我已经将两个机器学习子领域Deep和Shallow Learning区分开来,这已成为过去几年中的一个重要分支。深度学习负责图像分类和语音识别的记录结果,因此由Google,Facebook和百度等大型数据公司牵头。相反,浅层学习方法包括各种不太前沿的分类,聚类和提升技术,如支持向量机。浅层学习方法仍然广泛应用于自然语言处理,脑计算机接口和信息检索等领域。
此表还包含有关使用GPU的特定工具支持的信息。 GPU接口已经成为机器学习工具的一个重要特性,因为它可以加速大规模矩阵运算。这对深度学习方法的重要性是显而易见的。例如,在2015年5月初的GPU技术大会上,机器学习下的45个演讲中有39个是关于GPU加速的深度学习应用程序,这些应用程序来自31家主要的科技公司和8所大学。这一吸引力反映了Deep Networks对GPU辅助培训的巨大速度提升,因此是一项重要功能。
还提供了有关通过Hadoop或Spark在集群中分配计算的工具能力的信息。这已成为适合分布式计算的浅学习技术的重要论述点。同样,Deep Networks的分布式计算也成为一个讨论点,因为已经为分布式训练算法开发了新技术。
最后,附上一些关于学术界和工业界对这些工具的不同使用的补充说明。通过搜索机器学习出版物,演示文稿和分布式代码收集了哪些信息。 Google,Facebook和甲骨文的研究人员也支持了一些信息,非常感谢Greg Mori,Adam Pocock和Ronan Collobert。
Search Rank | Tool | Language | Type | Description “quote” | Use | GPU acceleration | Distributed computing | |
100 | Theano | Python | Library | umerical computation library for multi-dimensional arrays efficiently | Deep and shallow Learning | CUDA and Open CL | cuDNN Cutorch | |
78 | Torch 7 | Lua | Framework | Scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms | Deep and shallow Learning | CUDA and Open CL, cuDNN | Cutorch | |
64 | R | R | Environment/ Language | Functional language and environment for statistics | Shallow Learning |
HiPLAR | |
52 | LIBSVM | Java and C++ | Library | A Library for Support Vector Machines | Support Vector Machines | CUDA | Not Yet | |
34 | scikit-learn | Python | Library | Machine Learning in Python | Shallow Learning | Not Yet | Not Yet | |
28 |
Spark MLLIB |
C++, APIs in JAVA, and Python | Library/API | Apache Spark’s scalable machine learning library | Shallow Learning | ScalaCL |
Spark and Hadoop |
24 | Matlab | Matlab | Environment/ Language | High-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numerical analysis | Deep and Shallow Learning | Parallel Computing Toolbox (not-free not-open source) |
Distributed Computing Package (not-free not-open source) |
18 | Pylearn2 | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | CUDA and OpenCL, cuDNN | Not Yet | |
14 |
VowPal Wabbit |
C++ | Library | Out-of-core learning system | Shallow Learning | CUDA | Not Yet | |
13 | Caffe | C++ | Framework | Deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind | Deep Learning | CUDA and OpenCL, cuDNN | Not Yet | |
LIBLINEAR | Java and C++ | Library | A Library for Large Linear Classification | Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression | CUDA | Not Yet | |
6 | Mahout | Java | Environment/ Framework | An environment for building scalable algorithms | Shallow Learning | JCUDA | Spark andHadoop | |
5 |
Accord. NET |
.Net | Framework | Machine learning | Deep and Shallow Learning | CUDA.net | Not Yet | |
5 | NLTK | Python | Library | Programs to work with human language data | Text Classification | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
4 |
Deep learning4j |
Java | Framework | Commercial-grade, open-source, distributed deep-learning library | Deep and shallow Learning | JClubas | Spark andHadoop | |
4 | Weka 3 | Java | Library | Collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks | Shallow Learning | Not Yet |
Distributed Weka Spark |
4 | MLPY | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
3 | Pandas | Python | Library | Data analysis and manipulation | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
1 | H20 | Java, Python and R | Environment/ Language | open source predictive analytics platform | Deep and Shallow Learning | Not Yet | Spark and Hadoop | |
0 | Cuda-covnet | C++ | Library | machine learning library forneural-network applications | Deep Neural Networks | CUDA | coming in Cuda-covnet2 | |
0 | Mallet | Java | Library | Package for statistical natural language processing | Shallow Learning | JCUDA | Spark and Hadoop | |
0 | JSAT | Java | Library | Statistical Analysis Tool | Shallow Learning | JCUDA | Spark and Hadoop | |
0 | MultiBoost | C++ | Library | Machine Learning | Boosting Algorithms | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | Shogun | C++ | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | MLPACK | C++ | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | DLIB | C++ | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | Ramp | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | Deepnet | Python | Library | GPU-based Machine Learning | Deep Learning | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | CUV | Python | Library | GPU-based Machine Learning | Deep Learning | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | APRIL-ANN | Lua | Library | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Not Yet | Not Yet | |
0 | nnForge | C++ | Framework | GPU-basedMachine Learning | Convolutionl and fully-connected neural networks | CUDA | Not Yet | |
0 | PYML | Python | Framework | Object oriented framework for machine learning | SVMs and other kernel methods | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | Milk | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | MDP | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 |
Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | PYMVPA | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Only Classification | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 |
Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 |
Python to R | API | Low-level interface to R | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | NueroLab | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Feed Forward Neural Networks | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | PythonXX | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Shallow Learning | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | Hcluster | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Clustering Algorithms | Skits.cuda | Not Yet | |
0 | FYANN | C | Library | Machine Learning | Feed Forward Neural Networks | Not Yet | Not Yet | |
0 | PyANN | Python | Library | Machine Learning | Nearest Neighbours Classification | Not Yet | Not Yet | |
0 | FFNET | Python | Library | Machine Learning | FeedForwad NeuralNetwors | Not Yet | Not Yet |
Knowm Inc专注于开发像kT-RAM这样的神经系统处理器。 像杰弗里·辛顿这样的机器学习先驱者非常清楚,机器学习从根本上与计算能力有关。 我们称之为自适应电源问题,为了解决这个问题,我们需要新的工具来引领下一波智能机器。 虽然GPU(最终!)使我们能够展示在某些任务上接近人类水平的学习算法,但它们的能量和空间效率仍比生物学低100亿到10亿倍。 我们正把这个差距缩小到零。
我们有兴趣知道解决实际机器学习问题的人员,框架和算法最有用,因此我们可以集中精力构建kT-RAM和KnowmAPI的桥梁。 请在下面留言或联系我们告诉我们。
Misc. References
Bryan Catanzaro Senior Researcher, Baidu” Speech: The Next Generation” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015
Dhruv Batra CloudCV: Large-Scale Distributed Computer Vision as a Cloud Service” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015
Dilip Patolla. “A GPU based Satellite Image Analysis Tool” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015
Franco Mana. “A High-Density GPU Solution for DNN Training” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015</a
Hailin Jin. “Collaborative Feature Learning from Social Media” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015
Noel, Cyprian & Simon Osindero. “S5552 – Transparent Parallelization of Neural Network Training” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015
Rob Fergus. “S5581 – Visual Object Recognition using Deep Convolution Neural Networks” 05/28/2015 Talk given @ GPUTech conference 2015
Rodrigo Benenson ” Machine Learning Benchmark Results: MNIST” 05/28/2015
Rodrigo Benenson ” Machine Learning Benchmark Results: CIFAR” 05/28/2015
Tom Simonite “Baidu’s Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition” 05/28/2015
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