepicker (no jQuery dependency)
- vue-timeselector - Fully and simply customizable powerful time picker component for Vue.js.
- vue-date-picker - Lightweight datepicker component for Vue 2.x.
- vue-ctk-date-time-picker - A beautiful VueJS component to pick date & time (with range mode) ?
- simple-vue2-datetimepicker - A simple, easy to use vue.js component for date and time picking. ?
- vue-business-hours - Vue component for selecting business hours in an administration panel or dashboard.
- material-vue-daterange-picker - a daterange picker of Material Design style for Vuejs 2.x, which is compatible with vuetify and friendly for mobile.
- vue-datepicker - A clean & responsive datepicker with Material Design style for Vuejs 2.x. (date/month/quarter && date range picker) ?
- vue-select - A native Vue.js component that provides similar functionality to Select2 without the overhead of jQuery.
- vue-multiselect - Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js.
- stf-vue-select - most flexible and customized select Vue2
- vue-select-image - Vue 2 Component for selecting image from list
- @riophae/vue-treeselect - A multi-select component with nested options support for Vue.js.
- @k186/pd-select - A mobile UI component like IOS picker for Vue 2.x,can be wheel pick what ever you defined.
- vue-dropdowns - A minimalistic and adaptable way to display select boxes if using objects for vue2.x
- v-cascade - A lovely component of cascade selector with Vue 2.x (Support both of PC and Mobile)
- vue-multi-select - A custom component to make select/multiselect for Vue2.
- v-region - A simple region selector, provide Chinese administrative division data.
- v-selectpage - A powerful selector for Vue2, list or table view of pagination, use tags for multiple selection, i18n and server side resources supports.
- vue-cool-select - Bootstrap / Material Design theme, support slots, autocomplete, events, validation and more.
- @myena/advanced-select - Single/Multiple Select component with search, controls for (de)select all and a Bootstrap 3 theme
- @alfsnd/vue-bootstrap-select - Vue version of bootstrap-select.
- vue-slider-component - Slider for vue1.x and vue2.x.
- vue-circle-slider - Circle slider component for vue2.x.
- vue-netflix-slider - A Netflix like slider.
- vue-slide-bar - Very simple vue slider bar component.
- textra - Vue js add-on to slide text.
- vue-knob-control - A rotary knob control for Vue.js
Drag and Drop
- vuedraggable - Vue component allowing drag-and-drop sorting in sync with View-Model. Based on Sortable.js.
- vue-dragula - Drag and drop so simple it hurts.
- vue2-dragula - A
fork forVue2
, with a lot of improvements. - awe-dnd - A sortable list directive with Vue.
- vue-draggable-resizable - Vue2 component for draggable and resizable elements.
- vddl - Vue components for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API, supports VueJs versions 1 and 2.
- vue-drag-drop - A minimal and lightweight wrapper for the HTML5 Drag and Drop API.
- vue-swing - A swipeable cards interface, as seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.
- vue-slicksort - A dependency-free set of mixins for animated, touch-friendly, sortable lists
- draggable-vue-directive - A simple directive to handle drag and drop of any Vue component.
- vue-smooth-dnd - Vue wrappers of smooth-dnd library. drag and drop, sortable library covering for many cases.
- vue-drag-resize - A dependency-free Vue component for draggable and resizable elements with aspect ratio, reactive props etc
- vue-drag-it-dude - Vue2 component, that allows you to drag object wherever you want.
- vue-draggable - Vue Drag and Drop library without any dependency. Simple and easy to use.
- vue-nestable - A simple drag & drop hierarchical list made as a vue component.
- vue-draggable-nested-tree - A powerful customizable draggable tree view component for Vuejs2 @phphe
Autosuggest / autocomplete / typeahead
- vue-instant - Vue instant allows you to easily create custom search controls with auto suggestions for your vue 2 applications.
- v-autocomplete - Autocomplete component for Vue.js
- vue-awesomplete - Vue wrapper for Awesomplete
- vue-auto-complete - Autocomplete for Vue2. Works with objects or api calls.
- vue-autosuggest - WAI-ARIA complete Autosuggest component with full customization over rendering and styling.
- v-autosuggest - A simple modular Vuejs component that autosuggest input from a dynamic or static data querying.
- autocomplete - Simple Autocomplete component for Vue.js 2.*
- vue-infinite-autocomplete - Vue infinite-autocomplete wrapper for Vue.js 2.*
- vue-simple-suggest - Simple yet feature-rich autocomplete component for Vue.js
- v-suggest - A Vue2 plugin for input content suggestions, support keyboard to quick pick.
- vue-bootstrap-typeahead - An typeahead/autocomplete component for Vue2 using Bootstrap 4 CSS.
Type Select
Let the user select a tag / something while typing
- vue-input-tag - Vue.js 2.0 Input Tag Component.
- v-distpicker A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China for Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-img-inputer A graceful, highly customizable img type input for Vue 2
- vue-img-preview An image input preview component in vue 2
- v-image ? Tiny little component for input type=file (< 1kb, gzipped)
- @voerro/vue-tagsinput A simple tags input Vue.js 2 component with typeahead/autocomplete
- vue-tag-selector - Tag-like input. Light, customizable and handles REGEX validation!
Color Picker
- vue-color - Vue Color Pickers for Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more.
- vue-swatches - Help the user picking beautiful colors!
- radial-color-picker - Minimalistic color picker with a focus on size, accessibility and performance.
- vue-color-picker-board - Vue Color Picker component designed for humans!
- verte - A Complete Vue.js Color Picker Component.
Switch / on/off toggle / checkbox
- vue-switches - An on/off switch component for Vue.js with theme support.
- vue-js-toggle-button - Vue.js 2.0+ toggle / switch button - simple, pretty, customizable.
- vue-checkbox-radio - A Vue component to easily styling checkbox and radio inputs.
- vue-enhanced-check - Vue component to redesign/labelize checkbox/radio, including toggle/switch button.
- pretty-checkbox-vue - Implementation of pretty checkbox 3(A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons) components for Vue.js 2.2+.
- vue2-collapse - Vue Collapse is a flexible content toggling plugin for the accordion lists or any other conditional content rendering.
- vue-badger-accordion - A wrapping Component for Badger Accordion for Vue.js 2.0+
- vue-loading-checkbox - A highly customizable Vue.js checkbox UI component with loading state
- vue-rocker-switch - A customizable rocker switch component for Vue.js.
- vue-toggle-btn - A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant toggle/switch button component
Masked Input
- vue-masked-input - Masked input component for Vue.js.
- vue-text-mask - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript.
- vue-ip-input - An ip input implemented by vuejs.
- vue-numeric - Input field component to display currency value based on Vue.
- awesome-mask - Mask directive based on a pure and simply VanillaJS implementation
- v-money - Tiny (<2k gzipped) input/directive mask for currency
- vue-autonumeric - A Vue.js component that wraps the awesome AutoNumeric input formatter library
- vue-inputmask - Vue.js directive to add Robin Herbots' inputmask library to your inputs (vanilla javascript).
- vue-input-number - A custom input number component for Vue.js 2.
- v-unicode - Vue directive to restrict an input by unicode values.
- vue-cleave-component - Vue.js component for cleave.js
- vue-ip - An ip address input with port and material design support
- vue-r-mask - Directive with template similar to javascript regular expression.
- vue-input-code - Base on Vue.js 2.0+ verification code input component.
- label-edit - Inspired by Trello. Click to show editable input and return the value changes. This is a Vue Component.
- vue-jquery-mask - Vue.js v2.x component for jQuery Mask Plugin
- vue-the-mask - Tiny (<2k gzipped) and dependency free mask input for Vue.js
- vue-canvas-input - Vue canvas component for vuc-input
- vue-currency-input - Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.
Rich Text Editing
- vue-quill-editor - Quill editor component for Vue2.
- vue-mobiledoc-editor - A mobiledoc editor component toolkit for Vuejs.
- vue2-medium-editor - A MediumEditor component for Vue 2.
- vue-froala - VueJS wrapper for Froala Editor.
- vue-froala-wysiwyg - Official VueJS plugin for Froala WYSIWIG HTML Editor.
- vue-at - At.js for Vue.
- vue-wysiwyg Lightweight, fast & extensible WYSIWYG editor
- vue-trumbowyg Vue.js component for Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor
- vue-pell-editor Vue.js component for Pell WYSIWYG editor
- vue-tinymce-editor Tinymce editor component for Vue2.
- vue-mce - tinymce editor component for VueJS.
- Vue2-Editor - HTML Editor using Vue.js and Quilljs
- vue-codemirror - A Codemirror component for Vue2.
- vue-easy-tinymce - A simple and powerful package for easy usage of tinymce in Vue.js project.
- vue-highlightable-input - Highlight and style text as you're typing
- vue-trix - Simple and lightweight Trix rich-text editor for Vue.js
- tiptap - A renderless and extendable rich-text editor for Vue.js
- toast-ui.vue-editor - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Editor.
- ckeditor5-vue - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Vue.js.
- yimo-vue-editor - A wangEditor2 component for Vue2.
- vue-mathlive A MathLive math editor (mathfield) for Vue.hjs
Image Manipulation
Edit images
- vue-core-image-upload - A vue plugin for image to crop and upload.
- vue-croppa - A simple straightforward customizable lightweight mobile-friendly image cropper for Vue 2.0.
