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- 17 次浏览
An example from Agile in a Nutshell shows how the Cone of Uncertainty impacts estimate variability and project workflow.
- 定期沟通时间、预算、反馈等。
- 持续的动手协作和共享学习
- 在最有意义的时候延长或停止项目的自由
--Jeff Sutherland,《Scrum:在一半时间内完成双倍工作的艺术》一书的作者
Jeff Sutherland在其著作《Scrum:The Art of Doing Twice The Work In Half Time》中,告诉了一家软件公司的故事。(Scrum是一个用于管理产品开发的迭代和增量敏捷软件开发框架。)在萨瑟兰的故事中,软件公司和客户都是赢家。项目详情如下:
- 6 次浏览
- 我们不知道市场想要什么。
- 我们周围的市场正在发生变化。
- 竞争总是在提高他们的上市时间(TTM),发布有竞争力的产品和服务。
当我们使用敏捷方法时,我们必须确定产品开发和交付的时间和成本,但我们允许对范围进行调整和更改,以满足固定的日期。团队可以在项目后期延长时间,但承诺的交付日期不会改变。我们也不增加人员,因为Brooks Law告诉我们,在后期软件项目中增加人力资源只会进一步拖延。相反,我们通过频繁部署到市场来加快我们的学习能力,从而减少了不确定性。在整个过程中,发现了成功结果所需的功能集以及应该如何工作。
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External links:
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有效风险管理第2版,Edmund Conrow,AIAA,2003
正如Tim Lister所说。。。
- Risk Management Guides and Handbooks (#RMGuide)
- Books on Risk Management in My Library (#RMBooks)
- Risk Management Web Sites (#RMWebs)
- Risk Management Papers(#RMPapers)
- What is Risk? (#WhatisRisk)
- Risk-Informed Decision Making (#RIDM)
- Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Processes (#QuanQualRisk)
- Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties (#AleaEpist)
- Bayesian Belief Networks (#BBN)
- Risk Analysis and Assessment (#Analysis)
- Black Swans and Unknown Unknowns (#BSUnk)
- Risk Management Techniques (#RMTech)
- Risk Management Thesis (#RMThesis)
Risk Management Guides and Handbooks (#RMGuide)
- FAA Flight Safety Analysis Handbook, Version 1.0
- The National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine Risk Management Content
- IDA's Integrated Risk Assessment and Management Model, James S. Thompson, Institute for Defense Analyses, June 2009.
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures Guide for NASA Managers and Practitioners, Second Edition, December 2011, Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, NASA Headquarters, August 2002.
- Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements, NPR 8000.48B, December 2017.
- NASA Risk Management Handbook, NASA/SP-2011-3422, Version 1.0, November 2011.
- Risk Management Guide, DOE G 413.3-7A, Chg 1 2015
- Procedure: Risk Management, SAP-OCE&PMS-413.3B-B-05, 2/16/2015
- Department of Defense Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs, January 2017.
- Project Risk Management Handbook: A Scaleable Approach, Version 1, June 2012, CalTrans
- Risk-Based Safety and Mission Assurance, Dr. Jesse Leitner, Chief Safety & Mission Assurance Engineering, NASA, 2020
- Risk-Informed Decision Making Handbook, NASA/SP-2010-576
Books on Risk Management in My Library (Hardcopy and Softcopy) (#RMBooks)
- Agile Risk Management and DSDM Pocketbook, Alan Moran, IARM.
- Applied Software Risk Management: A Guide for Software Project Managers, Ravindranath Pandian, Auerbach Publications, 2007.
- A Beginners Guide to Uncertainty of Measurement, Stephanie Bell, National Physics Laboratory, 1999.
- Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Peter L. Bernstein, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
- Agile Risk Management and Scrum, Alan Moran, Institute for Agile Risk Management, 2014.
- Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis - Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference, Editors, Llia B. Frenkel, Alex Karagrigoriou, Anatoly Lisnianski, and Andre Kleyner, Wiley, 2014.
- Analytical Methods for Risk Management - A Systems Engineering Perspective, Paul R. Garvey, CRC Press, 2009.
- Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic and Statistical Inference, Edited by LLia B. Frenkel, Alex, Karagrigoriou, Anatoly Lisnianski, and Andre Kleyner, Wiley, 2014.
- Assessment and Control of Software Risks, Capers Jones, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
- Better Decision, Fewer Regrets, Andy Stanley, Zondervan, October 20, 2020
- Beyond Safety Training: Embedded Safety in Professional Skills, Corinne Bieder, Claude Gilbert, Benoît, and Hervé Laroche, Editors, Springer Briefs in Safety Management, Springer Open, 2018.
- Complete Guide to the Basics of Project Risk Management: Improve Your Chances for Success, Dmitry Nizhebetskiy, Project Management Basics, 2017.
