让机器完全理解人类查询某事的多种方式,并能够以人类的自然语言做出回应!对我来说,这感觉就像我们想要通过 NLP 实现的几乎所有事情。因此,这是我一直很感兴趣的一个应用程序。
几周前,我终于着手设计我的第一个 NLP 聊天机器人!当然,我已经考虑过(和自己一起,哈哈)这个聊天机器人的性质——我做出了一个深刻的决定(我的脸上塞满了食物,我正在寻找可以在线订购的甜点)我的聊天机器人将为一家餐厅服务通过聊天和协助顾客。
- 迎接
- 显示菜单
- 显示可用的优惠
- 仅显示素食选项(如果有)
- 显示素食选项(如果有)
- 详细解释任何特定食品,提供其制备和成分的详细信息
- 向顾客保证餐厅遵循的 COVID 协议和卫生情况
- 告诉餐厅的营业时间
- 检查表是否可用
- 预订餐桌(如果有)并为客户提供唯一的预订 ID
- 建议点什么
- 如果被问及他们是机器人还是人类,请回答
- 提供餐厅的联系方式
- 提供餐厅地址
- 采取积极的反馈,做出相应的回应,并将其存储起来供餐厅管理人员检查
- 接受负面反馈,做出相应的回应,并将其存储起来以供餐厅管理人员检查
- 回复一些一般性消息
- 告别
Embedded_dataset.json 的创建:
首先,我们嵌入我们的数据集,该数据集将用作聊天机器人的输入。 这是一次性的工作。
我的 python 版本是 3.6.13。
要安装所有必需的库,请下载/克隆我的 GitHub 存储库,然后在文件夹中打开 CMD 并输入:
> pip install -r requirements.txt
这是 requirements.txt 文件的内容。
numpy nltk tensorflow tflearn flask sklearn pymongo fasttext tsne
从这里下载 cc.en.300.bin.gz。解压到下载 cc.en.300.bin,代码是我的 Github repo 中的帮助脚本。
运行 data_embedder.py 这将获取 dataset.json 文件并将所有句子转换为 FastText 向量。
> python data_embedder.py
4.在localhost上设置Mongo Db
安装 MongoDb Compass
创建 3 个collections:菜单、预订、反馈(menu, bookings, feedback)
菜单必须是硬编码的,因为它是餐厅特有的东西,用餐馆提供的食物、价格等填充它。它包括项目、成本、素食、蔬菜、关于、提供。我用数据制作了一个小的 JSON 文件,并将其导入 MongoDb Compass 以填充菜单集合。你可以在这里找到我的菜单数据。
5. 运行 Flask
这将在 localhost 上启动 Web 应用程序
> export FLASK_APP=app > export FLASK_ENV=development > flask run
- 意图分类 了解消息的意图,即客户查询什么
- 对话设计设计对话的方式,根据意图响应消息,使用对话设计。
用户发送消息:“Please show me the vegetarian items on the menu?”
然后聊天机器人相应地采取行动,即向餐厅 Db 查询素食项目,并将其传达给用户。
1. 构建数据集
数据集是一个 JSON 文件,包含三个字段:标签、模式、响应,我们在其中记录一些具有该意图的可能消息,以及一些可能的响应。对于某些意图,响应为空,因为它们需要进一步的操作来确定响应。例如,对于一个查询,“是否有任何优惠正在进行?”如果有任何报价处于活动状态,机器人首先必须检查数据库,然后做出相应的响应。
{"intents": [ {"tag": "greeting", "patterns": ["Hi", "Good morning!", "Hey! Good morning", "Hello there", "Greetings to you"], "responses": ["Hello I'm Restrobot! How can I help you?", "Hi! I'm Restrobot. How may I assist you today?"] }, {"tag": "book_table", "patterns": ["Can I book a table?","I want to book a seat", "Can I book a seat?", "Could you help me book a table", "Can I reserve a seat?", "I need a reservation"], "responses": [""] }, {"tag": "goodbye", "patterns": ["I will leave now","See you later", "Goodbye", "Leaving now, Bye", "Take care"], "responses": ["It's been my pleasure serving you!", "Hope to see you again soon! Goodbye!"] }, . . . .