- vue-cropper - A picture clipping plugin for vue2.0
- toast-ui.vue-image-editor - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Image Editor.
- vue-quick-cropper - Vue mobile avatar upload cropping plugin can choose cropping area and zoom.
- vue-canvas-image - Vue canvas component for vuc-image
- vue-croppie - Yet another image cropper
- vue-slim-cropper - ? A simple and elegant mobile image crop upload component for Vue 2.x.
- vue-advanced-cropper - An advanced cropper that gives you opportunity to create almost any cropper that you desire
Display images
- vue-cloudinary - A vue (2.0) plugin that offers a reusable directive to get images from Cloudinary ( with dynamic manipulation (resizing/cropping/effects/watermarking/scaling/formatting) and optimization (webp/png/auto quality/auto retina).
- img-Vuer - An Mobile-First image viewer/gallery for Vue2
- vue-image-loader - A vue loader/progressive image plugin like Medium.
- vue-load-image - display loader during image loading, as well as by display alternate content when the image fails to load.
- vue-image-painter - ? Image magic animation drawing effect component for Vue 2.x.
Video Manipulation
- vue-playlist - A lightweight vue (2.0) component with no dependancies that offers truly seamless html5 video playback. The one and only working solution for seamless video play done with vanilla JS. It takes an array of videos and stitches them together into a single video.
File Upload
- vue-clip - Simple and hackable file uploader for VueJs. Supports Vue >= 2.1.
- vue-simple-upload - Simple File upload component for Vue.js.
- vue2-multi-uploader - A drag and drop multiple file uploader component that uses Vue.js v2 and Axios. Uploader shows file names, sizes and total size of files added. It also allows setting a minimum required number of files to upload.
- vue-dropzone - A Vue.js (vue2) component for Dropzone.js - a drag’n’drop file uploads utility with image previews.
- vue-transmit - A purely Vue.js drag & drop uploader component based on Dropzone.js for Vue 2.0
- vue-upload-component - Vue upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory. Supports Vue >= 2.0
- vue-uploader - A Vue.js upload component powered by simple-uploader.js
- ic-firebase-uploader - A clean multi-file upload component for Firebase storage.
- vuejs-uploader - A resumable multipart file uploader for HUGE file uploads.
- vue-filepond - A Vue.js component for FilePond - a file upload library that can upload anything you throw at it.
- v-uploader - A Vue2 plugin to make files upload simple and easier, you can drag files or select file in dialog to upload
Context Menu
- vue-context-menu - A context menu component for vue js.
- vue-lil-context-menu - A flexible lil context menu component for Vue.
- vue-mouse-menu - A mouse-menu component for vue 2+.
- @hscmap/vue-menu - Menu / Context Menu component for vue2.
- vue-context - A simple but flexible context menu for vue js.
- vue-simple-context-menu - Simple context-menu component built for Vue. Works well with both left and right clicks.
- vue-context-menu-popup - Context Menu popup for Vue 2. Works on right click or can be triggered programatically.
- @kiyoaki_w/vue-context - A customizable context menu component built for Vue2, supporting fontawesome icons.
- vue-gmaps - Search places and address using Google Maps API.
- vuep - A component for rendering Vue components with live editor and preview.
- vue-places - Places component is based on places.js for Vue 2.x. Turn any input into an address autocomplete.
- vue-password-strength-meter - Password strength meter based on zxcvbn in vue.js.
- vue-float-label - Float label pattern for Vue.js.
- vue-longpress - A VueJS (2.x) button component that requires you to keep pressing to confirm a given action.
- vue-google-autocomplete - A Vue.js (2.x) autosuggest component for the Google Maps Places API.
- vue-ip-input - An ip input component for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-default-value - Vue.js 2.x directive to set a default value for editable elements with no affect to the model state
- vue-model-autoset - A Vue.js plugin to workaround Vue limitation in observing dynamically added properties with v-model directive
- vue-submit - Simple implementation of Ladda (1, 2) in less than 90 lines of code with no dependencies.
- vue-rate - Rate component for Vue
- vuetify-google-autocomplete - A Vuetify ready Vue.js (2.x) autosuggest component for the Google Maps Places API.
- vue-ripple-directive - Material Ripple Effect as Vue Directive.
- vue-fab - Vue Floating Action Button.
- vue-complexify - Vuejs porting library from jquery.complexify.js.
- vue-mc - Models and Collections for Vue.js
- vue-stars - Highly customizable rating control (using stars or other characters)
- vue-confirmation-button - Customizable confirmation button that requires users to read messages before performing an action
- vue-poll - A Vue.js component for voting
- vue-diagrams - Diagram component for vue.js, inspired by react-diagrams
- vue-easy-polls - A Vue.js component for creating polls, voting and showing results. It’s easy to implement and easy to customize.
- vue-m-button - A beautiful button component for vue.
- vue-long-click - Long click (long press) directive library for vue, support mobile and desktop.
- vue-ui-predicate - A rules editor, generic filtering UI, predicates component for Vue JS.
- vue-mobile-detection - Vue.js prototype function
that returns a Boolean value depending on whether or not the user is browsing with a mobile. - vue-input-contenteditable - A Vue component wrapper for
with all the features you normally expect. Make beautiful inputs without the restrictions ofinput[type='text']
- vue-form-wizard - Tab based component which can replace classic bootstrap & jQuery form wizards
- vue-stepper - A simple stepper with simple actions such as next, back and end to perform simple forms.
- vue-stepper-component - A fully customizable Stepper component with Vuex support and Zero dependencies.
- vuecsv - A Simple CSV Downloader from json with option modal panel component.
Comment System
- vue-comment-grid - ? Responsive Vue.js comment system plugin that built with CSS Grid and Firebase REST API + Authentication.
- vue-easeljs - Data-driven control over an HTML5 canvas element.
- vue-canvas-effect - A simple, canvas effect collection for Vue.js.
- vue-konva - Vue & Canvas - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.
- vue-html2canvas - Vue mixin to capture html and convert it to an image using Html2Canvas.
- vue-canvas-nest - A Vue.js component for canvas-nest.
- vue-signature-pad - ? A Vue Signature Pad Component
Link Preview
- link-prevue - Flexible component for generate a link preview.
- vue-tour - Lightweight and customizable tour plugin
- vue-page-guide - Page tour / guide plugin with directive
UI Layout
Layout for the overall / main view
- vue-waterfall - A waterfall layout component for Vue.js.
- vueisotope - Vue component for isotope filter & sort magical layouts.
- vue-grid-layout - A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
- vue-drag-zone - Drag Zone component for Vue.js(2.x).
- vue-masonry - Vue.js directive for masonry blocks layouting.
- vue-fraction-grid - Flexbox based responsive fraction grid system for Vue.js.
- vue-virtual-scroll-list - A vue (2.x) component support big data by using virtual scroll list.
- vue-virtual-scroller - Component to scroll a large amount of elements efficiently (Vue 2.x).
- vue-virtualscroll - [Vue 2.x] component to virtual scroll things.
- vue-inview - [Vue 2.x] Viewport, get notification when DOM element is entered or leave.
- dnd-grid - A vuejs grid with draggable and resizable boxes
- vue-extend-layout - Extend the default layout or create custom layouts for the pages of your Vue.js SPA
- vue-masonry-css - Vue.js Masonry layout component powered by CSS, dependency free
- vue-fullpage.js - Official fullPage.js component for Vue.js.
- vue-virtual-collection - Vue component for efficiently rendering large collection data.
- autoresponsive-vue - Auto responsive grid layout library for Vue.
- VueFlex - A flexbox grid system.
- v-chacheli - A Vue.js component to create and display custom dashboard-like grid layouts.
- vue-grid-styled - A lightweight set of functional grid components, ported from React's grid-styled
- simple-grid - Vue component for grid layout,support flex.
- vue-container-component - Simple container component inspired on Bootstrap Container
- vue-colcade - A small wrapper for integrating Colcade grid layout to Vuejs.
- vue-ads-layout - A small library of Vue components to quickly generate a responsive web application layout with toolbar, left/right drawers and a footer. All components can be positioned fixed or relative.
- vue-magic-grid - A tiny port of Magic Grid for Vue.js 2.
- vue-splitter-pane - A Vuejs component which renders two slots in a adjustable split arrangement (vetical or horizontal).
- splitpanes - A Vue JS reliable, simple and touch-ready panes splitter / resizer.
- vue-mock-layout - Easily mock the layout of your Vue apps.
- vue-simple-drawer - A tiny drawer panel with bounced animation, nest supported and theme customized. directions: left/right/up/down
- vue-grd - Simple, Light-weight and Flexible Vue.js component for grid layout.
Set of components + responsive layout system
- quasar-framework - Quasar Framework. Build responsive websites, hybrid mobile Apps (that look native on Android and iOS) and Electron apps using same code, with VueJs 2.
- vue-material - Material design for Vue.js.
- vuetify - Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2.
- muse-ui - Material Component library for Vue.js 2.
- buefy - Components based on Bulma framework.
- element-ui - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web.
- vue-bulma-components - Easily use bulma class syntax with vue components.
- iview-ui - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Framework for web.
- AT-UI - A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Vue.js 2.0
- v-semantic - Implementation of semantic-ui for Vue
- bootstrap-vue - Implementation of bootstrap-4 grid and components for Vue.js 2.