- Critical Code, Software Producibility for Defense, Committee for Advancing Software-Intensive Systems Producibility Computer Science and Telecommunications Board Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies, 2010.
- Contingency Guide, 2nd Edition, Risk Engineering Society (RES), 2019.
- Continuous Risk Management Guide, Audrey J. Dorofee, Julie A. Walker, and Christopher J. Alberts, Software Engineering Institute, 1996.
- Critical Uncertainties: The Theory and Practices of System Safety, Matthew Squair, Nonsuch Publishing, June 3, 2022
- Decisions Over Decimals: Striking the Balance Between Intuition and Information 1st Edition, Paul F. Magnone, Christopher J. Frank, and Oded Netzer, Wiley, Ocrober 4, 2022.
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Theory and Application, Mykel J. Kocjenderfer, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series, 2015.
- Decision Analysis for the Professional, 4th Edition Peter McNamee and John Celona, Smart Org, 2008.
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty - Theory and Application, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series, 2015.
- Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty - From Theory to Practice, Vincent A. W. J. Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Pieter J. T. M. Bloemen, and Steve W. Popper, editors, Springer, 2019.
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Theory and Application, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series, 2015.
- Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions, Carl Spetzler, Hannah Winter, and Jennifer Meyer, Wiley, 2016.
- Department of Defense Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs, June 2015, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering Washington, D.C.
- Drift into Failure: From Hunting Broken Components to Understanding Complex Systems, Sidney Dekker, Ashgate e-Book, 2011.
- Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, 2nd Edition, Edmund Conrow, AIAA, 2003.
- Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety, Nancy G. Leveson, The MIT Press, 2011.
- Foundations of Risk Management: A Knowledge and Decision-Oriented Perspective, 1st Edition, Terje Aven, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
- Foundations of Risk Management, 2nd Edition, Terje Aven, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
- Fundamentals of Risk Analysis and Risk Management, Vlasta Molak, CRC Press, 1997.
- FISMA and the Risk Management Framework: The New Practice of Federal Cyber Security, Stephen D. Gantz and Daniel R. Philpott, Elsevier, 2013.
- Failure is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond, Gene Kranz, Simon & Schuster, 2000.
- Foundations of Risk Analysis: A Knowledge and Decision-Oriented Perspective, Terje Aven, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
- Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management, Paul Hopkins, IRM, 2010
- FISMA and the Risk Management Framework: The New Practice for Federal Cyber Security, Stephen D. Gantz and Daniel R. Philpott, Technical Editor, Elsevier, 2013.
- Guide to Effective Risk Management 3.0, Alex Sidorenko and Elena Demidenko, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
- How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices, Annie Duke, Portfolio, October 13, 2020.
- Handbook for Integrating Risk Analysis in the Economic Analysis of Projects, Asian Development Bank, 2002.
- How to Live with Uncertainty: Risk Intelligence, Dylan Evans, Free Press, September 29, 2015.
- Handbook of Risk Theory: Epistemology, Decision Theory, Ethics, and Social Implications of Risk, Sabine Roeser, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Per Sandin, Martin Peterson (Editors), Springer, 2011.
- How to Measure Anything - Finding the Value on Intangible in Business, 3rd Edition, Douglas W. Hubbard, John Wiley, 2014.
- How Risky Is It, Really? Why Our Fears Don't Always Match the Facts, David Ropeik, McGraw Hill, 2010.
- Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, 3rd Edition, Tom Kendrick, AMACOM, March 25, 2015.
- Integrated Cost and Schedule Control in Project Management, 2nd Edition, Ursula Kuehn, Management Concepts, 2010.
- Implementing Enterprise Risk Management: Case Studies and Best Practices, John R. S. Fraser, Betty J. Simkins, Kristina Narvaez Editors, Wiley, 2015.
- Integrated Project Risk Management: A System for Adding Value to Your Organization, Gavin Halling, Risk Tools, 2020.
- IT Risk Management Guide: Risk Management Implementation Guide, Gerard Blokdijk, Claire Engle & Jackie Brewster, 2008.
- Chapter 12: Integrated Risk Management System - Key Factor of Management System of the Organization, in Risk Management - Current Issues and Challanges, Emilia Vasile and Ion Croitoru, INTECH 2012.
- Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development, Elaine Hall, Addison Wesley, 1998.
- Managing Project Risk and Uncertainty: A Constructively Simple Approach to Decision Making, Chris Chapman and Stephen Ward, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
- Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development, Elaine Hall, Software Engineering Institute, Addison Wesley, 1998.
- Managing Complex, High-Risk Projects: A Guide to Basic and Advanced Project Management, Franck Marle and Ludovic‒Alexandre Vidal, Springer‒Verlag, 2016.
