Passwords are ubiquitous and most commonly used to authenticate users when logging into online services. Using high entropy passwords is critical to prevent unauthorized access and password policies emerged to enforce this requirement on passwords. However, with current methods of password storage, poor practices and server breaches have leaked many passwords to the public. To protect one’s sensitive information in case of such events, passwords should be hidden from servers. Verifier-based password authenticated key exchange, proposed by Bellovin and Merrit (IEEE S&P, 1992), allows authenticated secure channels to be established with a hash of a password (verifier). Unfortunately, this restricts password policies as passwords cannot be checked from their verifier. To address this issue, Kiefer and Manulis (ESORICS 2014) proposed zero-knowledge password policy check (ZKPPC). A ZKPPC protocol allows users to prove in zero knowledge that a hash of the user’s password satisfies the password policy required by the server. Unfortunately, their proposal is not quantum resistant with the use of discrete logarithm-based cryptographic tools and there are currently no other viable alternatives. In this work, we construct the first post-quantum ZKPPC using lattice-based tools. To this end, we introduce a new randomised password hashing scheme for ASCII-based passwords and design an accompanying zero-knowledge protocol for policy compliance. Interestingly, our proposal does not follow the framework established by Kiefer and Manulis and offers an alternate construction without homomorphic commitments. Although our protocol is not ready to be used in practice, we think it is an important first step towards a quantum-resistant privacy-preserving password-based authentication and key exchange system.
One of the most common methods of user authentication is passwords when logging in to online services. So, it is very important that passwords in use have sufficient entropy and hard to guess for security. Password policies was introduced to guide users into choosing suitable passwords that are harder to guess. Ur et al. [51] discovered that users are more likely to choose easily guessable passwords in the absence of a password policy. Examining the password policies of over 70 web-sites, Florêncio and Herley [18] found that most require passwords with characters from at least one of four sets, digits, symbols, lowercase and uppercase letters and a minimum password length. Hence, it is reasonable to focus on password policies with a minimum password length, sets of valid characters and maybe constraints on the diversity of characters used.
Even with strong passwords and good policies, nothing can prevent leaks if servers do not properly store passwords. Improperly stored passwords can cause serious problems, as seen by hacks on LinkedIn [20] and Yahoo [47] and the web-site “Have I Been Pwned?” [26]. Sadly, such poor practices are not uncommon: many popular web-sites were discovered by Baumann et al. [4] to store password information in plaintext.
If servers cannot be trusted, then no password information should be stored there at all. Thus, protocols that do not require storing secret user information at external servers become necessary. However, even with secret passwords, password policies are important to enforce a base level of security against dictionary attacks, leaving a dilemma: how do users prove compliance of their password without revealing anything?
Kiefer and Manulis [31] showed how to address this problem with zero knowledge password policy check (ZKPPC). It enables blind registration: users register a password with a server and prove password policy conformance without revealing anything about their passwords, thereby solving the dilemma. With ZKPPC, some randomised password verification information is stored at the server and it does not leak information about the password, protecting against server compromises. Furthermore, ZKPPC allows a user to prove, without revealing any information, that the password conforms to the server’s policy. Blind registration can be coupled with a verifier-based password-based authenticated key exchange (VPAKE) protocol to achieve a complete system for privacy-preserving password-based registration, authentication and key exchange. Password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) [6, 5, 21, 28, 15, 8] is a protocol that allows users to simultaneously authenticate themselves using passwords and perform key exchange. However, these protocols store passwords on the server and thus, users have to trust the security of the server’s password storage and may be vulnerable to password leakages in the event of server compromise. Verifier-based PAKE [7, 5, 22, 11] extends PAKE to limit the damage caused by information leakage by storing a verifier instead. Verifiers are a means to check that users supplied the correct passwords and are usually hash values of passwords with a salt, which makes it hard to extract the passwords from verifiers.
