Microsoft SEAL是一个易于使用的开源(麻省理工学院许可)同态加密库,由微软密码学和隐私研究小组开发。Microsoft SEAL是用现代标准C++编写的,易于在许多不同的环境中编译和运行。有关Microsoft SEAL项目的更多信息,请参阅。
本文档适用于Microsoft SEAL 4.1版本。使用该库以前版本的用户应该查看更改列表。
BGV方案现在可以在Microsoft SEAL中使用。本文描述了实现细节。我们衷心感谢阿里巴巴双子座实验室为开发BGV方案并将其整合到微软SEAL中所做的巨大努力。我们要感谢英特尔实验室隐私技术研究所持续的测试和报告问题。
从3.7.2版本开始,Microsoft SEAL将在不创建新版本的情况下将新更改推送到主分支、主分支和控制分支。我们采用这种方法来合并社区贡献并及时解决问题。这些分支将领先于最新版本的分支/标签。当有重要的错误修复或新功能时,将创建新版本。
CKKS的EVA编译器可以在上找到。有关更多信息,请参阅下面的CKKS EVA编程。
用于CKKS加密的SEAL Embedded可在上找到。
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Building Microsoft SEAL Manually
- Contributing
- Citing Microsoft SEAL
- Acknowledgments
大多数同态加密方案提供的安全保证比传统加密方案弱。如果你想使用Microsoft SEAL构建生产软件,你需要阅读。
Microsoft SEAL是一个同态加密库,允许对加密的整数或实数执行加法和乘法。其他操作,如加密比较、排序或正则表达式,在大多数情况下使用此技术对加密数据进行评估是不可行的。因此,只应使用Microsoft SEAL实现程序中特定的隐私关键云计算部分。
将未加密的计算转换为对加密数据的计算并不总是那么容易或直接,例如,不可能对加密数据进行分支。Microsoft SEAL本身有一个陡峭的学习曲线,需要用户理解许多特定于同构加密的概念,尽管最终API并不太复杂。即使用户能够使用Microsoft SEAL编程和运行特定的计算,高效和低效实现之间的差异也可能是几个数量级,新用户很难知道如何提高他们的计算性能。
Microsoft SEAL提供了两种不同的同态加密方案,具有非常不同的属性。BFV和BGV方案允许对加密整数执行模运算。CKKS方案允许对加密的实数或复数进行加法和乘法运算,但只产生近似结果。在诸如对加密实数求和、对加密数据评估机器学习模型或计算加密位置距离等应用中,CKKS将是迄今为止最好的选择。对于需要精确值的应用,BFV和BGV方案更合适。
安装Microsoft SEAL并开始使用它有多种方法。最简单的方法是使用包管理器下载、构建和安装库。例如,vcpkg可在大多数平台上运行,并将与最新版本的Microsoft SEAL(仅限C++17)保持同步。在macOS上,您还可以使用Homebrew。在FreeBSD上,您可以使用pkg install seal安装security/seal。这个。NET库作为多平台NuGet包提供。最后,可以使用多平台CMake构建系统手动构建Microsoft SEAL;有关详细信息,请参阅手动构建Microsoft SEAL。
Microsoft SEAL没有必需的依赖关系,但在编译时可以启用某些可选功能,并支持特定的第三方库。
手动构建时,可以选择让Microsoft SEAL构建系统下载并构建依赖关系,或者在系统目录中搜索预安装的依赖关系。在另一个极端,根本无法配置可下载的NuGet包,但始终可以构建自定义的NuGet包。其他包管理器为配置依赖关系和其他构建选项提供了不同数量的机会。
Optional dependency | Tested version | Use |
Intel HEXL | 1.2.5 | Acceleration of low-level kernels |
Microsoft GSL | 4.0.0 | API extensions |
ZLIB | 1.2.13 | Compressed serialization |
Zstandard | 1.5.2 | Compressed serialization (much faster than ZLIB) |
GoogleTest | 1.12.1 | For running tests |
GoogleBenchmark | 1.7.1 | For running benchmarks |
Intel HEXL是一个库,提供同态加密中常见的加密原语的有效实现。这种加速在具有Intel AVX512-IFMA52指令集的Intel处理器上尤为明显。
Microsoft GSL(Guidelines Support Library)是一个仅包含标头的库,它实现了GSL::span:一种视图类型,提供对内存的安全(边界检查)数组访问。
例如,如果Microsoft GSL可用,Microsoft SEAL可以允许BatchEncoder和CKKSEncoder对GSL::span而不是std::vector进行编码和解码,这在某些情况下可以带来显著的性能优势。