2. 规范化消息
- 第一步是规范化消息。在自然语言中,人类可能会以多种方式说同样的话。当我们对文本进行规范化时,以减少其随机性,使其更接近预定义的“标准”。这有助于我们减少计算机必须处理的不同信息的数量,从而提高效率。我们采取以下步骤来规范所有文本,包括我们数据集上的消息和客户发送的消息:
- 全部转换为小写
- 删除标点符号
- 删除停用词:由于数据集很小,使用 NLTK 停用词会删除许多对这个上下文很重要的词。所以我写了一个小脚本来获取整个文档中的单词及其频率,并手动选择无关紧要的单词来制作这个列表
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer ''' Since the dataset is small, using NLTK stop words stripped it o ff many words that were important for this context So I wrote a small script to get words and their frequencies in the whole document, and manually selected inconsequential words to make this list ''' stop_words = ['the', 'you', 'i', 'are', 'is', 'a', 'me', 'to', 'can', 'this', 'your', 'have', 'any', 'of', 'we', 'very', 'could', 'please', 'it', 'with', 'here', 'if', 'my', 'am'] def lemmatize_sentence(tokens): lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() lemmatized_tokens = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in tokens] return lemmatized_tokens def tokenize_and_remove_punctuation(sentence): tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence) return tokens def remove_stopwords(word_tokens): filtered_tokens = [] for w in word_tokens: if w not in stop_words: filtered_tokens.append(w) return filtered_tokens ''' Convert to lower case, remove punctuation lemmatize ''' def preprocess_main(sent): sent = sent.lower() tokens = tokenize_and_remove_punctuation(sent) lemmatized_tokens = lemmatize_sentence(tokens) orig = lemmatized_tokens filtered_tokens = remove_stopwords(lemmatized_tokens) if len(filtered_tokens) == 0: # if stop word removal removes everything, don't do it filtered_tokens = orig normalized_sent = " ".join(filtered_tokens) return normalized_sent
3. 句子嵌入:
我们使用 FastText 预训练的英文模型 cc.en.300.bin.gz,从这里下载。我们使用了由 fasttext 库带来的函数 get_sentence_vector()。它的工作原理是,将句子中的每个单词转换为 FastText 单词向量,每个向量除以其范数(L2 范数),然后仅取具有正 L2 范数值的向量的平均值。
将句子嵌入数据集中后,我将它们写回到名为 Embedded_dataset.json 的 json 文件中,并保留它以供以后在运行聊天机器人时使用。
在我们的例子中,我们有 18 个意图,需要 18 种不同类型的响应。
现在要通过机器学习或深度学习技术实现这一点,我们需要大量的句子,并用相应的意图标签进行注释。然而,我很难用定制的 18 个标签生成如此庞大的意图注释数据集,专门针对餐厅的要求。所以我想出了我自己的解决方案。
我制作了一个小型数据集,其中包含 18 个意图中的每一个的一些示例消息。直观地说,所有这些消息,当转换为带有词嵌入模型的向量时(我使用了预训练的 FastText 英语模型),并在二维空间上表示,应该彼此靠近。
为了验证我的直觉,我选取了 6 组这样的句子,将它们绘制成 TSNE 图。在这里,我使用了 K-means 无监督聚类,正如预期的那样,句子被清晰地映射到向量空间中的 6 个不同的组中:
给定一条消息,我们需要确定它最接近哪个意图(句子簇)。 我们发现与余弦相似性的接近性。
余弦相似度是用于衡量文档(句子/消息)的相似程度的指标,无论其大小如何。 在数学上,它测量投影在多维空间中的两个向量之间夹角的余弦值。 余弦相似度是有利的,因为即使两个相似的文档相距很远欧几里得距离(由于文档的大小),它们仍然可能更靠近在一起。 角度越小,余弦相似度越高。
在 detect_intent() 函数的注释中解释了最终确定意图的逻辑:
""" Developed by Aindriya Barua in November, 2021 """ import codecs import json import numpy as np import data_embedder import sentence_normalizer obj_text = codecs.open('embedded_data.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() data = json.loads(obj_text) ft_model = data_embedder.load_embedding_model() def normalize(vec): norm = np.linalg.norm(vec) return norm def cosine_similarity(A, B): normA = normalize(A) normB = normalize(B) sim = np.dot(A, B) / (normA * normB) return sim def detect_intent(data, input_vec): max_sim_score = -1 max_sim_intent = '' max_score_avg = -1 break_flag = 0 for intent in data['intents']: scores = [] intent_flag = 0 tie_flag = 0 for pattern in intent['patterns']: pattern = np.array(pattern) similarity = cosine_similarity(pattern, input_vec) similarity = round(similarity, 6) scores.append(similarity) # if exact match is found, then no need to check any further if similarity == 1.000000: intent_flag = 1 break_flag = 1 # no need to check any more sentences in this intent break elif similarity > max_sim_score: max_sim_score = similarity intent_flag = 1 # if a sentence in this intent