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference, Dani Gamerman, and Hedibert Freitas Lopes
- Misconceptions of Risk, Terje Aven, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
- Managing Project Risk and Uncertainty: A Constructively Simple Approach to Decision Making, Chris Chapman and Stephen Ward, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
- Managing the Unknown: A New Approach to Managing High Uncertainty and Risk in Projects 1st Edition, Christoph H. Loch, Arnoud DeMeyer, and Michael Pich, Wiley, 2006.
- Modeling Risk: Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting, and Optimization, Johnathan Mun, Wiley Finance, 2006.
- Making Essential Choices with Scant Information: Front-End Decision Making in Major Projects, edited by Terry Williams, Kjell Sunnevåg, and Kurt Samset, Palgrave, MacMillan, 2009.
- Managing the Unexpected: Sustained Performance in a Complex World, Third Edition, Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Wiley, 2015.
- NASA Risk Management Handbook, NASA/SP-2011-3422, Version 1.0, November 2011
- On Making Smart Decisions, Daniel Kahneman, Dan Lovallo, and Oliver Sibony, Harvard Business Review, 2013.
- Project Risk Management Guidelines: Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements, Dale Cooper, Stephen Grey, Geoffrey Raymond, and Phil Walker, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- Probabilistic Logic Networks: A Comprehensive Framework for Uncertain Inference, Ben Goertzel, Matthew Ikle, Izabela Freire Goertzel, and Ari Jakakka, Springer, 2008
- Project Risk Quantification: A Practitioner’s Guide to Realistic Cost and Schedule Risk Management, John Hollmann, Probabilistic Publishing 2016.
- Perspectives on Thinking, Judging & Decision Making, Wibecke Brun (Editor), Gideon Keren (Editor), Geir Kirkeboen (Editor), Henry Montgomery (Editor), Universitetsforlaget; UK Edition, November 28, 2011.
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedure Guide for NASA Managers and Practitioners, NASA/SP‒2011‒3421, Second Edition, December 2011.
- Probability Methods for Cost Uncertainty Analysis: A Systems Engineering Perspective, Paul Garvey, Marcel Dekker, 2000.
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management for Engineers and Scientist 2nd Edition, Ernest J. Henley and Hiromitsu Kumamoto, IEEE Press, 2000.
- Project Risk Management: Process, Techniques, and Insights, 2nd Edition, Chris Chapman and Stephen Ward, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
- PM Sourcebook Integrated Project Management Sourcebook A Technical Guide to Project Scheduling, Risk and Control, Mario Vanhoucke, Springer.
- Project Risk Management Guidelines, Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements, Dale F. Cooper, Stephen Grey, Geoffrey Raymond, and Phil Walker, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- Prioritizing Project Risks: A Short Guide to Useful Techniques, edited by Martin Hopkinson, Paul Close, David Hillson, and Stephen Ward, Association for Project Management, 2008.
- Probability for Risk Management, Mathew J. Hassett and Donald G. Stewart, ACTEX Publications, 2006.
- Probabilistic Risk Analysis: Foundations and Methods, Tim Bedford and Roger Cooke, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Prioritizing Project Risks, edited by Martin Hopkinson, Paul Close, David Hillson, and Stephen Ward, Association for Project Management, 2008.
- Project Decisions: The Art and Science, Second Edition, Lev Virine, and Michael Trumper, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, October 1, 2007.
- Probability Methods for Cost Uncertainty Analysis: A Systems Engineering Perspective, Paul Garvey, CRC Press, 2000.
- Practical Risk Assessment for Project Management, Stephen Grey,
- Practical Project Risk Management: The ATOM Methodology, David Hillson, Management Concepts Press, 2012.
- Practical Spreadsheet Risk Modeling for Management, Dale Lehman, Huybert Groenendaal, and Greg Nolder, CRC Press, 2012.
- Project Risk Management Guide, Washington State Department of Transportation, February 2018.
- Principles of Risk Analysis: Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Charles Yoe, CRC Press, 2012.
- Project Risk Management: A Practical Implementation Approach, Michael M. Bissonette, PMI Book Service Center, 2016.
- Project Management with Dynamic Scheduling: Baseline Scheduling, Risk Analysis, and Project Control, 2nd Edition, Mario Vanhoucke, Springer, 2013.
- Project Risk Management Handbook: A Scalable Approach, Version 1, CalTrans, June 2012.
- Principles of Risk Analysis: Making Decisions under Uncertainty, Charles Yoe, CRC Press, 2012.
- Proactive Risk Management in a Dynamic Society, Raddningsverket, Jebs Rasmussen and Inge Svedung, Swedish Rescue Services Agency, 2000.
- Quantitative Risk Analysis: Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation Modeling, David Vose, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
- Quantitative Risk Assessment: The Scientific Platform, Terje Aven, Cambridge University Press, 2001
- Reality Charting© Seven Steps to Effective Problem-Solving And Strategies For Personal Success, Dean L. Gano, Apollonian Press, 2011.
- Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, Mohammad Modarres, Mark Kaminsky, and Vasiliy Krivtsov, Marcel Dekker, 1999.
- Risk Playbook - Rethinking Risk: Detect, Assess, Respond, and Learn, McChrystal Group,
- Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, David Vose, John Wiley & Sons 2008.
- Risk Analysis in Project Management, John Raftery, E & FN SPON, an imprint of Routledge, 1994.
- Risk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines, and Applications (Risk, Governance, and Society), Terje Aven, Springer, September 29, 2010
- Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, Frank Knight, Reprints of Economic Classics, 1964.
- Risk Analysis in Theory and Practice, Jean-Paul Chavas, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
- Risk Analysis Foundations, Models, and Methods, Louis Anthony Cox, Springer Science+Business Media, 2002.
- Risk Analysis in Engineering: Techniques, Tools, and Trends, Mohammad Modarres, CRC Press, 2006.
- Risk Management in Software Development Projects, John McManus, Routledge, 2003.
- Risk Happens: Managing Risk and Avoiding Failure in Business Projects, Mike Clayton, Marshall Cavendish, 2011.
- Risk Analysis – A Quantitative Guide, Third Edition, David Vose, John Wiley & Sons April 2008.
- Risk Assessment: A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks, edited by Georgi Popov, Bruce K. Lyon, and Bruce Hollcroft, Wiley, 2016.
- Risk Management Concepts and Guidance, Fifth Edition, Carl L. Pritchard, CRC Press, 2015.
- Risk Management ‒ Current Issues and Challenges, edited by Nerija Banaitene, InTech, September 9, 2012.
- Risk Management and Simulation, Aparna Gupta, CRC Press, 2014.
- Risk: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Claudia Klüppelberg, Daniel Straub, and Isabell M. Welpe, Editors, Springer, 2014.
- Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Marvin Rausand, Wiley, 2011.
- Risk Analysis - Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities, Terje Aven, Wiley, 2008.
- Risk Happens!: Managing Risk and Avoiding Failure in Business Projects, Mike Clayton, 2011.
- Risk in Extreme Environments: Preparing, Avoiding Mitigating, and Managing, Vicki Bier, Routledge, 2017
- Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management, Yacov Y. Haimes (Editor) and Andrew P. Stage (Series Editor) Wiley Series on Systems Engineering and Management, 4th, 2015.
- Software Risk Management, Barry W. Boehm, IEEE Computer Society Press 1989.
- System Reliability Theory, Second Edition, Marvin Rausand and Arnljot Høyland, Wiley Interscience, 2004.
- Strategic Risk Taking: A Framework for Risk Management, Aswath Damodaran, FT Press, August 12, 2007.
- Strategic Project Risk Appraisal and Management, Elaine Harris, Gower, 2009.
- Satisfying Safety Goals with Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Hiromitsu Kumamoto, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, 2007
- Software Engineering Risk Management: Finding Your Path Through the Jungle, Version 1.0, Dale Karolak, IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
- Software Engineering Risk Management, Dale Karolak, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
- Technical Risk Management, Jack Michaels, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
- Software Engineering Risk Management, Dale Walter Karolak, IEEE Computer Society, 1996.
- Software Engineering Risk Management: Finding Your Path Through the Jungle, Version 1.0, Dale Walter Karolak, IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
- Software Project Survival Guide: How to Be Sure Your First Important Project Isn’t Your Last, Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press, 1998.
- Science and Judgement in Risk Assessment, National Academies Press, 1994
- Stochastic Models in Reliability, Terje Aven and Uwe Jensen, Springer, 1999
- Stochastic Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods: Mathematical Foundations of Stochastic Simulation, Cark Graham and Denis Talay, Springer 2013.
- STPA (System Theoretic Process Analysis Handbook, Nancy Leveson, 2018.
- Science and Judgement in Risk Assessment, National Academy Press, 1994
- Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Volume 1, S. Martorell, C. Guedes Soares & J. Barnett, Editors, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2008.
- Solving for Project Risk Management: Understanding the Critical Role of Uncertainty in Project Management, Christian B. Smart, McGraw-Hill, 2020.
- Time Prediction: Understanding and Avoiding Unrelalism in Project Planning and Everyday Life, Torleif Halkjelsvik and Magne Jørgensen, Simular Springer Briefs on Computing, Volume 5, Springer Open, 2018.
- Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When YOu Don't Have All The Facts, Annie Duke, Portfolio, May 7, 2019.
- The Art of Strategic Decision Making: How To Make Tough Decision Quickly, Intelligently, and Safely (Think Smarter, Not Harder), Peter Hollins, Independently published, May 24, 2021.