- fish-ui - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- zircle-ui - A frontend library to develop zoomable user interfaces.
- vue-mdc-adapter - Material Components integration for Vue.js as per MDC Team's guidelines.
- Material Components Vue - wrapper around material-components-web for Vue.js
- VueFace - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Component library for Web
- vuesax - Frontend vue Components for Vue.js.
- vuecidity - UI component framework for Vue.js 2.0
- ant-design-vue - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue 2.5.0
- heyui - ( - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web.
- Carvue.js - IBM's Carbon Design System for Vue.js
- BalmUI - Next Generation Material UI for Vue.js
- Osiris UI - ? A Vue.js 2.0 universal responsive UI component library
- N3-components - Beautiful Web Components built with Vue 2
- Shards Vue - ✨ Sleek & UI Components Library based on the Bootstrap 4 Framework.
- Fundamental Vue - Components based on SAP Fiori Fundamentals.
- Framevuerk - ? Fast, Responsive, Without Dependencies, Both Direction Support and Configurable UI Framework based on Vue.js.
- @Carbon/vue - Carbon Design System components from the @carbon team.
- NutUI - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Mobile Web
- Inkline - Inkline is a modern UI/UX Framework for Vue.js designed for creating flawless responsive web applications.
- vue-awesome-mui - A Vue.js 2.0 MUI Component for Web
- MDBootstrap - Powerful UI toolkit based on the latest Bootstrap 4 and Vue 2.6.10, providing a set of slick, responsive page templates, layouts, components and widgets to rapidly build responsive, mobile-first websites and apps.
UI frameworks for mobile
- Framework7-Vue - Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue.
- vux - [Chinese] Vue UI Components based on WeUI.
- vue-onsenui - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- Weex - Weex provides the ability to publish cross platform, so web, Android, and IOS apps can use the same API development functions.
- weex-eros - [Chinese] Eros is a app solution based on Weex and Vue, which enables you to use API of Vue, simple and quick development of small and medium app.
Set of components for mobile
- mint-ui - Mobile UI elements for Vue.js.
- vant - A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI From YouZan.
- cube-ui - A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue.js 2.
- mand-mobile - A mobile UI toolkit, based on Vue.js 2, designed for financial scenes.
Component Collections
Set of components without layout system
- vue-mdc - Material Components Web for Vue.js.
- keen-ui - A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design.
- vue-admin - Vue Admin Panel Framework, Powered by Vue 2.0 and Bulma 0.3.
- vuikit - UIkit with all the power of Vue.
- uiv Bootstrap3 components implemented by Vue2.
- wffranco/vue-strap - Bootstrap 3 components built with Vue.js 2
- jsmod-vue-pc - Highly scalable web components for vue 2.0
- guilhermewaess/SemVue - Semantic-ui Modules implemented with Vue 2
- office-ui-fabric-vue - Office UI Fabric implementation for Vue.js
- vuestic-admin - Vue Admin Dashboard with collection of custom components. Built with Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4
- Semantic UI Vue - Semantic UI integration for Vue
- vuesax - Frontend vue Components for Vue.js.
- Essential JS 2 for Vue - Full featured 45+ Vue.js components which includes Data Grid, Chart, Scheduler and Diagram components etc.
- Banshee - A mostly renderless Vue UI component and utility framework that ships with no CSS.
- vue-atlas - A library of beautiful Vue components.
- DevExtreme Vue Components - 65+ responsive and feature-complete Vue UI components with customizable Material Design and Bootstrap compliant themes.
- jqwidgets - 70+ Vue.js 2.0 UI Components with Material Design themes.
- vue-uix - UI collection for web page implementation in Vue.js
- vuedarkmode - A Minimalist Dark Design System for Vue.js ?
- Kendo UI for Vue – Over 70 UI components, including a Grid, built for business applications. Fully responsive with support for several Design Languages including Material Design and Bootstrap.
- Vuent - Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design
- bpit/vue - Vue components lib which is focused on effects
- vue-tailwind - Vue components with customizable classes ready for TailwindCSS, but compatible with any framework.
Admin Template
Set of admin template
- iView Vue Admin - iView Vue Admin / An admin portal template based on iView 2.x
- element Vue Admin - element Vue Admin / An admin portal template based on Element UI 2.x
- vue-element-admin - A magical vue admin based on Element UI 2.x
- D2 Admin - An elegant backstage template build by vue Online Demo
- rest-admin - Restful Admin Panel Based on Vue and Bootstrap 4 Online Demo
- Shards Dashboard Lite Vue - ✨ Modern admin template featuring dozens of custom components and templates.
- Vue Material Admin - A vue material design admin template
- element-admin - A dead simple but powerful vue admin with Vue CLI 3 and element-ui.
Server-side rendering
- Nuxt.js - Versatile Vue.js Framework.
- Ream - A minimalistic framework for building server-rendered and static websites.
- Universal vue - Vue CLI plugin to create universal Vue applications with ease
Static website generator
- VuePress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator.
- Peco - A static website generator for humans. UNMAINTAINED
- Saber - A static website generator for building blazing fast websites with Vue.js.
- Gridsome - Build super fast, modern websites with Vue.js
- app-framework - IOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source.
- Myfirebase - A decoupled Single page application Framework which is highly compatible with google firebase.
- Vue-Access-Control Frontend access control framework based Vue.js 2.
- Basys Toolbox for building full-stack Vue.js apps
- CabloyJS The Ultimate NodeJS Full Stack Business Development Platform, based on KoaJS & EggJS & VueJS & Framework7
UI Utilities
Event Handling
Handling of user events (scroll, click, key strike, ...)
- vue-shortkey - Vue-ShortKey - plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-throttle-event - Throttle events based on requestAnimationFrame.
- vue-waypoint - Waypoint component for Vue, this is the easiest way to trigger a function when you scroll.
- vue-clickaway - Reusable clickaway directive for reusable Vue.js components.
- vue-scrollfire - Fires an event on a specific scroll position.
- vue-resize-directive - Vue directive to detect resize events with deboucing and throttling capacity.
- v-click-outside - Vue directive to react on clicks outside of an element without stopping the event propagation.
- vue-outside-events - Vue 2.x directive to help a specified element listen for specific events occurring outside of itself.
- vue-selectable - Vue 1.x/2.x directive to make items selectable by mouse.
- vue-click-helper - Vue2.x directive to handle click event and dblclick event on same element.
- v-hotkey - Vue 2.x directive for binding hotkeys to components.
- vue-resize - Vue 2.x component to detect DOM elements resizing (event based/no window.onresize)
- vue-observe-visibility - Vue 2.x directive using Intersection Observer API that detects if the element is visible (in the viewport and not hidden by CSS).
- v-dragged - Vue 2.x directive plugin for drag event detection.
- vue-esc - Vue.js directive to add a document event listener on escape keyup.
- vue-global-events – A component to handle global events (like shortcuts) using Vue’s event modifiers
- vue-edge-check – Check browser edge to prevent transition effect triggered oddly when swipe edge with
- vue-mutation-observer – A simple and tiny directive to observe changes in DOM use MutationObserver API
- vue-scroll-show – Showing the element if the user reached it after scroll
- vue-tabevents – Easy communication between other opened tabs
- vue-visibility-trigger - ? Declaratively trigger methods when scrolled into view
Responsive Design
- vue-viewports - Define your custom viewports and use them in your components.
- vue-responsive: Vue.js(2.x) directive to hide/show HTML-elements with the Bootstrap 4, 3 or self defined breakpoints.
- vue-match-media - Vue 2.x-compatible plugin that offers a consistent, semantic approach to making components media query-aware.
- vue-media-query-mixin - Vue 2 media query mixin that can be used in both component js and component template. Compatible with bootstrap and vuetify viewports.
returns if screen width is xs,wSM
returns true if screen width is sm, etc... - vue-breakpoints - Vue 2 minimal components to show and hide elements based on breakpoints. Inspired by Airbnb.
- vue-mq - Offer some useful tools to quickly setup responsive design with a semantic and mobile-first API (Vue 2.x)
- VueResizeSensor - A container that supports resize event.
- vue-breakpoint-component - A render-less component for composing CSS breakpoint state.
- fine-mq - A fine API to manage media queries in JS with ease and first-class integration with VueJS as a plugin.
- vue-responsive-components - Create responsive components with
. - vue-screen-size - Get easy and reactive access to the width and height of your screen.
- vue-formly - JavaScript powered forms for Vue.js.
- vue-focus - A reusable focus directive for reusable Vue.js components.
- vue-form-generator - A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js.
- FormSchema Native - Generate a form using JSON Schema and Vue.js
- ic-formly - Simple form component powered by vue-formly.
- Form Builder - Json template based form builder, based on Vue and Laravel.
- vue-autofocus-directive - Vue autofocus directive.
- vue-awesome-form - A vue.js component just like json-editor
- vue-form-components - Clean & minimal vue form elements with validation
- ncform - a very nice configuration generation way to develop form
- vee-validate - Simple Vue.js input validation plugin.
- vue-rawmodel - RawModel.js plugin for Vue.js v2. Form validation has never been easier.
- vuelidate - Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js.
- simple-vue-validator - A simple yet flexible validator library for vue.js.
- vue-vform - Vue.js 2 form component that integrates jQuery Validation and Axios.
- vue-form - Comprehensive form validation for Vue.js.