ZLIB和Zstandard是广泛使用的压缩库。Microsoft SEAL可以选择使用这些库来压缩序列化的数据。
有人可能会问,当密文和密钥数据应该与随机数据无法区分时,压缩会有什么帮助。在Microsoft SEAL中,密文对象由大量整数模特定素数(coeff_modulus素数)组成。特别是在使用CKKS方案时,这些素数可能很小(例如,30位),但数据仍然被序列化为64位整数。因此,几乎一半的密文字节为零的情况并不罕见,应用通用压缩算法是消除这种浪费空间的一种方便方法。BFV方案通常从这种技术中获益较少,因为用于coeff_modulus加密参数的素数往往更大,对这些素数进行模运算的整数会占据每个64位字的更多部分。压缩序列化可以应用于任何可序列化的Microsoft SEAL对象,而不仅仅是密文和密钥。
如果Microsoft SEAL是在ZLIB或Z标准支持下编译的,则压缩将自动用于序列化;请参阅native/src/seale/serialize.h中的序列化::compr_mode_default。但是,始终可以将compr_mode_type:none显式传递给序列化方法以禁用压缩。如果同时启用ZLIB和Zstandard支持,则默认使用Zstandard,因为它的性能要好得多。
注意:SecretKey的压缩率可以(至少在理论上)揭示有关密钥的信息。在Microsoft SEAL的大多数常见应用程序中,SecretKey的大小不会故意泄露给不受信任的各方。如果这是一个问题,人们总是可以以未压缩的形式保存SecretKey。
为了。NET开发人员安装Microsoft SEAL的最简单方法是使用NuGet.org上提供的多平台NuGet包。只需将此包添加到您的。NET项目作为依赖项,您就可以开始了。
使用Microsoft SEAL和开发移动应用程序。NET for Android和iOS,只需将此包添加到您的Xamarin项目中即可。与Microsoft SEAL C++库不同。NET包装库仅适用于64位平台,因此仅支持arm64-v8a/x86_64 Android ABI和arm64/x86_64 iOS架构。
cd vcpkg
./ for Windows
使用Microsoft SEAL需要用户投入一些时间学习同态加密的基本概念。该代码附带了大量注释的示例,这些示例旨在逐步教授此类概念,并演示API的很大一部分。这些示例在C++和C#中都是可用的(并且是相同的),并在native/example.(C++)和dotnet/examples/(C#)中分为几个源文件,如下所示:
C++ | C# | Description |
examples.cpp |
Examples.cs |
The example runner application |
1_bfv_basics.cpp |
1_BFV_Basics.cs |
Encrypted modular arithmetic using the BFV scheme |
2_encoders.cpp |
2_Encoders.cs |
Encoding more complex data into Microsoft SEAL plaintext objects |
3_levels.cpp |
3_Levels.cs |
Introduces the concept of levels; prerequisite for using the CKKS scheme |
4_bgv_basics.cpp |
4_BGV_Basics.cs |
Encrypted modular arithmetic using the BGV scheme |
5_ckks_basics.cpp |
5_CKKS_Basics.cs |
Encrypted real number arithmetic using the CKKS scheme |
6_rotation.cpp |
6_Rotation.cs |
Performing cyclic rotations on encrypted vectors in the BFV and CKKS schemes |
7_serialization.cpp |
7_Serialization.cs |
Serializing objects in Microsoft SEAL |
8_performance.cpp |
8_Performance.cs |
Performance tests |
注意:如果不学习示例1-6,就不可能知道如何正确使用Microsoft SEAL。它们旨在为读者提供关于同态加密的必要概念背景。直接从示例中重用代码效果不佳,因为示例通常演示单个功能,并且没有针对性能进行优化。编写Microsoft SEAL代码而不深入研究示例,将不可避免地导致代码易受攻击、出现故障或速度极慢。
我们创建了一个名为EVA的新编译器工具,可以在很大程度上帮助解决这些挑战。EVA允许程序员用Python表达所需的加密计算。它优化了Microsoft SEAL的计算,选择了适当的加密参数,并提供了一个方便的Python API来加密输入、执行计算和解密结果。EVA可以在上找到。试试看,让我们知道你的想法!