- The Silver Lining of Project Uncertainties, Thomas G. Lechler, Ting Gao, and Barbara Edington, Project Management Institute, 2013.
- The Economic Foundations of Risk Management: Theory, Practice, and Applications 1st Edition, Robert Jarrod, World Scientific, 2016.
- Technical Risk Management, Jack Michaels, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
- The Flaw of Averages, Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty, Sam L. Savage, John Wiley, 2012.
- The Illusion of Risk Control – What Does it Take to Live With Uncertainty?, Gilles Motet Corinne Bieder, Editors, Springer Open, 2016.
- The Failure of Risk Management: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It, Douglas Hubbard, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
- Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
- Technical Risk Assessment Analysis, DSTO, Commonwealth of Australia, 2010.
- Understanding Uncertainty, Dennis V. Lindley, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
- Uncertainty in Risk Assessment: The Representation and Treatment of Uncertainties by Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Methods,
Terje Aven, Piero Baraldi, Roger Flage, Enrico Zio, Wiley Feb 2014
- World-Class Risk Management, Norman Marks, Create Space, 2015.
- Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects, Tom Demarco and Timothy, Lister, Dorset House, 2003.
Risk Management Web Sites (#RMWebs)
- The Risk Doctor and His Briefings
- Dr. Edmund Conrow, who I've worked with on several NASA Proposal and Execution programs
- David Hulett
- Intaver's Risk Management Blog
- Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
- MITRE, Risk Management Approach, and Plan
- Risk Management - Mission and Objectives, INCOSE
- Risk Management - Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge
Risk Management Papers (#RMPapers)
- "What is Risk?" Glen Alleman, Thomas Coonce, and Rick Prices, The Measurable News, 2018.01
Risk-Informed Decision Making (#RIDM)
- "Risk-Informed Decision Making in the Context of NASA Risk Management," Homayoon Dezfuli, Michael Stamatelatosa, Gaspare Maggio band Christopher Everett,
- "Quantitative Risk Analysis Support for Decision-Making for New Systems," R. Youngblood and H. Dezfuli, PSA 2019.
- "Known, Unknown, and Unknowable Uncertainties," Carle Chua and Rakesh K. Sarin, The Anderson School at UCLA, May 2000.
- "Uncertainty Characterization in Risk Analysis for Decision-Making Practice," Enrico Zio and Nicola Pedrono, FonCSI, 2012-07.
- "Forecasting the Project Duration Average and Standard Deviation from Deterministic Schedule Information," Pablo Ballesteros-Pérez, Andrés Pastor-Fernández, Alberto Cerezo-Narváez 1, Manuel Otero-Mateo, Jingxiao Zhang, and Mario Vanhoucke, Applied Sciences, 10, 2020.
- "A Process for Risk-Informed Decision-Making," Gareth W. Parry, Michele Laur, and Michael D. Tschiltz, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
- Informing Program Performance with Programmatic and Technical Risk, This guidebook provides hands-on guidance to program managers for identifying, managing, assessing, and suggesting corrective actions for program performance and programmatic risk impacts, PARCA, 8 June 2015.
- "Risk-informed decision-making in asset management as a complex adaptive system of systems," Dragan Komljenovic, Georges Abdul-Nour, and Jean-François Boudreau, International Journal Strategic Engineering Asset Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2019
- "A Tutorial on Probabilistic Risk Assessment and its Role in Risk-informed Decision Making," Homayoon Dezfuli, Ph.D.
NASA System Safety Technical Fellow, Eighth Space Systems Risk Management Symposium, April 6, 2010, The Aerospace Corporation, EI Segundo, GA (Dr. Dezfuli is the primary author of NASA's Risk-Informed Decision Making Handbook. - "Strength of Knowledge Assessment for Risk-Informed Decision Making," Tasneem Bani-Mustafa, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio, Dominique Vasseur, ESREL 2018, Jun 2018, Trondheim, Norway
- "Contributions to risk-informed decision making," Michael A. Elliot, MIT, June 2010.
- "An Expert Panel Approach to Support Risk-Informed Decision Making," Urho Pulkkinen and Kaisa Simola, VTT Automation, 2000
- "A Proposed Risk-Informed Decision-Making Framework for NASA," Michael Stamatelatos, Homayoon Dezfuli, and George Apostolakis, Eighth International Conference of Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 8), New Orleans, USA, May 14-18, 2006
- “A Tutorial on Probabilistic Risk Assessment and its Role in Risk-Informed Decision Making,” Homayoon Dezfuli, Eight Space Systems Risk Management Symposium, April 6, 2010.
- “Achieving a Risk-informed Decision-making Environment at NASA: The Emphasis of NASA's Risk Management Policy,” Womayoon Dezbul, Eighth Space Systems Risk Management Symposium, April 7-8, 2010.