- vuelidation - simple, powerful, vuejs validation.
- laravel-vue-validator - Display errors from laravel validation rules
- vue-daval - Super vue data validator. Easiness, simplicity, accurate.
- willvalidate - Validation Forms for Vue.js.
- vue-m-validator - Model data validation library, for VueJs.
- vue-isyourpasswordsafe - A small utility written in Vue that checks if the given password has been leaked against the Have I Been Pwned API.
- vue-form-send - A Vue.js directive for sending data from form and primitive validation
- FormVuelar - Vue form components with server side validation in mind
- vue-final-validate - Vue validation solution from my development experience, support nested, async.
- vform - A simple way to handle Laravel back-end validation in Vue.
- vue-not-visible - Vue directive for removing from dom (like v-if) element on screen smaller than breakpoints.
- vue-window-size - Provides reactivity window size properties.
- vue-responsive-text - ↔ Component that scales its child node in relation to its parent node's width
Set window scroll position
- vue-chat-scroll - Automatic scroll-to-bottom directive for Vue.js 2.0.
- vue-scrollto - Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
- vue-next-level-scroll - A component based and SSR ready approach to smooth scrolling using the modern Scroll behavior API
- vue-scroll-sync - A component that synchronizes containers’ scroll positions
- v-scroll-lock - A Vue.js directive for body scroll locking without breaking scrolling of a target element
- vue2-perfect-scrollbar - PerfectScrollbar minimalistic wrapper
- vue-scroll-to - Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
- vue-scroll-progressbar - A customizable component that indicates the scroll relative position in a progressbar.
- vue-backtotop - A Back-to-top component for Vue.js, which scroll page to the top when clicked.
Virtual scrollbar
- VBar - The virtual responsive cross-browser scrollbar component for Vue.js 2x.
- Vuebar - Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies.
- vue-detached-scrollbar - A simple scrollbar that can be detached from the container it is scrolling.
- vuescroll - A scrolling plugin based on Vue.js for uniforming the scrolling in PC and mobile.
- vue-simplebar - Vue.js wrapper for simplebar plugin.
- smooth-vuebar - Vue directive wrapper for smooth-scrollbar
Detect when components enter viewport
- vue-scrollview - A component utilizing scoped slots to detect when a vue component enters and leaves the viewport.
- vue-scrollactive - Adds an active class in a menu item based on the current section in viewport, also scrolling to the section when clicking the menu item.
- vue-intersect - A Vue component to add intersection-observer to a Vue component or HTML element.
- vue-scrollmonitor - A Vue plugin to watch visibility state of elements inside viewport with a wide range of browsers supported (use provide/inject so compat vue@2.2.x)
- vue-stroll - An Awesome CSS3 list scroll effects component for Vue.js 2.x.
- navscroll-js - Highlights menu items as you scroll, and also scrolls to a section when a menu item clicked. Use as a vue component, a vue directive or with vanilla js.
- vue-scrollwatch - A light plugin detecting scroll event,customize callback when element enter viewport,expose 'scrollTo' api to scroll to specific element .Using vue directive.
- vue-check-view - A plugin that checks if element is in viewport. Fast, small, has no dependencies, live demo.
- vue-stickto - A vue directive that support multiple DOM nodes stick to top automatically
- vue2-scrollspy - A scrollspy plugin and animated scroll-to.
Customize the scroll behavior
- vue-scroll-behavior - Customize the scroll behavior on route navigation. Especially hash mode.
- vue-scroll-stop - Stops propagation scroll when edge reached.
Seamless scrolling
- vue-seamless-scroll - A simple, Seamless scrolling for Vue.js.
- vue-router - The official router for Vue.js.
- vue-router-storage - Router storage & resolve solution for Vue.js 2 & vue-router 2
- vue-tidyroutes - Decentralized vue-router routes definitions
- vue-routisan - Elegant route definitions for Vue Router based on Laravel routing system
- vue-error-page - Provides a wrapper for router-view that allows you to show error pages without changing the URL
- vue-router-sitemap - Generate sitemap.xml by vue-router configuration
- vue-smart-route - Smart route directive to make intelligent looking apps with Vue.js.
- vue-router-lite - A component-based, declarative router for Vue.js 2.
Lazy Load
- vue-lazyload - A Vue.js plugin for lazyload your Image or Component in your application.
- vue-lazy-background-images - Lazy load background images for Vue 2.
- vue-progressive-image - Vue progressive image loading plugin.
- vue-l-lazyload - A lazyload plugin for Vue.js v2.x+.
- vue-lazyload-img - Especially optimized for mobile browser. support V2 & v1.
- vue-lazy-images - A plugin of lazyload images for Vue 2.x.
- v-lazy-img - Tiny (<0.6kb) directive for progressive image loading for Vue 2.
- vue-clazy-load - Lightweight transitionable image lazy loading component using IntersecionObserver for Vue 2.
- vue-lazy-this - Lazyloading component using Intersection Observer API.
- v2-lazy-list - A simple lazy-load list component based Vue 2.x
- pimg - A Simple Progressive Image Component used for lazy loading images.
- vue-tiny-lazyload-img - A small size Vue.js v.2+ directive for lazy loading images
- vue-lazy-youtube-video - A simple Vue.js component for lazy loading YouTube videos.
- lazyload-vue- Vue Plugin for vanilla-lazyload.
- vue-paginate - A simple vue.js plugin to paginate data.
- vue-pagination-2 - Vue.js 2 pagination component.
- vuejs-uib-pagination - Best and complete pagination plugin for Vue.js. Inspired in Angular Bootstrap Pagination.
- vuejs-paginate - A Vue.js(v2.x+) component for creating pagination.
- vue-pagination-bootstrap - A Vue.js (1.x & 2.x) server-side paging component with a template based on Bootstrap
- laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination - A Vue.js 2.x pagination used with Laravel & Semantic-UI.
- vue-paginate-al - Vue paginate with return your data.
- vue-tiny-pagination - A Vue component for create a tiny pagination.
- laravel-vue-pagination - A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel paginators that works with Bootstrap.
- vue-lpage - Low-level Vue pagination component.
- v-page - A simple pagination bar, including length Menu, i18n support, based on Vue2.x.
- vue-smart-pagination - Smart pagination of any data with a lot of nice settings.
- vue-paginatron - Pagination component built with scoped-slot props for maximum flexibility.
- vue-ads-pagination - A vue pagination component build with the css framework tailwindcss
- vue2-animate - A Vue.js 2.0 port of Animate.css. For use with Vue's built-in transitions.
- animated-vue - A Vue.js 2.x plugin to easily use Animate.css animations as transitions. As easy as
! - vue-lottie - A Vue.js 2.x plugin to render after effects animations based on bodymovin
- Vueg - Make vue-router have a transition effect / 为 webApp 提供转场特效的开源 Vue 插件
- v-animate-css - The easiest to implement Vue 2 directive for Animate.css
- vue-mixin-tween - Mixin factory that adds tweened values to component context for animations
- v-odometer - Smoothly transitions numbers with ease. Use this library to give your application a smooth animation, only applicable on numbers.
- vue2-transitions ✨ Reusable Vue 2 transition components
- vue-overdrive Super easy magic-move transitions for Vue apps ?
- animated-number-vue Super easy way to animate numbers.
- vue-typed-js Typed.js integration to easily create typying animations.
- vue-parent-change-transition Enable a child components to animate when it changes the parent.
- vue-smooth-reflow Transition an elements reflow in response to data changes.
- VueTween Allows components to tween their properties.
- vue-slide-up-down Like jQuery's
, but for Vue! - vue-animejs Simple
directives for Vue. - Eagle.js Eagle.js is a web-based slideshow framework for Vue.js.
- vue-pose Pose for Vue is a declarative motion system that combines the simplicity of CSS transitions with the power and flexibility of JavaScript.
- vue-slide-up-down-component It is a simple interface but realizes very flexible and powerful slide animation, for Vue!
- femtoTween A minimalistic (zero-dep, less than 1k) tweening library with first-class Vue support
- vue-sequential-entrance Plugin for creating elegant sequential animation entrances with a list of elements of your page. Zero effort. Simple and lightweight
- vue-animate-scroll Super lightweight way to add CSS animations to elements as they scroll into view.
- vue-svg-transition Create 2-state, SVG-powered transitions
- vue-page-transition Easy route / page transitions for Vue.js
Meta Tags
Manage meta information in the document head
- vue-head - Manage the meta information of the head tag, a simple and easy way.
- vue-meta - Manage page meta info in Vue 2.0 components. SSR + Streaming supported.
- vue-headful - Set document
and meta tags from within your views. - vue-simple-headful - Easily set meta-tags with vue.js - a simpler
alternative with TypeScript support.
Move a DOM node to a target DOM node
- vue-dom-portal - An escape hatch for DOM Elements in Vue.js components.
- portal-vue - A Vue Plugin to render your component's template anywhere in the DOM (Works on the virtualDOM level, doesn't move nodes within the DOM)
- vue2-filters - A collection of standard filters Vue 1.* adapted for use in Vue 2.*.
- vue-morphling - A collection of standard and custom filters for Vue 2.
- vue-currency-filter - Lightweight and Customizeable Vue 2 Currency Filter.
- vue-trans - A simple filter to provide a similar way of translating to the Symfony trans.
- vue-string-filter - Lightweight Vue 2 String Manipulation Filter.