A ZKPPC protocol allows users to prove that their password, committed in the verifier, satisfies some password policy. VPAKE can then be used to securely authenticate and establish keys whenever communication is required. Together, the password is never revealed, greatly increasing the user security over current standards. Passwords are harder to guess and no longer easily compromised by server breaches.
Kiefer and Manulis [31] proposed a generic construction of ZKPPC using homomorphic commitments and set membership proofs. In the same work, a concrete ZKPPC protocol was constructed using Pedersen commitments [45], whose security is based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. As such, it is vulnerable to attacks from quantum adversaries due to Shor’s algorithm [49] which solves the discrete logarithm problem in quantum polynomial time. With NIST issuing a call for proposals to standardize quantum resistant cryptography [44], it is clear that we need to prepare cryptographic schemes and protocols that are quantum resistant, in case a sufficiently powerful quantum computer is realized. As there is currently no proposal of ZKPPC protocol that has the potential to be quantum resistant, it is an interesting open problem to construct one.
Our contributions and techniques. In this work, inspired by the attractiveness of ZKPPC protocols and the emergence of lattice-based cryptography as a strong quantum resistant candidate, we aim to construct a ZKPPC protocol from lattices. Our contribution is two-fold. We first design a randomised password hashing scheme based on the hardness of the Short Integer Solution (SIS) problem. We then construct a SIS-based statistical zero-knowledge argument of knowledge, which allows the client to convince the server that his secret password, committed in a given hash value, satisfies the server’s policy. This yields the first ZKPPC protocol that still resists against quantum computers.
Our first technical challenge is to derive a password encoding mechanism that operates securely and interacts smoothly with available lattice-based cryptographic tools. In the discrete log setting considered in [31], passwords are mapped to large integers and then encoded as elements in a group of large order. Unfortunately, this does not translate well to the lattice setting as working with large-norm objects usually makes the construction less secure and less efficient. Therefore, a different method, which encodes passwords as small-norm objects, is desirable. To this end, we define a password encoding mechanism, that maps a password consisting of
characters to a binary vector of length
, where each of the
blocks is the
-bit representation of the ASCII value of the corresponding password character. To increase its entropy, we further shuffle the arrangement of those blocks using a random permutation, and then commit to the permuted vector as well as a binary encoding of the permutation via the SIS-based commitment scheme proposed by Kawachi, Tanaka and Xagawa [29]. This commitment value is then viewed as the randomised hash value of the password.
The next technical challenge is to prove in zero-knowledge that the committed password satisfies a policy of the form
, which demands that the password have length at least
and at most
, and contain at least
lower-case and
upper-case letters. To this end, we will have to prove, for instance, that a committed length-
block-vector belongs to the set of vectors encoding all
digits. We thus need a lattice-based sub-protocol for proving set membership. In the lattice-based world, a set membership argument system with logarithmic complexity in the cardinality of the set was proposed in [36], exploiting Stern-like protocols [50] and Merkle hash trees. However, the asymptotic efficiency does not come to the front when the underlying set has small, constant size. Here, we employ a different approach, which has linear complexity but is technically simpler and practically more efficient, based on the extend-then-permute technique for Stern’s protocol, suggested by Ling et al. [37]. Finally, we use a general framework for Stern-like protocols, put forward by Libert et al. [34], to combine all of our sub-protocols for set membership and obtain a ZKPPC protocol.
From a practical point of view, our lattice-based ZKPPC protocol is not yet ready to be used: for a typical setting of parameters, an execution with soundness error
has communication cost around
KB. We, however, believe that there are much room for improvement and view this work as the first step in designing post-quantum privacy-preserving password-based authentication and key exchange systems.
Related work. The only construction of ZKPPC was proposed by Kiefer and Manulis [31] using Pedersen commitments [45] and a randomised password hashing scheme introduced in the same work. It commits each character individually and uses set membership proofs to prove compliance of the entire password to a password policy. The password hash is the sum of the committed characters and thus is linked to the set membership proofs through the homomorphic property of the commitments used. As mentioned previously, their protocol is vulnerable to quantum adversaries and greater diversity is desirable.