手动构建Microsoft SEAL
在所有平台上,Microsoft SEAL都是用CMake构建的。我们建议使用源代码外构建,尽管源代码内构建是可行的。下面我们给出了如何全局(系统范围)或本地(单个用户)配置、构建和安装Microsoft SEAL的说明。全局安装需要提升的(root或管理员)权限。
System | Toolchain |
Windows | Visual Studio 2022 with C++ CMake Tools for Windows |
Linux | Clang++ (>= 5.0) or GNU G++ (>= 6.0), CMake (>= 3.13) |
macOS/iOS | Xcode toolchain (>= 9.3), CMake (>= 3.13) |
Android | Android Studio |
FreeBSD | CMake (>= 3.13) |
Note: Microsoft SEAL compiled with Clang++ has much better runtime performance than one compiled with GNU G++.
We assume that Microsoft SEAL has been cloned into a directory called SEAL
and all commands presented below are assumed to be executed in the directory SEAL
You can build the Microsoft SEAL library (out-of-source) for your machine by executing the following commands:
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
After the build completes, the output binaries can be found in build/lib/
and build/bin/
Various configuration options can be specified and passed to the CMake build system. These are described below in sections Basic CMake Options and Advanced CMake Options.
If you have root access to the system you can install Microsoft SEAL globally as follows:
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build
To instead install Microsoft SEAL locally, e.g., to ~/mylibs/
, do the following:
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/mylibs
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build
On Windows the same scripts above work in a developer command prompt for Visual Studio using either the Ninja or "Visual Studio 17 2022" generators.
When using the Ninja generator, please use the appropriate command prompt depending on the platform you want to build for. If you want to build for x64, please use the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2022 command prompt to configure and build the library. If you want to build for x86, please use the x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2022 command prompt to configure and build the library. To build using Ninja, type
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build build
When using the "Visual Studio 17 2022" generator you can use the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 command prompt to configure and build the library. By default the generated platform will be x64. You can specify the desired platform using the architecture flag -A <x64|Win32>
and the desired configuration using --config <Debug|Release>
# Generate and build for x64 in Release mode
cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64
cmake --build build --config Release
# Generate and build for x86 in Release mode
cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A Win32
cmake --build build --config Release
Installing the library in Windows works as well. Instead of using the sudo
command, however, you need to run cmake --install build
from a command prompt with Administrator permissions. Files will be installed by default to C:\Program Files (x86)\SEAL\
Visual Studio 2022 provides support for CMake-based projects. You can select the menu option File / Open / Folder...
and navigate to the folder where the Microsoft SEAL repository is located. After opening the folder, Visual Studio will detect that this is a CMake-based project and will enable the menu command Project / CMake settings for SEAL
. This will open the CMake settings editor that provides a user interface where you can create different configurations and set different CMake options.
After the build completes, the output static library seal-<version>.lib
can be found in build\lib\
or build\lib\Release\
. When linking with applications, using CMake as is explained in Linking with Microsoft SEAL through CMake is highly recommended. Alternatively, you need to add native\src\
(full path) and build\native\src\
as include directories to locate the Microsoft SEAL header files.
Microsoft SEAL can be compiled for Android and iOS. Under the android/ directory of the source tree you will find an Android Studio project that you can use to compile the library for Android.