- vue-units - A collection of handy unit conversion filters for use in Vue 2.
- vue-numeral-filter - A collection of filters that allows Numeral.js to be used inline in the template section of a component.
- vue-filter-date-format - Simple datetime filter for Vue 2.
- vue-filter-pluralize - Simple pluralize filter for Vue 2.
- vue-filter-date-parse - Simple parsing datetime filter for Vue 2.
- vue-svgicon - A tool to create svg icon components. (vue 2.x).
- vue-content-loading - Vue component to easily build (or use presets) SVG loading cards Facebook like.
- vue-annotator - Annotate page using any SVG Element (
, and many more, even HTML Element likecanvas
if wrapped inforeignObject
) - vue-svg-sprite - A directive to simply use SVG sprite (vue 2.x).
- vue-svg-filler - Vue component for custom your svg file ? ? (vue 2.x).
- vue-resource-progressbar-interceptor - Interceptor that ties a progressbar to all requests, that it is clear that something is loading.
- vue-images-loaded - Vue.js 2.0 directive to detect images loading.
- vue-visible - A v-visible directive for VueJS (2.x), like v-show but for visibility.
- vue-resize-sensor - Component to detect container resizing (event-based)
- v-blur - Vue directive to blur an element dynamically
- vue-async-methods - Helper utilities for promise based methods
- vue-openseadragon - OpenSeaDragon component for Vue.js (zoom and pan)
- vue-match-heights - Directive to set heights of elements to be the same.
- vue-conditional-attrs - A Vue.js component for conditional rendering attributes and directives
- vue-cbsc - A Vue.js 2.x component for programmatically blender, shader and convert colors.
- vue-spatialnavigation - Vue directive (Vue.js 2.x) for spatial navigation (keyboard navigation)
- vue-lifecycle - A Vue.js lifecycle directives.
- vue-aspect-ratio - Aspect ratio directive for vue.
- @kooljay82/vue-m-camera - To avoid changing orientation of photo automatically which taken via camera of user's device.
- vue-3d-model - A 3D model viewer in Vue component.
- vue-pano - A panorama viewer in Vue component.
- vue-threejs - Vue bindings for Three.js.
- VueGL - Vue.js components rendering 3D graphics reactively via three.js
- vue-vr - A framework for building VR applications with Vue based on threejs and Panolens, inspired by react-vr
- vue-displacement-slideshow - A Vue.js component that makes Webgl image displacement transitions easier.
- vue-fullscreen - A simple Vue component for fullscreen.
Page visibility
- vue-page-visibility-awesome - A Vue 2.x component of easy-to-config page visibility api.
- vue-authplugin - an elegant view auth control plugin, support directive and prototype methods.
- vue-html-to-paper - Vue mixin for paper printing html elements to paper.
Utilities not directly related to the UI
- vue-underscore - simple vue plugin to implement underscore
- vue-lazy-calc - A simple calculation plugin in lazy && chaining way with strong typed.
- vue-typed - Sets of ECMAScript / Typescript decorators that helps you write Vue component easily.
- vue-typescript - Typescript decorators to make vue feel more typescripty.
- vue-property-decorator - Vue.js and Property Decorator.
- vue-typescript-component - Decorators to use TypeScript classes as Vue.js 2.0 components.
- vue-typescript-import-dts - TypeScript declaration file that allows using 'import' with .vue files.
- vue-ts-loader - Type-check your script in your vue-loader.
- vue-mixin-decorator - Typescript decorator for strongly typed Mixins.
- vue-ts-component-generator - A simple cli tool for generating vue typescript components.
- vue-local-storage-decorator - Persist data by using local stoarge in decorator format
- vuex-module-decorators - Typescript/ES7 Decorators to make Vuex modules a breeze
- vuex-class-modules - Introduce a simple type-safe class style syntax for your vuex modules, inspired by vue-class-component.
HTTP Requests
Retrieve data over HTTP
- vue-resource - The HTTP client for Vue.js.
- vue-async-computed - Async computed properties for Vue.js.
- vue-jsonp - A tiny library for handling JSONP request.
- v-model - V-Model is a model plugin for Vue.js, like ng-resource.
- vue-resource-mock - A helper to mock your http response, based on vue-resource's interceptor.
- vue-async-data-2 - Async data loading plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-api-request - A plugin that provides full control on your APIs, making your request simple, fast and easy to implement.
- vue-fast-axios - Make requests with validations in a simple and beautiful way.
- vue-async-properties - An
plugin with support for debouncing, transforming results, error handlers, loading/pending flags, lazy/eager requests. - vue-axios-plugin - A plugin that combines axios with Vuejs, making http request more easier.
- vuex-api - A vuex plugin for effortlessly handle api calls.
- zipkin-instrumentation-vue-resource - An interceptor for vue-resource that instruments outgoing HTTP requests with Zipkin
- vue-api-query - Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API.
- vue-chimera - A full-featured RESTful resource based client, compatible with Nuxt.js and allows server side fetch.
- vue-google-api - A wrapper for easy integration of the Google's APIs client in any vue.js 2 project, based on promises, with built-in Oauth2 "Sign In with Google" facilities.
- vue-apis - A vue plug-in integrated with axios that chain-builds API instances. Available from the context of a vue instance (eg: this.$apis.apiName()).
Internationalization / L10n / localization / translation
- vue-i18n - Internationalization plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-translate-plugin - VueJS plugin for translations.
- vuex-i18n - Localization plugin for vue.js 2.0 using vuex as store.
- vue-gettext - Translate your Vue.js applications with gettext.
- vue-i18n - A small plugin for implementing translations in Vue.js.
- vue-multilanguage - Support many languages in Vue.js 2.
- vue-ts-locale - A plugin for implementing translations using Intl in Vue.js 2 with typescript support.
- vue-i18next - A i18next wrapper to support translations in Vue.js 2.
- vue-polyglot - Basic translation plugin for Vue.js 2 with async loading.
- v-localize - Simple localization plugin for the amazing Vue.js.
- vue-simple-i18n - Probably the thinnest library to end all Vue i18n solutions within 1kb
- template-string-i18n - I18n using template strings with auto save/load translate documents.
- vue-translations - Translate your vuejs application easy with it.
- vue-i18n-service - Export and import @kazupon/vue-i18n's SFC translations simply using
npx vue-i18n-service export|import
. - vue-i18n-filter - Vue filter extend for Vue-i18n, simply using
{{ hello world | t }}
. - vue-translation-manager - Interactively find and translate strings in your Vue.js application. Works well with vue-18n and vuex-i18n.
- vue-t9n - Simplest way to translate your applications
- vue-simple-inline-translation - A Vue component that simplifies the way text is translated: by translating it inline.
- vue-i18n-extract - Manage vue-i18n localization with static analysis. Make reports about missing and unused i18n entries.
- vscode-vue-i18n-ally - VSCode extension for better Vue-i18n experiences.
Custom Events
- vue-events - Simple event handling for Vue.js.
- vue-event-handler - Event handling plugin for VueJS.
- vue-event-manager - The global event manager for Vue.js.
- vue-geb - A global event bus using Observables.
- vue-bus - Tiny simple central event bus plugin for Vue.js 2.
- vue-simple-events - Yet another event management plugin, but WITHOUT Vue instance
- vue-option-events - Bring Vue.js 1 events option and $emit to Vue.js 2.
LocalStorage etc.
- vue-localstorage - Vue.js localStorage plugin with types support.
- vue-ls - Vue plugin for work with LocalStorage from Vue context.
- vue-pouch - Live and reactive bindings for PouchDB. Persist data in IndexedDB and sync with CouchDB.
- vue-idb - Lists and huge lists management with IndexedDB (Dexie.js) only or automatically created and extendible vuex modules
- vuejs-storage - Vue.js and vuex plugin to persistence data with localStorage/sessionStorage.
- vue-browserstore - Browser storage wrapper.
- VueStorage - Allows components to save and load their data across browser sessions.
- vue-web-storage Another Vue.js plugin for localStorage and sessionStorage
- vue-universal-cookies Isomorphic cookies plugin for Vue.js / Nuxt.js supports Browser, Express, http (node).
- vue2-storage Browser storage for Vue.js app
- vue-warehouse A Cross-browser storage for Vue.js and Nuxt.js, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on Store.js.
- vue-storage-watcher - A reactive localStorage/sessionStorage plugin for Vue.js with strong typed.
State Management
- vuex - Centralized State Management for Vue.js.
- vue-sync - Synchronize Vue State with the Browser URL, Server Backend, and other endpoints.
- vuelm - Lightweight state management inspired by Elm architecture.
- vuez - A simple but powerful State Management for Vue.js, with only 2 APIs.
- vuet - Vue.js state management model for Agile Development
- vue-ya-stash - Yet Another stash storage with update/patch event emitters simillar with v-bind.sync
- vue-assign-model - Automatically assign elements value to model for Vue.js.
- vue-stash - Easily share reactive data between your Vue components.
- vue-mc - Models and Collections for Vue.js
- vue-model - Model component for Vue.js
- tuex - A mostly reasonable alternative to Vuex.
- revuejs - A tiny, light and handy state management for vuejs 2, writing less verbose code.
- lue - Vue and vuex based library, writing less verbose code.
- vuex-lite - A 1KB Vuex with just state and mutations.
- Vuenut - is a component to develop faster and more fluently.