To improve the efficiency of secure password registration for VPAKE [32] and two server PAKE [33], Kiefer and Manulis proposed blind password registration (BPR), a new class of cryptographic protocols that prevent password leakage from the server. Using techinques introduced in [31], Kiefer and Manulis used an efficient shuffling proof from [19] to achieve
number of set membership proofs instead of
in ZKPPC. However, the security model considered for BPR is only suitable for honest but curious participants. The security of ZKPPC is defined to prevent malicious users from registering bad passwords that do not conform to the given password policy. Malicious servers also do not gain any information on the registered password from running the ZKPPC protocol. Overall, the security model of BPR is weaker than the capabilities of ZKPPC and available instantiations are not resistant to quantum adversaries.
An alternate approach using symmetric key primitives, secure set-based policy checking (SPC), to check password policy was proposed in [17]. Policies are represented set-theoretically as monotone access structures and are mapped to linear secret sharing schemes (LSSS). Then, checking policy compliance corresponds to verifying whether some set is in the access structure, i.e. if the set of shares can reconstruct the secret in the LSSS. To obtain a privacy-preserving protocol for SPC, the oblivious bloom intersection (OBI) from [16] is used. The server constructs an LSSS that only users who fulfil the policy can obtain the right shares from the OBI and recover the secret. Knowledge of the secret is proved with a hash of the secret with the transcript of the protocol execution and identities of the two parties, tying the protocol to the proof of knowledge. In the proposed SPC protocol, the one-more-RSA assumption is used to guarantee that the password registration protocol is sound when used by a malicious client. Thus, in the presence of a quantum adversary, the SPC protocol cannot be considered sound anymore. Since the focus is on quantum resistant blind registration of passwords with malicious participants, the SPC protocol is insufficient.
Zero-knowledge proofs in lattice-based cryptography. Early work on interactive and non-interactive proof systems [24, 43, 46] for lattices exploited the geometric structure of worst-case lattice problems, and are not generally applicable in lattice-based cryptography. More recent methods of proving relations appearing in lattice-based cryptosystems belong to the following two main families.
The first family, introduced by Lyubashevsky [40, 41], uses “rejection sampling” techniques, and lead to relatively efficient proofs of knowledge of small secret vectors [9, 2, 13, 14], and proofs of linear and multiplicative relations among committed values [10, 3] in the ideal lattice setting. However, due to the nature of “rejection sampling”, there is a tiny probability that even an honest prover may fail to convince the verifier: i.e., protocols in this family do not have perfect completeness. Furthermore, when proving knowledge of vectors with norm bound
, the knowledge extractor of these protocols is only guaranteed to produce witnesses of norm bound
, for some factor
. This factor, called “soundness slack” in [2, 13], may be undesirable: if an extracted witness has to be used in the security proof to solve a challenge SIS instance, we need the
assumption, which is stronger than the
assumption required by the protocol itself. Moreover, in some sophisticated cryptographic constructions such as the zero-knowledge password policy check protocol considered in this work, the coordinates of extracted vectors are expected to be in
and/or satisfy a specific pattern. Such issues seem hard to tackle using this family of protocols.
The second family, initiated by Ling et al. [37], use “decomposition-extension” techniques in lattice-based analogues [29] of Stern’s protocol [50]. These are less efficient than those of the first family because each protocol execution admits a constant soundness error, and require repeating protocols
times, for a security parameter
, to achieve negligible soundness error. On the upside, Stern-like protocols have perfect completeness and can handle a wide range of lattice-based relations [38, 36, 12, 34, 35, 39], especially when witnesses have to not only be small or binary, but also certain prescribed arrangement of coordinates. Furthermore, unlike protocols of the first family, the extractor of Stern-like protocols can output witness vectors with the same properties expected of valid witnesses. This feature is often crucial in the design of advanced protocols involving ZK proofs. In addition, the “soundness slack” issue is completely avoided, so the hardness assumptions are kept “in place”.