To build the library for iOS, use the following scripts:
# Configure CMake
# Build libseal*.a for x86_64
xcodebuild -project build/SEAL.xcodeproj -sdk iphonesimulator -arch x86_64 -configuration Release clean build
mkdir -p build/lib/x86_64
cp build/lib/Release/libseal*.a build/lib/x86_64
# Build libseal*.a for arm64
xcodebuild -project SEAL.xcodeproj -sdk iphoneos -arch arm64 -configuration Release clean build
mkdir -p build/lib/arm64
cp build/lib/Release/libseal*.a build/lib/arm64
# Combine libseal-*.a into libseal.a and libsealc-*.a into libsealc.a
lipo -create -output build/lib/libseal.a build/lib/x86_64/libseal-*.a arm64/libseal-*.a
lipo -create -output build/lib/libsealc.a build/lib/x86_64/libsealc-*.a build/lib/arm64/libsealc-*.a
The native libraries generated through these methods are meant to be called only through the .NET library described in the following sections. Specifically, they do not contain any wrappers that can be used from Java (for Android) or Objective C (for iOS).
Microsoft SEAL can be compiled for JavaScript and WebAssembly using emscripten on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Building for the Web means SEAL can be run in any client/server environment such as all the major browsers (e.g. Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and NodeJS.
Building for WebAssembly requires the emscripten toolchain to be installed. The easiest way to configure the toolchain is to clone emsdk and follow the instructions (with system-specific notes). For examples, on Linux and macOS, inside the emsdk
repo, run the following:
# Install the latest toolchain
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
# Source the environment
source ./
On Windows, better run from a developer command prompt for Visual Studio; and replace ./emsdk
and source ./
with emsdk
and emsdk_env.bat
, respectively. In other environments, cmake
must be added to the path, and either "Ninja" or "MinGW Makefiles" should be specified as generator in the following configuration step. emcmake
does not work with Visual Studio 17 2022 generator.
Within the same shell, navigate to the root directory of Microsoft SEAL, run the following commands to build for WebAssembly:
# Configure CMake. Example flags for a release build
emcmake cmake -S . -B build \
-DSEAL_BUILD_BENCH=OFF \ # Benchmark can be built for WASM. Change this to ON.
# Make the static library (shared libs are not supported with emscripten)
emmake make -C build -j
# Build the WebAssembly module
emcc \
-Wall \
-flto \
-O3 \
build/lib/libseal-4.1.a \
--bind \
-o "build/bin/seal_wasm.js" \
-s WASM=1 \
Note: There are many flags to consider when building a WebAssembly module. Please refer to the settings.js file for advanced build flags.
Building will generate two output files, seal_wasm.js
and seal_wasm.wasm
, in the build/bin/
directory. The file sizes for the artifacts are very small. This is because that the optimization flags perform dead code elimination (DCE) as there are no bindings generated to JavaScript. Defining these bindings is necessary in order to call into WebAssembly from the JavaScript domain; however, Microsoft SEAL does not include any definitions at this time. The build flag --bind
expects the bindings to be specified using the embind syntax.
The following options can be used with CMake to configure the build. The default value for each option is denoted with boldface in the Values column.
CMake option | Values | Information |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | Release Debug RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel |
Set to Microsoft SEAL itself or debugging some complex issue. |
SEAL_BUILD_EXAMPLES | ON / OFF | Build the C++ examples in native/examples. |
SEAL_BUILD_TESTS | ON / OFF | Build the tests to check that Microsoft SEAL works correctly. |
SEAL_BUILD_BENCH | ON / OFF | Build the performance benchmark. |
Set to CMake will attempt to locate pre-installed dependencies. |
SEAL_USE_INTEL_HEXL | ON / OFF | Set to ON to use Intel HEXL for low-level kernels. |
SEAL_USE_MSGSL | ON / OFF | Build with Microsoft GSL support. |
SEAL_USE_ZLIB | ON / OFF | Build with ZLIB support. |
SEAL_USE_ZSTD | ON / OFF | Build with Zstandard support. |
Set to Not supported in Windows. |
Build the C wrapper library SEAL_C. This is used by the C# wrapper and most users should have no reason to build it. |
SEAL_USE_CXX17 | ON / OFF | Set to ON to build Microsoft SEAL as C++17 for a positive performance impact. |
Set to CMake will automatically detect which intrinsics are available and enable them accordingly. |
As usual, these options can be passed to CMake with the -D
flag. For example, one could run
cmake -S . -B build -DSEAL_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON
to configure a release build of a static Microsoft SEAL library and also build the examples.
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