- vue-shared - A light and simple alternative to vuex
- vuex-module-generator - It allows you to create a vuex module easily.
- vuex-declaration - Declare state like props, make state inject to vuex dynamically when component created.
- vuex-up - Brings mixing and services injector features to module vuex.
- effector — Fast and powerful reactive state manager. Effector lets you write simple, fast and type safe code and manage reactive state with ease.
- nano-state-vue - Efficient, effective, and extensible state management: less is more
- vuedeux - Binding Solutions for Vue & Redux.
- redux-store-mixin - Mixin for integrate action creators in methods of vue-component
- vue-redux-prepare-props - Helper for use props of Redux with Vue.js using Vuex and Vuedeux
- vuejs-redux - High order component facilities for Vue and Redux.
- vuex-coolstory - Plugin for vuex to run redux-saga.
- vue-kindergarten
- vue-authenticate - Simple Vue.js authentication library for login/register and OAuth (1.0/2.0) authentication
- vue-facebook-account-kit - Simple vue wrapper to the fb account kit library.
- casl-vue - Restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access
- vue-google-api - A wrapper for easy integration of the Google's APIs client in any vue.js 2 project, based on promises, with built-in Oauth2 "Sign In with Google" facilities.
- vue-auth - A simple light-weight authentication library for Vue.js
- vue-auth-plugin - A simple authentication and authorization library for Vue.js using typescript
- vue-google-signin-button - A simple Vue plugin to include a Google sign-in button into your web app
- vue-facebook-signin-button - A simple plugin to include a custom Facebook sign-in button into your web app
- vue-auth-href - A VueJS directive for downloading files that are under a protected route schema
Vuex Utilities
- vuex-persistedstate - Persist Vuex state with localStorage.
- vuex-plugin-jsdata - A plugin for syncing Vuex store with js-data.
- vuex-local - Local state management within Vuex.
- vuex-action - Utilities for vuex to easily create and manage actions.
- vuex-rest-api - A Helper utility to simplify the usage of REST APIs with Vuex. Based on axios.
- vuex-cache - A Vuex plugin utility to cache action those will make remote request.
- vuex-persist - A Typescript-ready Vuex plugin to help save the store to localStorage or any custom Storage (that you can configure).
- vuex-local-state - Add 'localState/sessionState' options to vuex. Keep the Vuex state with localStorage.
- vuex-cli-scaffold - Scaffold vuex actions, mutations, getters and the state.
- vuex-action-reload - A vuex plugin that reloads actions when a condition is met.
- vuejs-storage - Vue.js and vuex plugin to persistence data with localStorage/sessionStorage.
- vuex-orm - The Vuex plugin to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Vuex Store.
- vuex-async-module - Reduce async boilerplate code generating Vuex modules. Compatible with Vue 2.x.
- vuex-api - A vuex plugin for effortlessly handle api calls.
- vuex-queries - Vuex-Queries helps you write query functions in Vuex
- vuex-microservice - Define microservice URLs at a dedicated place and use them inside your Vuex actions.
- vuex-iframe-sync - Vuex state synchronization between iframe/window.
- vuex-aspect - Bind remote data of any kind to the vuex store.
- Vuenut - is a component to develop faster and more fluently.
- vuex-map-fields - Enable two-way data binding for form fields.
- vuex-search - Vuex binding for client-side search with indexers and Web Workers.
- vuex-dry - helps keep your vuex codes DRY.
- vuex-pathify - provides a unified path syntax to Vuex stores (such as
) - vuex-loading - Simplify vuex loading state management
- vuex-module-builder - Vuex module builder is a wrapper for writing vuex stores efficiently with some common methods built-in.
- vuex-pagination - Easily work with paginated resources in your Vue/Vuex application. Works well with most of the Vue pagination components.
- vuex-easy-firestore - Easy coupling of Firebase Cloud Firestore and Vuex. 2-way sync with 0 boilerplate!
- vuex-listener - A global Vuex action and mutation listener plugin
- jsonapi-vuex - Use a JSONAPI api with a Vuex store, with client-side restructuring/normalization of records.
Sync Between Tabs
- vuex-basement - Vuex state persistence and synchronization between tabs/windows.
- vuex-shared-mutations - Share vuex mutations between tabs/windows.
- vue-apollo - Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS.
- vue-relay - A framework for building GraphQL-driven Vue.js applications.
- vuex-orm-apollo - Apollo/GraphQL integration for Vuex-ORM.
Concurrency Management
- vuency - Concurrency management for Vue.js.
Code Style
Improve readability of code
- vue-types - Vue Prop Types definitions.
- vue-factory - A simple factory/provider extension for Vue.js, like services in Angular.
- eslint-plugin-vue - Eslint plugin for Vue.js projects.
- vue-decorators - Decorators for Vue.js (beta).
- vue-computed-helpers - Computed helpers for Vue.js apps
- vert - Library to build Vue applications in OOP.
- vue-slot-checker - Provide the function to check slot like checking props.
- vue-bem-cn - Simple BEM class name generator for Vue.JS.
- vue-css - Vue.js plugin that allows you to bundle CSS with your components.
- vue-mods-names - Adding modificators to class names for all components in app.
- vue-styler - Simple, performant styler for vue.
- vue-css-modules - Seamless mapping of class names to CSS Modules inside of Vue components.
- vue-simple-bem - Directive with succint syntax for adding BEM class names to elements.
- fela-vue - CSS-IN-JS mixin for Vue designed for flexibility yet team-oriented.
- j-vue
Asset Management
Utilities for building / compiling / bundling / loading assets
- vue-script2 - Standardized, designer-friendly script tag behavior for your Single Page App.
- vue-loader - Webpack loader for Vue.js components.
- vueify - Browserify transform for single-file Vue components.
- vue-compiler - A simple cli wrapper around the vue-component-compiler.
- vue-brunch - Adds support to Brunch for pre-compiling single file Vue components.
- poi - Start writing an app with a single .js file, Poi could handle all the development setups for you, no more configuration hell.
- http-vue-loader - Load .vue files directly from your html/js without node.js environment nor build step.
- vue-jsx-hot-loader - Enable HMR for Vue.js components with JSX render functions.
- VueInBrowserLoader - Loads a .vue file from the given URL and compiles it to a component directly in the browser.
- vue-separate-files-webpack-loader - Webpack loader for separated Vue components parts
- vue-svg-loader - webpack loader that lets you use SVG files as Vue components
- vue-registrar - ☘️ A package that dynamically registers your components and vuex modules - Makes your code a lot readable!
Page Navigation
- vue-navigation - A page navigation library, record routes and cache pages, like native app navigation. 一个页面导航库,记录路由并缓存页面,像原生APP导航一样。
- vue-acl - Access Control List for VueJS 2.
- vue-breadcrumbs - Implements simple breadcrumb functionality with vue-router for both Vue 1.x and Vue 2.x.
- vue-2-breadcrumbs - breadcrumb together with vue-router for Vue 2.x. and Bootstrap 4
- vs-crumbs - Vue breadcrumbs in 40 lines of code that allows nested paths without child views.
- vue-nav - Page navigation manager, support all navigation function of native mobile app. 页面导航管理器,支持手机原生应用的所有导航功能。
- vue-2-crumbs - Breadcrumbs plugin for Vue.js 2 framework that allows to select parent route in route meta object with no need of sub-routing. Also allows using dynamic data.
- vue-pesdk Vue.js wrapper for the PhotoEditorSDK
- vue-resolve Resolve routes data before entering / rendering the component for that route.
- vue-page-stack - Routing and navigation for your Vue SPA. Vue 单页应用导航管理器
- vue-container - A simple dependency injection library for Vue 2.
- vue-super - A simple plugin to call methods on parent components.
- @skyrpex/props-to-local - Vue mixin that maps props to local data.
- vue-inject - Dependency injection for Vue 2.x Components
- vue-deepset - Interact with deeply nested fields in Vue/Vuex objects/state with v-model in Vue 1.x and 2.x
- vue-gaspard - DOM helpers plugin for Vue.js
- vue-configuration - A static configuration object for Vue.js
- vue-lodash - A simple wrapper for integrating lodash to Vue 2.
- vue-ramda - Vue Wrapper for ramda
- vue-router-user-roles - Protects routes based on user roles. Add your own authentication.
- vue-messenger - A series of useful enhancements to Vue component props: Transform, Enum-type, Numeric-type, Two-way data bindings.
- vue-uuid-v4 - Plugin Vue2 to easy get UUIDv4
- vue-async-operations - Managing async operations statuses in your Vue components
- vue-direction - ? Direction aware hover in Vuejs
- vue-unique-id - Generates unique component ids and component-scoped HTML ids.
- stfalcon-vue-di - ⭐️ Lightweight DI for vue components️ ❤️
Web Workers
- vue-worker - A Vue.js plugin to use webworkers in a simply way.
- vue-log-worker - A Vue.js plugin to log error and vuex mutations to your backend through a web worker
- jsx-vue-functional - A Babel plugin that brings syntactic sugar for Vue functional components.
- jsx-event-modifiers - A Babel plugin that adds event modifiers similar to Vue templates to JSX.
- jsx-v-model - A Babel plugin that brings
to JSX. - vue-jsx-sync - A Babel plugin that brings vue
sync modifier
to JSX.
- vue-backbone - Vue.js Plugin to facilitate Backbone integration.