Organization. In the next section, we define notations used in the paper and briefly describe the building blocks for our ZKPPC protocol. Following that, in Section 3, we instantiate the building blocks and ZKPPC protocol with lattices-based primitives. Finally, we summarize and conclude in Section 4.
Notation. We assume all vectors are column vectors. A vector
with coordinates
is written as
. For simplicity, concatenation of
is denoted with
. Column-wise concatenation of matrices
is denoted by
. If
is a finite set, then
means that
is chosen uniformly at random over
. For a positive integer
denotes the set
denotes a negligible function in
. The set of all permutations of
elements is denoted by
. All logarithms are of base
2.1Some Lattice-Based Cryptographic Ingredients
We first recall the average-case problem SIS and its link to worst-case lattice problems.
The hardness of the SIS is guaranteed by the worst-case to average-case reduction from lattice problems. If
, and
, then the
problem is at least as hard as the worst-case lattice problem
for some
The KTX commitment scheme. In this work, we employ the SIS-based commitment scheme proposed by Kawachi, Tanaka and Xagawa [29] (KTX). The scheme, with two flavours, works with lattice parameter
, prime modulus
, and dimension
In the variant that commits
bits, for some fixed
, the commitment key is
. To commit
, one samples randomness
, and outputs the commitment
. Then, to open
, one reveals
If there exists two valid openings
for the same commitment
, then one can compute a solution to the
problem associated with the uniformly random matrix
. On the other hand, by the left-over hash lemma [48], the distribution of a valid commitment
is statistically close to uniform over
which implies that it is statistically hiding.
Kawachi et al. [29] extended the above
-bit commitment scheme to a string commitment scheme
. The extended scheme shares the same characteristics, statistically hiding from the parameters set and computationally binding under the SIS assumption.
In this work, we use the former variant to commit to passwords, and use COM as a building block for Stern-like zero-knowledge protocols.
2.2Zero-Knowledge Argument Systems and Stern-like Protocols
We work with statistical zero-knowledge argument systems, interactive protocols where the zero-knowledge property holds against any cheating verifier and the soundness property holds against computationally bounded cheating provers. More formally, let the set of statements-witnesses
be an NP relation. A two-party game
is called an interactive argument system for the relation
with soundness error
if two conditions hold:
Completeness. If
Soundness. If
, then
Here and henceforth, PPT denotes probabilistic polynomial time. An argument system is statistical zero-knowledge if for any
, there exists a PPT simulator
which produces a simulated transcript that is statistically close to that of the real interaction between
. A related notion is argument of knowledge, which requires the witness-extended emulation property. For
move protocols (i.e., commitment-challenge-response), witness-extended emulation is implied by special soundness [25], which assumes the existence of a PPT extractor, taking as input a set of valid transcripts with respect to all possible values of the “challenge” to the same “commitment”, and returning
such that
Stern-like protocols. The statistical zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge presented in this work are Stern-like [50] protocols. In particular, they are
-protocols as defined in [27, 9], where
valid transcripts are needed for extraction instead of just
. Stern’s protocol was originally proposed for code-based cryptography, and adapted to lattices by Kawachi et al. [29]. It was subsequently empowered by Ling et al. [37] to handle the matrix-vector relations associated with the SIS and inhomogeneous SIS problems and extended to design several lattice-based schemes: group signatures [38, 36, 34, 39], policy-based signatures [12] and group encryption [35].
The basic protocol has
moves. With
, the KTX string commitment scheme [29], we get a statistical zero-knowledge argument of knowledge (ZKAoK) with perfect completeness, constant soundness error
, and communication cost
, where
is the total bit-size of the secret vectors.