- “Risk-Informed Decision-Making Processes: An Overview,” Enrico Zio and Nicola Pedroni, Foundation for an Industrial Safety Culture, 2012‒10.
- "Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures Guide for NASA Managers and Practitioners," Version 1.1, August 2002
- “Implementation of Risk-Informed Decision Making at NASA,” Dr. Michael Stamatelatos, NASA Risk Management Conference 2005 RMC-VI, December 7, 2005.
- “Risk-Informed Decision Making: Success and Current Challenges,” George E. Apostolakis, NASA Risk Management Conference 2005 (RMC IV), December 6, 2005.
- Risk-Informed Decision Making Handbook, NASA/SP-2010-576, April 2010.
Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Processes (#QuanQualRisk)
- "Three influential risk foundation papers from the 80s and 90s: Are they still state-of-the-art?," Terje Aven, Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Volume 193, January 2020, 106680. - "Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications," N. Metropolis, Los Alamos Science, Special Issues, 1987
- "On The Quantitative Definition of Risk," Stanley Kaplan and B. John Garrick, Risk Analysis, Vol 1, No. 1, 1981
- "Modeling Uncertainty in Risk Assessment Using Double Monte Carlo Method," Tazid Ali, Hrishikesh Boruah, Palash Dutta, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012.
- "Logic and risk as qualitative and quantitative dimensions of decision-making processes," Tadeusz Galanc, Wiktor Kolwzan, Jerzy Pieronek, Agnieszka Skoronek-Gradziel, Operations Research and Decisions, No. 3, 2016.
- "Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications," Version 1.1, August 2002.
- “A Quantitative Framework for Managing Project Value, Risk, and Opportunity,” Tyson Browning, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 583-598, 2014.
- “Quantitative Risk Analysis Support to Decision-Making for New Systems,” Robert W Youngblood III, Homayoon Dezfuli, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/CON-18-52121-Revision, May 2019.
- “The Case for Quantitative Project Risk Analysis,” John P. Kindinger, Tenth Annual Conference on Quality in the Space and Defense Industries, March 4-5, 2002.
- “A New Approach for Quantitative Risk Analysis,” Stefan Creemers, Erik Demeulemeester and Stijn Van de Vonder, Department of Decision Science and Information Management (KBI), Katholieke Universiteit, October 5, 2010.
- "A Quantitative Measure For Evaluating Project Uncertainty Under Variation And Risk Effects," Ali Chenarani and E. A. Druzhinin, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 7, No. 5, 2017, 2083-2088.
- “Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative and Qualitative Information Risk Approaches,” Stroie Elena Ramona, Chinese Business Review, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 1160-111-, December 2011.
- “Quantitative Risks,” Technical Reports SERC‒2015‒TR‒040‒4, February 24, 2015.
- “The Benefits of Integrated, Quantitative Risk Management,” Barney Roberts, 12th Annual International Symposium of the International Council of Systems Engineering, Melbourne Australia July 1‒5, 2001.
- “Quantitative Risk ‒ Phases 1 & 2: A013 ‒ Final Technical Report SERC‒2013‒TR‒040‒3,” Walt Bryzik and Gary Witus, November 12, 2013, Stevens Institute of Technology.
- “Combining the Best Attributes of Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management Tool Support,” Martin S. Feather, Steven L. Cornford, and Timothy W. Larson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, IEEE Explorer, January 2000.
- “Logic and Risk as Qualitative and Quantitative Dimensions of Decision‒Making,” Tadeusz Galanc, Wiktor Kołwzan, Jerzy Pieronek, And Agnieszka Skowronek-Grądziel, Operations Research and Decisions, No. 3, 2016.
- “Quantitative Cost & Schedule Risk Assessment,” Greg Smith, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Office of Strategic Analysis & Communication, Capabilities & Performance Management Office, Capabilities & Development Support Team.
- “Expert judgment models in quantitative risk assessment,” Tony Rosqvist and Risto Tuominen, Proceedings of Values in Decisions on Risk, International Nuclear Information Systems, NEI-SE-308, Kjell Anderson.
- “Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk Analysis – Characterization and Methods of Treatment,” Marcus Abrahamsson, Lund University, Sweden, 2002
- “Quantitative Risk Analysis for Project Management: A Critical Review,” Lionel Galway, WR‒112‒RC, Rand Corporation, February 2004.
- “Quantitative Risk Assessment for Projects Schedules,” Sherif S. Hassanien and Jason B. Skow, Proceedings of the 2012 9th International Pipeline Conference, IPC2012, September 24‒28, 2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties When Managing Project (#AleaEpist)
不确定性是指现有知识的所有类型的局限性。不确定性与评估人员在评估时的有限知识有关。区分来自固有随机性、自然可变性和随机不确定性(即偶然不确定性)的不确定性和与基于知识的不确定性相关的不确定性,例如由于某种程度的无知或对所研究系统的不完整知识(即知识不确定性)。推理的不确定性不能随着进一步的知识而减少,而认识的不确定性可以随着理解的提高而减少. [Cruz 2021]
. [Fox and Ulkumen]
Before reading these resources, here's a clear and concise description from The Department of Management Engineering's definition of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties that create risk in the project and program management domain. There are other voices with different definitions and different messages in different domains.