has same similarity as the max and #this max is from a previous intent, # that means there is a tie between this intent and some previous intent elif similarity == max_sim_score and intent_flag == 0: tie_flag = 1 ''' If tie occurs check which intent has max top 4 average top 4 is taken because even without same intent there are often different ways of expressing the same intent, which are vector-wise less similar to each other. Taking an average of all of them, reduced the score of those clusters ''' if tie_flag == 1: scores.sort() top = scores[:min(4, len(scores))] intent_score_avg = np.mean(top) if intent_score_avg > max_score_avg: max_score_avg = intent_score_avg intent_flag = 1 if intent_flag == 1: max_sim_intent = intent['tag'] # if exact match was found in this intent, then break 'cause we don't have to iterate through anymore intents if break_flag == 1: break if break_flag != 1 and ((tie_flag == 1 and intent_flag == 1 and max_score_avg < 0.06) or (intent_flag == 1 and max_sim_score < 0.6)): max_sim_intent = "" return max_sim_intent def classify(input): input = sentence_normalizer.preprocess_main(input) input_vec = data_embedder.embed_sentence(input, ft_model) output_intent = detect_intent(data, input_vec) return output_intent if __name__ == '__main__': input = sentence_normalizer.preprocess_main("hmm") input_vec = data_embedder.embed_sentence(input, ft_model) output_intent = detect_intent(data, input_vec) print(output_intent) input = sentence_normalizer.preprocess_main("nice food") input_vec = data_embedder.embed_sentence(input, ft_model) output_intent = detect_intent(data, input_vec) print(output_intent)
4. 保存餐厅信息的数据库
这里我们使用 pymongo 来存储餐厅的信息。 我创建了三个集合:
1. 菜单有列:item, cost, vegan, veg, about, offer -> app.py 查询到它
2. 反馈有列:feedback_string, type -> docs被app.py插入其中
3. bookings: booking_id, booking_time -> docs由app.py插入其中
在我们的 dataset.json 中,我们已经为一些意图保留了一个响应列表,在这些意图的情况下,我们只是从列表中随机选择响应。 但是在许多意图中,我们将响应留空,在这些情况下,我们必须生成响应或根据意图执行某些操作,方法是从数据库中查询信息,为预订创建唯一 ID,检查食谱 一个项目等
""" Developed by Aindriya Barua in November, 2021 """ import json import random import datetime import pymongo import uuid import intent_classifier seat_count = 50 client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/") db = client["restaurant"] menu_collection = db["menu"] feedback_collection = db["feedback"] bookings_collection = db["bookings"] with open("dataset.json") as file: data = json.load(file) def get_intent(message): tag = intent_classifier.classify(message) return tag ''' Reduce seat_count variable by 1 Generate and give customer a unique booking ID if seats available Write the booking_id and time of booking into Collection named bookings in restaurant database ''' def book_table(): global seat_count seat_count = seat_count - 1 booking_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) now = datetime.datetime.now() booking_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") booking_doc = {"booking_id": booking_id, "booking_time": booking_time} bookings_collection.insert_one(booking_doc) return booking_id def vegan_menu(): query = {"vegan": "Y"} vegan_doc = menu_collection.find(query) if vegan_doc.count() > 0: response = "Vegan options are: " for x in vegan_doc: response = response + str(x.get("item")) + " for Rs. " + str(x.get("cost")) + "; " response = response[:-2] # to remove the last ; else: response = "Sorry no vegan options are available" return response def veg_menu(): query = {"veg": "Y"} vegan_doc = menu_collection.find(query) if vegan_doc.count() > 0: response = "Vegetarian options are: " for x in vegan_doc: response = response + str(x.get("item")) + " for