An abstraction of Stern’s protocol. We recall an abstraction of Stern’s protocol, proposed in [34]. Let
be positive integers, where
, and
be a subset of
. Suppose
is a finite set and every
is associated with a permutation
elements, satisfying the following conditions:
(1) |
We aim to construct a statistical ZKAoK for the following abstract relation:
Stern’s original protocol has
, where
denotes the Hamming weight and
for some given
– the symmetric group on
elements, and
The conditions in (1) are key to prove that
in ZK: The prover
and the verifier
checks that
; no additional information about
is revealed to
due to the randomness of
. Furthermore, to prove in ZK that
to mask
, and convinces
instead that
We describe the interaction between
in Figure 1. A statistically hiding and computationally binding string commitment scheme COM, e.g. the scheme in Section 2.1, is used.
Commitment: Prover
and randomness
Then, a commitment
is sent to the verifier
, where
sends a challenge
Response: Based on
computed as follows:
: Let
, and
: Let
, and
: Let
, and
Verification: Receiving
proceeds as follows:
: Check that
: Check that
: Check that
In each case,
if and only if all the conditions hold.
The properties of the protocol are summarized in Theorem 2.1.
Theorem 2.1 ([34])
Assuming that is a statistically hiding and computationally binding string commitment scheme, the protocol in Figure , and communication cost . In particular:
There exists a polynomial-time simulator that, on input
, outputs an accepted transcript statistically close to that produced by the real prover.
There exists a polynomial-time knowledge extractor that, on input a commitment
valid responses
to all
possible values of the challenge
, outputs
such that
2.3Password Strings and Password Policies
Next, we present the models of password strings and policies, adapted from [31].
Password Strings. We consider password strings
over the set of
printable characters
in the ASCII alphabet
, where
is split into four disjoint subsets:
The set of
The set of
!”#$%&’()*+,-./ :;
?@ [\]_̂ ‘
The set of
lower case letters,
The set of
upper case letters,
We denote by
a general dictionary containing all strings that can be formed from the characters in
. A password string
of length
is an ordered multi-set of characters
Password Policies. A password policy
has six components, a minimum length
, maximum length
, and integers
that indicate the minimum number of digits, symbols, upper-case and lower-case letters, respectively, a password string must contain. We say that
if and only if policy
is satisfied by the password string
. For instance,
indicates that password strings must be between
characters and contain at least one digit, one symbol, one lower-case and one upper-case letters.
demands that password strings must be between
characters, including at least two symbols and one upper-case letter.
Remark 1
In practice, password policies typically do not specify
but we can simply fix a number that upper-bounds all reasonable password lengths.
2.4Randomised Password Hashing and Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Check
We now recall the notions of randomised password hashing and zero-knowledge password policy check. Our presentation follows [31, 30].
Randomised Password Hashing. This mechanism aims to compute some password verification information that can be used later in more advanced protocols (e.g., ZKPPC and VPAKE). In order to prevent off-line dictionary attacks, the computation process is randomised via a pre-hash salt and hash salt. More formally, a randomised password hashing scheme
is a tuple of
, defined as follows.
: On input security parameter
, generate public parameters
, including the descriptions of the salt spaces
: On input
, output a random pre-hash salt
: On input
, password
and pre-hash salt
, output a pre-hash value
: On input
, output a random hash salt
: On input
, pre-hash value
, pre-hash salt
and hash salt
, output a hash value
A secure randomised password hashing scheme
must satisfy
requirements: pre-image resistance, second pre-image resistance, pre-hash entropy preservation, entropy preservation and password hiding.