Web Sockets
- - implementation for vuejs.
- vue-websocket - Simple websocket ( plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-echo - Integrates Laravel Echo into Vue, allows for easy registration of socket events.
- vue-socket-cluster - Web Sockets for vue with uws(Micro web sockets) through socket cluster
- vue-native-websocket - Native websocket implementation for Vuejs 2 and Vuex
- - bindings for Vue.js and Vuex
- vue-phoenix - Elixir Phoenix Web Socket implmentation for vuejs. Also provides typescript decorator for better use.
Payment utilities.
- vue-stripe-checkout A simple vue plugin for Stripe checkout.
- vue-stripe-payment Vue wrapper for jquery.payment by Stripe.
- vue-paypal-checkout A simple Vue.js wrapper component for paypal-checkout.
- vue-plaid-link Easy to use Vue component for Plaid Link.
Integrate with services or other frameworks
- vue-disqus - Vue component to integrate Disqus comments in your application, with support for SPA.
- vue-youtube-embed - Vue.js and YouTube.
- vue-add-to-calendar - A Vue.js component that provides "Add to Calendar" functionality, works with Vue 2.X.
- Vue + Meteor - Vue first-class integration in Meteor.
- av-ts - A modern, type-safe, idiomatic Vue binding library.
- Neutronium - Build .NET desktop applications using HTML, CSS and javascript.
- vue-typescript-jest - Jest preprocessor.js for Vue.js components (supporting html, pug, and babel) and TypeScript.
- vue-jest-utils - Utilities for testing Vue.js components using Jest.
- vue-custom-element - Vue Custom Element - Custom Elements for Vue.js.
- vue-cordova - Vue.js plugin for Cordova.
- vue-wamp - AutobahnJS wrapper library fo Vue.js.
- express-vue - Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using res.render().
- vue-grecaptcha - Google reCAPTCHA for VueJS 2
- vue-recaptcha - Google reCAPTCHA component for Vue.js
- require-vuejs - RequireJS plugin to async and dynamic load and parse .vue components.
- facebook-login-vuejs - Vue Component for Authenticating your Facebook App and get the benefits of Facebook Login.
- vuejs/vuefire - Official Firebase Integration for VueJS
- vuefire - Firebase for VueJS and Vuex
- vue-runkit - RunKit Embed for Vue.js
- vue-youtube - Provides a simple layer for you to use your imagination while over the YouTube IFrame Player API. (Compatible with SSR)
- vue-introjs - Integrates intro.js step-by-step guide and feature introduction with Vue.js
- vue-loopback - Loopback and Vue application template
- vue-laroute - Integrate Laravel routes into your VueJS application using laroute.
- vue-raven - Automatically reports uncaught JavaScript exceptions triggered from vue component.
- vue-telegram-login - Vue Component for Telegram Login by @vchaptsev
- vuexpress - Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.
- vue-fixer - A simple vue component for the fixer API.
- amazon-cognito-vuex-module - Vuex module for Amazon Cognito.
- vue-web3 - Web3 blockchain bindings for Vue.js (inspired by Vuefire and Drizzle)
- sbt-vuefy - Vue.js integration for Playframework
- loopback-vue-starter - LoopBack and Vue starter template with easy plugin management through
andvue ui
. - - Write Vue.js Components in Python
- vue-telegram-passport - Vue Component for Telegram Passport by @vchaptsev
- vue-facebook-login-component - A fully customizable component for integrating Facebook login.
- vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha - A simple invisible Google reCAPTCHA component focused solely on programmatic invocation.
- vbuild - Its main purpose is to let you use components (.vue files) in your vuejs app, without a full nodejs stack. Since 0.6 versions : you can create your component in pure python !
- feathers-vuex - is a first class integration of the Feathers Client and Vuex. It implements many Redux best practices under the hood, eliminates a lot of boilerplate code, and still allows you to easily customize the Vuex store.
- vue-nocaptcha - Aliyun noCAPTCHA component for Vue.js
- ionic-vue - Vue.js integration for Ionic v4
- vue-0xcert - Vue.js integration for 0xcert Framework - an open-source library that provides tools for building powerful decentralized applications
- vue-zdog Vue wrapper for zDog - a minimalist 3D engine for the browser
Vue CLI 3 Plugins
- vue-cli-plugin-cordova - Vue CLI 3 Plugin to add Cordova easily to your project
- vue-cli-plugin-component - Vue CLI 3 Plugin to create component
- vue-cli-plugin-modular-vuex - Vue CLI 3 Plugin to create modular Vuex store files
- vue-cli-plugin-modular-router - Vue CLI Plugin to create modular route files
- vue-cli-plugin-docker-nginx - Vue CLI Plugin to add a docker deployment using a minimal nginx server
- vue-cli-plugin-element - Vue CLI 3 Plugin to build an enterprise application with element-ui in seconds
- vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder - Vue CLI 3 Plugin for Electron with no required configuration that uses Electron Builder.
Google Analytics
- vue-ua - Google Universal Analytics support in Vue.js.
- vue-analytics - Vue plugin for Google Analytics.
- vue-gtm - Vue plugin for Google Tag Manager
Yandex Metrika
- vue-ya-metrica - Vue plugin for Yandex.Metrica
- vue-yandex-metrika - Vue plugin for Yandex Metrika with router integration, plugin options by @vchaptsev
Dev Tools
- vue-dev-server - A small development server for building
components. - - A simple page that allows you to select Vue components and download them as a single minified JS file.
- Storybook - The UI Development Environment. works with v3.2+ later.
- Font Awesome Finder - Chrome extension to search, preview and choose Font Awesome icons and copy the selected icon HTML code & Unicode to clipboard.
- vue-dummy - Placeholder Text and Dummy Images as a simple
directive. - Bit - Manage and reuse
components between projects. Easily isolate and share components from any project without changing its source code, organize curated collections and install in different projects. - Vuenut - is a component to develop faster and more fluently.
- ComponentFixture - is a component design to develop and test other components, automatically binding their props.
- vue-cli-template-dev-server - A development server for building vue-cli custom templates.
Inspecting & debugging
- Vue.js devtools - Chrome devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
- DejaVue - Visualization and debugging tool built for Vue.js.
- vue-clicky - Right click any component to show info about it in the console.
- vuejs-logger - Provides customizable logging functionality for Vue.js.
- bugsnag-vue - Official Vue.js plugin for bugsnag error reporting
- vue-inspector - Vue.js Inspector for Mobile Devices
- Vue Performance Devtool - Vue Performance Devtool is a browser extension for inspecting the performance of Vue Components
- VueSource - Global Vue mixin which identifies components in source code by adding HTML comments
- NW-Vue-DevTools - DevDependency for adding Vue DevTools into NW.js
- bruit-io - Collect feedbacks with screenshot and technical data and post them to an API like
Create documentation
- vue-markdown-loader - Convert Markdown file to Vue Component.
- vue-play - A minimalistic framework for demonstrating your Vue components.
- vue-styleguide-generator - React inspired style guide generator for Vue.js.
- CheatSheet - Complete Interactive API.
- Vuex CheatSheet - Complete Interactive Vuex API.
- vue-styleguidist - A style guide generator for Vue components with a living style guide.
- vue-elucidate - A component that generates beautiful documentation for your living styleguide / design system.
- vue-md-loader - Markdown files to ALIVE Vue components.
- @vuedoc/parser - Generate a JSON documentation for a Vue file component.
- @vuedoc/md - Generate a Markdown Documentation for a Vue file.
- jsdoc-vue-component - A jsodc3 plugin that extract vue SFC info(name, props, events...) to document.
- jsdoc-vuedoc - A jsdoc3 plugin use
. - vue-storybook – Add
blocks to your Vue single file components for tighter integration of Vue + Storybook - vue-patterns - Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
- vuese - One-stop solution for vue component documentation.
- vue-container - A simple dependency injection library for Vue 2.
- vuenit - Utilities for testing Vue components and directives.
- vue-unit - A library for Vue.js that makes it easier to create and unit test components.
- vue-a2b - A library for Split Testing with Vue.js. Highly configurable and tiny (1.2k gzipped).
- vue-test-utils - Official utilities for testing Vue components.
- vue-test-actions - Unit testing Vuex actions with Jest mocks.
- jest-vue-matcher - Additional jest matchers for vue
- vue-hubble - A better way to select elements for UI testing in Vue.
- Vue Testing Library - Simple and complete testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. Based on DOM Testing Library and built upon the official Vue Test Utils.
Browser-less require
Load Vue components without browser
- vuegister - Vuegister (a portmanteau of vue & register) is a require hook for loading of the Vue.js single-file components (or .vue files).
- vue-node - Load vue components in node.
Source Code Editing
Text editor plugins
- - Vue component file syntax for Atom.
- - Adds syntax highlighting to Vue Component files in Atom.
- - Atom snippets for Vue component files.
- - Auto compile vue file on save.
- - package to lint Sass/SCSS in
files. - - Atom snippets for javascript and components, including lifecycle hooks, directives, properties, vuex, vue-router, vue-i18n support.
- - Vue.js 2.0+ autocomplete for Atom.
Sublime Text
- Vue Syntax Highlight - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Vue components.
- VUEFormatter - Sublime Text code format
- vuejs-sublime-complete - Sublime Text code complete
- Vue Next Formatter - Sublime Text Vue formatter, Supported ES5/6/7, Less/Sass and Pug/Html template.