Rs. " + str(x.get("cost")) + "; " response = response[:-2] # to remove the last ; else: response = "Sorry no vegetarian options are available" return response def offers(): all_offers = menu_collection.distinct('offer') if len(all_offers)>0: response = "The SPECIAL OFFERS are: " for ofr in all_offers: docs = menu_collection.find({"offer": ofr}) response = response + ' ' + ofr.upper() + " On: " for x in docs: response = response + str(x.get("item")) + " - Rs. " + str(x.get("cost")) + "; " response = response[:-2] # to remove the last ; else: response = "Sorry there are no offers available now." return response def suggest(): day = datetime.datetime.now() day = day.strftime("%A") if day == "Monday": response = "Chef recommends: Paneer Grilled Roll, Jade Chicken" elif day == "Tuesday": response = "Chef recommends: Tofu Cutlet, Chicken A La King" elif day == "Wednesday": response = "Chef recommends: Mexican Stuffed Bhetki Fish, Crispy corn" elif day == "Thursday": response = "Chef recommends: Mushroom Pepper Skewers, Chicken cheese balls" elif day == "Friday": response = "Chef recommends: Veggie Steak, White Sauce Veggie Extravaganza" elif day == "Saturday": response = "Chef recommends: Tofu Cutlet, Veggie Steak" elif day == "Sunday": response = "Chef recommends: Chicken Cheese Balls, Butter Garlic Jumbo Prawn" return response def recipe_enquiry(message): all_foods = menu_collection.distinct('item') response = "" for food in all_foods: query = {"item": food} food_doc = menu_collection.find(query)[0] if food.lower() in message.lower(): response = food_doc.get("about") break if "" == response: response = "Sorry please try again with exact spelling of the food item!" return response def record_feedback(message, type): feedback_doc = {"feedback_string": message, "type": type} feedback_collection.insert_one(feedback_doc) def get_specific_response(tag): for intent in data['intents']: if intent['tag'] == tag: responses = intent['responses'] response = random.choice(responses) return response def show_menu(): all_items = menu_collection.distinct('item') response = ', '.join(all_items) return response def generate_response(message): global seat_count tag = get_intent(message) response = "" if tag != "": if tag == "book_table": if seat_count > 0: booking_id = book_table() response = "Your table has been booked successfully. Please show this Booking ID at the counter: " + str( booking_id) else: response = "Sorry we are sold out now!" elif tag == "available_tables": response = "There are " + str(seat_count) + " table(s) available at the moment." elif tag == "veg_enquiry": response = veg_menu() elif tag == "vegan_enquiry": response = vegan_menu() elif tag == "offers": response = offers() elif tag == "suggest": response = suggest() elif tag == "recipe_enquiry": response = recipe_enquiry(message) elif tag == "menu": response = show_menu() elif tag == "positive_feedback": record_feedback(message, "positive") response = "Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. We look forward to serving you again!" elif "negative_response" == tag: record_feedback(message, "negative") response = "Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. We deeply regret the inconvenience. We have " \ "forwarded your concerns to the authority and hope to satisfy you better the next time! " # for other intents with pre-defined responses that can be pulled from dataset else: response = get_specific_response(tag) else: response = "Sorry! I didn't get it, please try to be more precise." return response
我们将使用 AJAX 进行数据的异步传输,即您不必每次向模型发送输入时都重新加载网页。 Web 应用程序将无缝响应您的输入。 让我们看一下 HTML 文件。