Pre-image resistance (or tight one-wayness in [11]): Let
be a dictionary of min-entropy
is a function such that
, where
and pwi
is stored by
and there is a function
such that
For all PPT adversaries
running in time at most
, there exists a negligible function
such that
for small
, the running time of
Second pre-image resistance: For all PPT adversaries
, there exists a negligible function
such that for
for any pw
Pre-hash entropy preservation: For all dictionaries
that are samplable in polynomial time with min-entropy
and any PPT adversary
, there exists a negligible function
such that for
and random password pw
Entropy preservation: For all min-entropy
polynomial-time samplable dictionaries
and any PPT adversary
, there exists a negligible function
such that for
and pw
Password hiding: For all PPT adversaries
, where
outputs two equal length passwords
outputs a bit
, where
for a random bit
, there exists a negligible function
such that
Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Check. Let
be a randomised password hashing scheme. A password policy check (PPC) is an interactive protocol between a client and server where the password policy
of the server and public parameters
are used as common inputs. At the end of the execution, the server accepts a hash value
of any password
of the client’s choice if and only if
. A PPC protocol is an argument of knowledge of the password
and ssrandomness
used for hashing. To prevent leaking the password to the server, one additionally requires that the protocol be zero-knowledge.
More formally, a zero-knowledge PPC protocol is an interactive protocol between a prover (client) and verifier (server), in which, given
the former convinces the later in zero-knowledge that the former knows
and randomness
such that:
3Our Constructions
To construct randomised password hashing schemes and ZKPPC protocols from concrete computational assumptions, the first challenge is to derive a password encoding mechanism that operates securely and interacts smoothly with the hashing and zero-knowledge layers. In the discrete log setting considered in [31], passwords are mapped to large integers and then encoded as elements in a group of large order. Unfortunately, this does not translate well to the lattice setting as working with large-norm objects usually reduces the security and efficiency of the construction. Therefore, a different method, which encodes passwords as small-norm objects, is desirable. In this work, we will therefore use binary vectors.
be the function that maps non-negative integers to their binary decomposition. For any character
encoded in ASCII, let
be its code. Then, we define
for an ASCII encoded character
for some length-
3.1Notations, Sets and Permutations
be arbitrary positive integers. We define the following sets and permutations:
: the set of all vectors in
whose Hamming weight is exactly
. Note that for
the following holds:
(2) -
, for
: the permutation that, when applied to a vector
, consisting of
blocks of size
, re-arranges the blocks of
according to
, as follows,
For convenience, when working with password alphabet
and password policy
, we introduce the following notations and sets:
: the set of all vectors
, such that the blocks
are exactly the binary encodings of all characters in
, i.e.,
: the set of all vectors
, such that the blocks
are exactly the binary decompositions of all integers in
, i.e.,
Observe that the following properties hold.
For all
, all
and all
(3) -
For all
and all
3.2Randomised Password Hashing from Lattices
We describe our randomised password hashing scheme
for passwords of length between two given integers
. At a high level, our scheme maps characters of the password
to binary block vectors, re-arranges them with a random permutation
, and finally computes the password hash as a KTX commitment ([29], see also Section 2.1) to a vector storing all the information on
. The scheme works as follows,
On input security parameter
, the algorithm performs the following steps:
Choose parameters
, prime modulus
, and dimension
Sample matrices
Let the pre-hash salt space be
- the set of all permutations of
elements, and hash salt space be
Output the public parameters
and output
be the length of password
. The pre-hash value
is computed as follows.
, consisting of
blocks of length
blocks of length
, each one being
for some non-printable ASCII character
, into the block-vector
to get
.11This hides the actual length
of the password in the ZKPPC protocol in Section
3.4. -
to get
Output the pre-hash value
and output
. The hash value
is computed as follows,
Express the permutation
, where for each
. Then, form
and output
In the following theorem, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme satisfies the security requirements defined in Section 2.4.
Theorem 3.1
Under the assumption, the randomised password hashing scheme, , described above satisfies requirements:
First, we remark that, by construction, if the pre-hash salt
is given, then we can reverse the procedure used to extend the length
password by simply discarding any non-printable characters after applying the inverse of the permutation specified by
. Hence, if
is hidden, then due to its randomness, the min-entropy of
is larger than the min-entropy of
. Thus, the proposed hashing scheme has the pre-hash entropy preservation and entropy preservation properties.