- "The Cost of Imperfect Knowledge: How Epistemic Uncertainties Influence Flood Hazard Assessments," Mariano Balbi and David Lallemant, University of Buenos Aires, Earth Observatory of Singapore
- "Epistemic uncertainties and natural hazard risk assessment – Part 2: A Review of Different Natural Hazard Areas?" Keith J. Beven et al., Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2741-2768, 2018.
- "Epistemic uncertainties and natural hazard risk assessment – Part 1: What should constitute good practice?" Keith J. Beven et al., Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2769–2783, 2018
- "Understanding Aleatory and Epistemic Parameter Uncertainty in Statistical Models," N. W. Porter and V. A. Mousseau, Sandia National Laboratory, 2020.
- "Stochastic analysis and validation under aleatory and epistemic uncertainties," Austin K. McKeand, Recep M. Gorguluarslan, and Seung-Kyum, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 205, January 2021, 107258
- "Computing with Epistemic Uncertainty," Lewis Warren, National Security and ISR Division, Defense Science and Technology Organization, Australian Government
- "Uncertainty Estimation Cheat Sheet for Probabilistic Risk Assessment," Paul Britton, Mohannas Al Hassan, and Robert Ring, NASA Technical Reports Server, 2017-10-18
- "De Finetti on Uncertainty," A. Feduzi, J. Runde and C. Zappia, Cambridge Journal of Econimics 38 (1) pp. 1-21, 2014.
- "Robust analysis of uncertainty in Scientific Assessment," Ivette Raices Cruz, Lund University, 2021.
- "Epistemic versus Aleatory Judgment Under Uncertainty,"
- "Literature Review of Methods for Representing Uncertainty," Enrico Zio, FONCSI, 2013.
- "Alternative representations of epistemic uncertainty," J. C. Helton, Reliability Engineering & Safety Systems, 85, 2004.
- "Representation of Analysis Results Involving Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty," J. C. Helton, J. D. Johnson, W. L. Oberkampf, C.J. Sallaberry, Sandia Report, SAND2008-4370, August 2008.
- "Numerical approach for quantification of epistemic uncertainty," John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, and Dongbin Xiu, Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 2010
- "Uncertainty Assessment in High-Risk Environments Using Probability, Evidence Theory and Expert Judgment Elicitation," Stella Barberis Bondi, Old Dominion University, 1 April 2007.
- "Mitigating versus Managing Epistemic and Aleatory Uncertainty," Mark D. Packard and Brent B. Clark, Academy of Management Review, October 2020.
- Matthew Squire's Critical Uncertainty Blog speaks to Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty that creates risk.
- "Epistemic Uncertainty," a collection of engineering topics from Science Direct
- "Uncertainty, Ignorance, and Decision-Making: Looking Through the Lens of Modelling the Covid-19 Pandemic," Ting Xu, Amicus Curiae, Series 2, Vol. 3, No. 1, 10-32, Autumn, 2021
- "Reflections on Epistemic-Ontological Alignmentin Theorizing Process: the Case of RBV," Júlio César da Costa Júnior, Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Taciana de Barros Jerônimo, Jackeline Amantino de Andrade, and Marcos André Mendes Primo, Philosophy of Management,
- "On the Aggregation and Extrapolation of Uncertainty from Component to System Level Models," Angel Urbina, Richard G. Hills, and Adam C. Hetzler, Sandia National Laboratories, 2013.
- "Quantification of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Computational Models of Complex Systems," Angle Urbina and Sankaran Mahadevan, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII, Feb 1-4, 2010.
- "Propositional Epistemic Luck, Epistemic Risk, and Epistemic Justification," Patrick Bondy and Duncan Pritchard, Synthese volume 195, pages3811–3820, 2018.
- "On Dual Nature of Uncertainty - Cues from Natural Language," Craig R. Fix and Gülden Ülkümen, UCLA Anderson School and Department of Psychology
- "Modeling and Management of Epistemic Uncertainty for Multidisciplinary System Analysis and Design," A.K.M. Kais Zaman, Vanderbilt University, August 2010.
- "Dicing with the Unknown," Tony O'Hagan, Significance, Royal Statistical Society, September 2004.
- "An Integrated and Efficient Numerical Framework for Uncertainty Quantification: Application to the NASA Langley Multidisciplinary Uncertainty Quantification Challenge," Edorado Patelli, Matteo Broggi, and Marco de Angelis, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014.