- Vim Vue - Syntax Highlight for Vue.js components.
- vim-vue-plugin - Vim syntax and indent plugin for .vue files.
Visual Studio Code
- Vetur - Vue tooling for VSCode.
Visual Studio
- VuePack - Contains HTML Intellisense and code snippets for the Vue.js JavaScript library.
- Brackets Vue - Brackets extension for Vue.js.
- Vue.js support for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm & RubyMine – official Vue.js support by JetBrains
- Vue Mode - Emacs major mode for vue.js.
- Kate Syntax Files - Syntax files (modified or original) for katepart (kate, kwrite, kdevelop).
Scaffold / boilerplate / seed / starter kits / stack ensemble / Yeoman generator
- vue-cli - Simple CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
- Vue-Django - A boilerplate to set you up in bringing the awesomeness of VueJS into a Django (Python) app.
- python-vuejs - Gluing Python web frameworks and Vue.js with a set of scripts. Basically a
wrapper. - generator-vue-plugin - Yeoman generator generating vue plugin.
- vue-seed - vue-seed is minimal seed for those looking to get up-and-running with Vue
- nuxt-seed - nuxt-seed is minimal seed for those looking to get up-and-running with Vue and Nuxt
- rails_vue_melt - Rails view with webpack=vue optimizer.
- vue-starter - A Vue.js starter kit that lets you focus on more programming and less configuration.
- vue-standalone-component - A standalone component generator with documentation support using jsdoc and vue-styleguidist
- vuejs-wordpress-theme-starter - A WordPress theme with the guts ripped out and replaced with Vue
- Cordovue - A sample Apache Cordova application using Vue.
- Cookiecutter-Django-Vue - Django+VueJS+Docker customizable project generator with a large number of settings/integrations by @vchaptsev
- iBiu A visual CLI for scaffolding large Vue projects in 2 seconds.
- wp-vue - A simple Vue blog template that displays posts from a WordPress REST API endpoint.
- vue-cli-template-nativescript - Template for starting new nativescript+vue projects with rollup+babel+eslint
- vue-element-ui-scaffold - Online and visual Vue 2 with Element-UI CRUD scaffold/generator.
- vue-firebase-element-ui-scaffold - Online and visual Vue 2, Element-UI and Firebase scaffold/generator with CRUDs, authentication, file/image upload, activity log and more.
- vuesion - The most complete boilerplate for production-ready PWAs. With focus on performance, development speed, and best practices
- vue-vuex-typescript-webpack-seed - A seed project with Vue, Vuex, Typescript, Scss & Webpack with hot reloading
- VueCharged Template - A highly opinionated, feature-first Vue 2 template with CLI scaffolding. Uses Vue 2, Vuex, Vue Router and Vue I18n.
- Huncwot - Vue.js boilerplate with Node.js for building modern JavaScript applications with « batteries included » approach.
- wemake-vue-template - Bleeding edge vue template focused on code quality and developer happiness. Featuring: nuxt, flow, and jest.
- vue-lib-template - ? A simple template for building and publishing Vue component/library as a opensource.
- Awesome Vue Boilerplate - ? Awesome Vue, ? Vuex, Vuex-pathify, element-ui, tailwindcss
- - Generate full Vue applications with SQL, MongoDB or Firebase Firestore databases.
- VuePlay - Generate disposable Vue playgrounds in seconds. Allows you to test things quickly.
- Mevn-CLI - Light speed setup for MEVN stack based apps.
- vue-cli-template-registry - A solution for installing vue-cli custom templates hosted on private/enterprise repositories.
- vue-enterprise-boilerplate - An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI 3.
Render Vue application in the browser only
- Vue Plugin Boilerplate - Boilerplate for Vue.js plugin.
- Bourgeon - Bourgeon is an opinionated-featured VueJS 2.0 setup for Webpack.
- VuePack - A modern starter which uses Vue 2, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack 2 (and even Electron).
- Vue Settler - An opinionated Vue 2.0 SPA Starter.
- vue-build - Ultra Simple, Development, Testing and Production Build Cli.
- Vue Element Starter - Robust Vue 2 starter with Element-UI.
- vue-multiple-pages - A modern Vue.js multiple pages starter which uses Vue 2, Webpack2, and Element-UI
- vue-typescript-boilerplate - A Vue.js typescript SPA starter with Vue 2, Vue Typed, Vuex, Vue Router and localization
- vue-tachyons-template - A Vue 2 project starter template w/ Tachyons, Webpack, and ESLint
- Vuets - A Vue, TypeScript ready boilerplate using class-style components, vue plugin options, webpack & vue-cli.
- MMF-FE/vue-typescript - A vue2.x typescript template.
- Friendly Vue Starter - A full featured Vue.js starter project with GraphQL support via Apollo-client (Vuex, Vue-router, Vue-i18n, Webpack 3, Eslint, Prettier, ...)
- vue-webpack-typescript - A Vue 2.2 Webpack 2 and Typescript 2 setup with hot reload, unit testing, code coverage, sass and bundling/minification.
- vue-ts-amd - A full-featured Vue.js 2 boilerplate using AMD pattern (RequireJS) and Typescript.
- vue-2-boilerplate - Vue 2 boilerplate for developing medium to large single page applications by petervmeijgaard
- layout - A full-featured Webpack + Vue Extend layout
- layout-simple - A simple Webpack + Vue Extend layout
- vue-cli-template-library - Template for developing open-source vue.js libraries with Rollup + Jest + Babel + Storybook + TravisCI + SemanticRelease.
- vue-cli-template-github-pages - A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup for Github Pages Deployment with travisCI.
- vue-webpack-chrome-extension-template - Template for quick creation of Chrome extension on Vuejs hot reloading when developing.
- buildless-vue - Quickly use Vue without a build step.
- vue-component-template - Webpack setup for building & publishing a Vue component/library (with docs/demo site).
- vue-auth-boilerplate - Vue SPA boilerplate with Router/Vuex/CLI3 and auth functions (cool looking register and login). Works with minimal setup out of the box with laravel-api-boilerplate-jwt.
- vue-atomic-design - Vue front-end boilerplate based on atomic design methodology.
Render Vue application to HTML on the server and to the DOM in the browser
- SPA Starter Kit - A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications with Laravel and Vue.js.
- SSR Boilerplate - Vue.js Server Side Rendering Boilerplate without Polluting Vuex.
- neutrino-preset-vue-static - A minimalistic starter kit for building static sites using Vue.js.
- Vueniverse - A fully featured, universal Vue template for user-based applications, powered by Nuxt.js and Express.
- vue-preload - A plugin Vue for adding
<link rel="preload"
capabilities - Vue.js/Nuxt.js full featured boilerplate professional agency frontend template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites by vuejs/nuxtjs.
Includes a backend boilerplate
- Vuetober - Single page apps with Laravel, Vue.js, and October CMS.
- Toucan - Boilerplate for building single page apps. Server is multi-project .Net Core solution designed around SOLID principles. Client is TypeScript 2, Vuejs 2, Vuex 2.
- vue-server-demo - Writing koa server in Vue.
- vue-apollo-connector-kit - JWT authentication with 2 different strategies (localStorage and httpOnly cookies). Authorization using custom directives (apollo).
- DotVue - Implement .vue file handler in .NET with server ViewModel postback. Single-file components with server-side ViewModel. Use all power of VueJS with simple C# server side data access.
- isomor-vue-app - Setup a working environment with Vue and isomor, to unify the frontend and the backend by generating automatically the API.
- Electron Vue - An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- VuePack - A modern starter which uses Vue 2, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack 2 (and even Electron).
- vue-flexible-link - Tiny Vue component for Electron to open links in a browser. Ideal for cross environment apps (Web & Native)
- vuelectron - electronjs starter kits for vue.
- vue-design - the best website visualization builder with Vue and Electron.
- vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder - A Vue Cli 3 plugin for Electron with no required configuration that uses Electron Builder and Electron Webpack.
- dapp - Boilerplate for stack of Vue/Parcel/Electron.
- vue-electron-template - An Electron & Vue.js boilerplate with Hot-reloading enabled and common Vue plugins, dev and build scripts configured using webpack-4
Scaffold parts of the app
- vue-generator - A CLI generator for Vue components, views and store modules.
- vue-component-generator - A generator for vue component, supports Vue1.X and Vue2.X.
- rapydml_cmp - Vue-component pythonic generator, built on top of RapydML & RapydScript.
- vue-authoring-template - Template for authoring also publishing Vue component and their use case in story-scenario (storybook) format in easy way.
- vue-component-boilerplate - Template for generating the boilerplate code for a VueJS components, with build scripts and testing pre-installed.
- vue-generate-component-typescript - A typescript code generator for vue, it can generate components, directives, filters.
Command Line / Terminal
- blessed-vue - A VueJS runtime to let you write command line UI in Vue Edit
- react-snap - A zero-configuration static pre-renderer for SPA
- prerender-plugin - A Node.js/ webpack plugin to prerender static HTML in a single-page application (SPA).
- vue-prerender - A Vue.js tailored plugin which implements three strategies for prerendering Vue.js pages using headless chrome.
- Rendora - dynamic SSR (server-side rendering) using headless Chrome to effortlessly solve the SEO problem for modern javascript websites
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