Next, note that
is a proper KTX commitment of message
with randomness
. Thus, from the statistical hiding property of the commitment scheme, the password hiding property holds.
Furthermore, if one can produce distinct pre-hash values
that yield the same hash value
, then one can use these values to break the computational binding property of the KTX commitment scheme. This implies that second pre-image resistance property holds under the SIS assumption.
Finally, over the randomness of matrix
, password
and pre-hash salt
, except for a negligible probability (i.e., in the event one accidentally finds a solution to the SIS problem associated with matrix
), vector
accepts at least
values in
, where
is the min-entropy of the dictionary
from which
is chosen. Therefore, even if
is given, to find
, one has to perform
invocations of
which implies that the scheme satisfies the pre-image resistance property. ∎
3.3Techniques for Proving Set Membership
In our construction of ZKPPC in Section 3.4, we will have to prove that a linear relation of the form
holds, where each secret vector
must be an element of a given set of relatively small cardinality, e.g.,
. Thus, we need to design suitable sub-protocols to prove set membership.
In the lattice-based world, a set membership argument system with logarithmic complexity in the cardinality of the set was proposed in [36], exploiting Stern-like protocols and Merkle hash trees. Despite its asymptotic efficiency, the actual efficiency is worse when the underlying set has small, constant size. To tackle the problems encountered here, we employ a different approach, which has linear complexity but is technically simpler and practically more efficient.
Suppose we have to prove that an
-dimensional vector
belongs to a set of
. To this end, we append
blocks to vector
to get an
-dimensional vector
blocks are exactly elements of the set
. At the same time, we append
zero-columns to public matrix
to get matrix
, so that we preserve the linear equation under consideration. In this way, we reduce the set-membership problem to the problem of proving the well-formedness of
. The latter can be done via random permutations of blocks in the framework of Stern’s protocol. For instance, to prove that
, i.e.,
is a correct binary encoding of a digit, we extend it to
, apply a random permutation to the extended vector, and make use of the properties observed in (3).
3.4Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Check Protocol
We now present our construction of ZKPPC from lattices. Throughout, we use notations, sets and permutation techniques specified in Section 3.1 to reduce the statement to be proved to an instance of the relation
considered in Section 2.2, which in turn can be handled by the Stern-like protocol of Figure 1.
Our protocol allows a prover
to convince a verifier
in ZK that
knows a password
that hashes to a given value with randomness
, and satisfies some policy
.22The construction we present considers the scenario where are all positive. Our scheme can be easily adjusted to handle the case where one or more of them are .
must have length between
inclusive, contain at least
lower-case and
upper-case letters. For simplicity, we let
The common input consists of matrices
, hash value
and extra information
which indicates the positions of the blocks, inside vector
, encoding
lower-case letters,
upper-case letters and
other printable characters within
. Revealing
does not harm
, since the original positions of those blocks (in vector
) are protected by the secret permutation
The prover’s witness consists of vectors
satisfying the following conditions:
has the form
, where, for all
and all
, it holds that
We first observe that, if we express matrix
, where
, then equation
can be equivalently written as
(5) |
Note that, we have
. We next transform the witness vectors
as follows,
For all
and all
, to prove that
, we append
suitable blocks to
to get vector
For vectors
, note that it is necessary and sufficient to prove that they are binary vectors (namely, they are encoding of characters that may or may not be printable). Similarly, we have to prove that
is a binary vector. To this end, we let
be a concatenation of all
. Then, we append suitable binary entries to
to get
with Hamming weight exactly
, i.e.,
Having performed the above transformations, we construct the vector
, where
has the form:
(6) | |||
When performing extensions over the secret vectors, we also append zero-columns to the public matrices in equation (5) so that it is preserved. Then, we concatenate the extended matrices to get
such that (5) becomes, with
(7) |
We have now established the first step towards reducing the given statement to an instance of the relation
from Section 2.2. Next, we will specify the set
containing the vector
, set
and permutations
such that the conditions in (1) hold.
