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This branch contains samples for the released version of the Microsoft Bot Framework V4 SDK for .NET, JS and Python. If you need samples for the Bot 

Framework V3 SDK, go here.

Getting the samples

To use the samples, clone this GitHub repository using Git.

    git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples.git
            cd BotBuilder-Samples

Sample lists

Samples are designed to illustrate functionality you'll need to implement to build great bots!

Bot essentials


Sample Name
Description .NET JavaScript Python Java
2 Echo bot Demonstrates how to receive and send messages. .NET Core JavaScript, TypeScript Python
3 Welcome user

Introduces activity types and provides a welcome 

message on conversation update activity.

.NET Core JavaScript, TypeScript Python
5 Multi turn prompts

Demonstrates how to use waterfall dialog, prompts, 

and component dialog to create a simple

 interaction that asks the user for name, age, and

 prints back that information.

.NET Core JavaScript, TypeScript Python
6 Using cards

Introduces all card types including thumbnail, audio,

 media etc. Builds on Welcoming user + multi-prompt 

bot by presenting a card with buttons in welcome 

message that route to appropriate dialog.

.NET Core JavaScript, TypeScript Python
7 Adaptive cards

Demonstrates how the multi-turn dialog can use a card to 

get user input for name and age.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
8 Suggested actions

Demonstrates how to enable your bot to present buttons 

that the user can tap to provide input.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
13 Core bot

Core bot shows how to use cards, dialog, and Language 

Understanding (LUIS).

.NET Core

.NET Web

JavaScript, TypeScript Python
15 Handling attachments

Demonstrates how to listen for/handle user provided 


.NET Core JavaScript Python
40 TIMEX resolution

Demonstrates various ways to parse and manipulate the TIMEX 

expressions you get from LUIS and the DateTimeRecognizer 

used by the DateTimePrompt.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
43 Complex dialogs Demonstrates different ways for composing dialogs. .NET Core JavaScript Python
45 State management

Demonstrates how to use state management 

and storage 

objects to manage and persist state.

.NET Core JavaScript Python


Advanced bots

Sample Name
Description .NET JavaScript Python Java

Console echo 


Introduces the concept of adapter and demonstrates a simple

 echo bot on console adapter and how to send a reply and 

access the incoming message.

.NET Core




Browser echo


Demonstrates how to host a bot in the browser using Web Chat 

and a custom Web Chat Adapter.

  ECMAScript 6  
16 Proactive messages Demonstrates how to send proactive messages to users. .NET Core



17 Multilingual bot

Using translate middleware to support a multi-lingual bot. 

Demonstrates custom middleware.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
19 Custom dialogs

Demonstrates complex conversation flow using the Dialogs 


.NET Core JavaScript Python



Demonstrates how to add telemetry logging to your bot, 



within Application Insights.

.NET Core JavaScript  
23 Facebook events

Integrate and consume Facebook specific payloads, such as 


 quick replies and opt-in events.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
42 Scale out

Demonstrates how you can build your own state solution from the 

ground up that supports scaled out  deployment with ETag based 

optimistic locking.

.NET Core   Python

Basic custom


Demonstrates how to implement your own basic prompts to ask 

the user for information.

.NET Core JavaScript Python



Demonstrates how to use middleware to allow the Bot Framework

 Emulator to debug traffic into and out of the bot in addition to 

looking at the current state of the bot.

[.NET Core][cs#47] JavaScript Python
70 Styling webchat

This sample shows how to create a web page with custom Web Chat 


  ECMAScript 6  

Authentication samples

Sample Name
Description .NET JavaScript Python Java
18 OAuth authentication Bot that demonstrates how to integrate OAuth providers. .NET Core JavaScript Python
24 MSGraph authentication

Demonstrates bot authentication capabilities of Azure Bot Service. 

Demonstrates utilizing the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve data 

about the


.NET Core JavaScript Python
46 Teams authentication

Demonstrates how to use authentication for a bot running in 



.NET Core JavaScript Python
84 Certificate authentication Demonstrates how to use Certificates to authenticate the bot .NET Core JavaScript  
85 Subject name/issuer authentication

Demonstrates how to use the subject name/issuer authentication

 in a bot

.NET Core JavaScript  

Custom question answering samples

Sample Name
Description .NET JavaScript Python Java
12 Custom question answering (simple)

Demonstrates how to use Custom question answering to have 

simple single-turn conversations

.NET Core JavaScript  
48 Custom question answering (advanced)

Demonstrates how to integrate Multiturn and Active learning in a

 Custom question 

answering bot

.NET Core JavaScript  

Teams samples


Sample Name
Description .NET JavaScript Python Java
25 Message Reactions

Demonstrates how to create a simple bot that responds to Message 


.NET Core JavaScript  
46 Authentication

Demonstrates how to use authentication for a bot running in Microsoft 


.NET Core JavaScript Python

Messaging extensions - 


A Messaging Extension that accepts search requests and returns results. .NET Core JavaScript Python

Messaging extensions - 


A Messaging Extension that accepts parameters and returns a card.

 Also, how to receive a forwarded message as a parameter in a

 Messaging Extension.

.NET Core JavaScript Python

Messaging extensions - 

auth and config

A Messaging Extension that has a configuration page, accepts search 

requests and returns results after the user has signed in.

.NET Core JavaScript  

Messaging extensions - 

action preview

Demonstrates how to create a Preview and Edit flow for a Messaging 


.NET Core JavaScript Python
54 Task module

Demonstrates how to retrieve a Task Module, and values from cards 

in the Task Module, for a Messaging Extension.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
55 Link unfurling A Messaging Extension that performs link unfurling. .NET Core) JavaScript Python
56 File upload

Demonstrates how to obtain file consent, and upload files to Teams 

from a bot. Also, how to receive a file sent to a bot.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
57 Conversation bot

Demonstrates various features of bots on Teams: message all 

members in a Team or Channel, @mention a user from a bot, update 

previously sent messages, etc.

.NET Core JavaScript Python
58 Start new thread in a channel Demonstrates creating a new thread in a channel. .NET Core JavaScript Python

Skills samples

Sample Name
Description .NET JavaScript Python Java
80 Skills - simple bot to bot This sample shows how to connect a skill to a skill consumer. .NET Core JavaScript Python
81 Skills - skill dialog

This sample shows how to connect a skill to a skill dialog 


.NET Core JavaScript Python
82 Skills - SSO with CloudAdapter This sample shows how use SSO with skills and CloudAdapter. .NET Core JavaScript NA

Experimental / preview samples

A collection of experimental samples exist, intended to provide samples for features currently in preview or as a way to solicit feedback on a given design,

 approach, or technology being considered by the Bot Framework Team.


星期四, 八月 8, 2024 - 16:33