最新的 Flask 默认是线程化的,所以如果不同的用户同时聊天,唯一的 ID 在所有实例中都是唯一的,并且像 seat_count 这样的公共变量将被共享。
在 JavaScript 部分,我们从用户那里获取输入,将其发送到我们生成响应的“app.py”文件,然后接收输出以将其显示在应用程序上。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title>Restaurant Chatbot</title> <head> <link rel="icon" href=""> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"> </script> <style> body { font-family: monospace; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; } h2 { background-color: white; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 5px; color: #03989E; display: inline-block;Helvetica margin: 5px; padding: 5px; } h4{ position: center; } #chatbox { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 60px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 40%; height: 40% position:fixed; } #userInput { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 40%; margin-top: 60px; } #textInput { width: 90%; border: none; border-bottom: 3px solid black; font-family: 'Helvetica'; font-size: 17px; } .userText { width:fit-content; width:-webkit-fit-content; width:-moz-fit-content; color: white; background-color: #FF9351; font-family: 'Helvetica'; font-size: 12px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0; line-height: 20px; border-radius: 5px; text-align: left; } .userText span { padding:10px; border-radius: 5px; } .botText { margin-left: 0; margin-right: auto; width:fit-content; width:-webkit-fit-content; width:-moz-fit-content; color: white; background-color: #00C2CB; font-family: 'Helvetica'; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; text-align: left; border-radius: 5px; } .botText span { padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; } .boxed { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; border-radius: 5px; } input[type=text] { bottom: 0; width: 40%; padding: 12px 20px; margin: 8px 0; box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed; border-radius: 5px; } </style> </head> <body background="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/slider.jpg') }}"> <img /> <center> <h2> Welcome to Aindri's Restro </h2> <h4> You are chatting with our customer support bot! </h4> </center> <div class="boxed"> <div> <div id="chatbox"> </div> </div> <div id="userInput"> <input id="nameInput" type="text" name="msg" placeholder="Ask me anything..." /> </div> <script> function getBotResponse() { var rawText = $("#nameInput").val(); var userHtml = '<p class="userText"><span><b>' + "You : " + '</b>' + rawText + "</span></p>"; $("#nameInput").val(""); $("#chatbox").append(userHtml); document .getElementById("userInput") .scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" }); $.get("/get", { msg: rawText }).done(function(data) { var botHtml = '<p class="botText"><span><b>' + "Restrobot : " + '</b>' + data + "</span></p>"; $("#chatbox").append(botHtml); document .getElementById("userInput") .scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" }); }); } $("#nameInput").keypress(function(e) { if (e.which == 13) { getBotResponse(); } }); </script> </div> </body> </html>
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify import response_generator app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/get') def get_bot_response(): message = request.args.get('msg') response = "" if message: response = response_generator.generate_response(message) return str(response) else: return "Missing Data!" if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()
这就是我们如何用非常有限的数据构建一个简单的 NLP 聊天机器人! 这显然可以通过添加各种极端情况得到很大改善,并在现实生活中变得更加有用。 所有代码都在我的 Github repo 上开源。 如果您想出对此项目的改进,请随时打开一个问题并做出贡献。 我很乐意审查和合并您的功能增强并关注我的 Github 上的任何问题!
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