It can be seen that the vector
obtained above belongs to this tailored set
. Next, let us define the set of permutations
as follows,
Then, for each element
we define the permutation
that, when applied to
of the form
for all
, and
, it transforms the blocks of vector
as follows,
For all
and all
Based on the properties observed in (2), (3), and (4), it can be seen that we have satisfied the conditions specified in (1), namely,
Having reduced the considered statement to an instance of the relation
, let us now describe how our protocol is executed. The protocol uses the KTX string commitment scheme
, which is statistically hiding and computationally binding under the SIS assumption. Prior to the interaction, the prover
and verifier
construct the matrix
and vector
based on the common inputs
, while
builds the vector
from vectors
, as discussed above. Then,
interact per Figure 1. We thus obtain the following result, as a corollary of Theorem 2.1.
Theorem 3.2
Under the assumption, the protocol above is a ZKPPC protocol with respect to the randomised password hashing scheme from Section . The protocol is a statistical ZKAoK with perfect completeness, soundness error and communication cost .
Perfect completeness, soundness error
and communication cost
of the protocol follow from the use of the abstract protocol in Figure 1. For simulation, we simply run the simulator of Theorem 2.1.
As for knowledge extraction, we first run the knowledge extractor of Theorem 2.1 to get the vector
such that
Then, we “backtrack” the transformations to extract from
, vectors
such that
For all
and all
Notice that one can recover a permutation of
elements from an element of
. Let
be the permutation encoded by
. Then, by applying the inverse permutation
, we recover
. Finally, by removing potential blocks of length
that correspond to encodings of non-printable ASCII characters from
, we obtain a vector that encodes some password string
satisfying policy
. ∎
Efficiency analysis. By inspection, we can see that, without using the big-O notation, each round of the proposed protocol has communication cost slightly larger than
Let us estimate the cost in practice. Note that the KTX commitment scheme can work with relatively small lattice parameters, e.g.,
. For a common password policy
, the communication cost would be about
KB. As each round has a soundness error of
, one may have to repeat the protocol many times in parallel to achieve a high level of confidence. For instance, if a soundness error of
is required, then one can repeat
times for a final cost of around
KB. In practical implementations, one can exploit various optimizations (e.g., instead of sending a random vector, one can send the PRNG seed used to generate it) to reduce the communication complexity.
4Conclusion and Open Questions
Through the use of the KTX commitment scheme [29] and a Stern-like zero-knowledge argument of set membership, we designed a lattice-based zero-knowledge protocol for proving that a committed/hashed password sent to the server satisfies the required password policy. All together, we obtain the first ZKPPC that is based on the hardness of the SIS problem which to date remains quantum resistant. Unfortunately, there are no viable VPAKE protocols from lattices that can be coupled with our ZKPPC protocol to construct a complete privacy-preserving password-based authentication and key exchange system.
Our proposed ZKPPC protocol can be employed to securely register chosen passwords at remote servers with the following security guarantees: (1) Registered passwords are not disclosed to the server until used; (2) Each registered password provably conforms to the specified password policy. Although not being ready to be deployed in practice, we view this work as the first step in designing post-quantum privacy-preserving password-based authentication and key exchange systems.
We leave several open questions as potential future work: (1) to construct a more practical lattice-based ZKPPC; (2) to develop a lattice-based VPAKE; and (3) to extend lattice-based ZKPPC to other PAKE protocols, such as two-server PAKE, where the passwords are secretly shared between two servers, of which we assume at most one to be compromisable. The third question is similar to the one asked by Kiefer and Manulis [31] and as they noted, it is a challenge even in the classical discrete logarithm setting.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of ISC 2017 for helpful comments. The research is supported by Singapore Ministry of Education under Research Grant MOE2016-T2-2-014(S) and by NTU under Tier 1 grant RG143/14.
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