- "A Stochastic Risk Analysis Through Monte Carlo Simulation Applied to the Construction Phase of a 600MW Gas Turbine Plant," Fahimeh Allahi, Lucia Cassettri, and Marco Mosca, Proceedings on Modeling and Applied Simulation, 2017.
- "A Unifying Framework to Uncertainty Quantification of Polynomial Systems Subject to Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty," Luis G. Crespo, Daniel P. Giesy, and Sean P. Kenny, in Reliable Computing, 17(2), 2012
- "A novel method for importance measurement analysis in the presence of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties," Ren Bo, Lu Zhenzhou, and Zhou Changcong, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2014.
- "A global nonprobabilistic reliability sensitivity analysis in the mixed aleatory- epistemic uncertain structures," Yishang Zhang, Yongshou, Xufeng Yang, and Zhufeng Yue, Journal Aerospace Engineering, 2014, Vol. 228 (10), 1802-1814
- "A Gentle Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification," Ilias Bilionis, Assistant Professor, Predictive Science Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
- "Approaches to Mitigate the Impact of Uncertainty in Development Processes," Marel J. Chalupnik, David C. Wynn, and P. John Clarkson, International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED' 09, 24-27 August 2009.
- "Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties analysis based on non-probabilistic reliability and its kriging solution," Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Luyi Li, and Bo Ren, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 40, (2016) 5703-5716
- "Impact Probability Under Aleatory And Epistemic Uncertainties," Chiara Tardioli, Davide Farnocchia, Massimiliano Vasile, and Steve R. Chesley, November 30,2020.
- “Distinguishing Two Dimensions of Uncertainty,” Craig Fox and Gülden Ülkumen, in Perspectives of Thinking, Judging, and Decision Making, Editors, Wibecke Brun, Gideon Keren, Geir Kirkeboen, Henry Montgomery, Universitetsforlaget; UK ed. Edition, November 28, 2011.
- "On the project risk baseline: Integrating aleatory uncertainty into project scheduling," F. Acebes, D. Poza, J. M. González-Varona, J. Pajares, and A. López-Paredes, Computers & Industrial Engineering 160 (2021).
- "Epistemic uncertainty quantification tutorial," Thomas Paez, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII, February 9-12, 2009.
- "Testing for ontological errors in probabilistic forecasting models of natural systems," Warner Marzocchia and Thomas H. Jordan, PNAS August 19.2014, Vol. 111, No. 33
- "Characterizing ambiguity attitudes using model uncertainty," Loïc Berger and Valentina Bosetti, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier, 2020, 180, pp.621-637.
- "Modeling of Epistemic Uncertainty in Reliability Analysis of Structures Using a Robust Genetic Algorithm," M. Bagheri, M. Miri, and N. Shabakhty, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 23-40, 2015.
- "Ambiguity Aversion and Epistemic Uncertainty," Craig R. Fox, Michael Goedde-Menke, and David Tannenbaum, September 8, 2021.
- "A critical discussion and practical recommendations on some issues relevant to the non-probabilistic treatment of uncertainty in engineering risk assessment," Nicola Pedroni, Enrico Zio, Alberto Pasanisi, Mathieu Couplet, Risk Analysis, Wiley, 2017, 37 (7), pp.1315 - 1340.
- "This Is What We Don't Know”: Treating Epistemic Uncertainty in Bayesian Networks for Risk Assessment," Ullrika Sahlin, Inari Helle, and Dmytro Perepolkin, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Volume 17, Number 1—pp. 221–232, 2 November 2020.
- "Quantification of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in level-1 probabilistic safety assessment studies," K. Durga Raoa, H.S. Kushwahaa, A.K. Vermab, and A. Srividyab, Engineering, Computer Science, 2007.
- "Inclusion of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Design Optimization," Sirisha Rangavajhala, Chen Liang, and Sankaran Mahadevan, 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 19 -24, 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA
- "Epistemic Uncertainty Propagation in Reliability Assessment of Complex Systems," K. Durga Rao, H.S. Kushwaha, A.K. Verma and A. Srividya International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, October 2007, pp. 71 – 84
- "Reasoning About Confidence and Uncertainty in Assurance Cases: A Survey," Lian Duan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, Mats P.E. Heimdahl, Anaheed Ayoub, Oleg Sokolsky, Insup Lee, International Symposium on Foundations of Health Informatics Engineering and Systems International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care, July 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- "Some Statistical Procedures to Refine Estimates of Uncertainty when Sparse Data are Available for Model Validation and Calibration," Vicente Romero, Brian Rutherford, Justin Newcomer Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
- "Uncertainty Classification for the Design and Development of Complex Systems," Daniel P. Thunnissen, California Institute of Technology, 2003.
- "Testing for ontological errors in probabilistic forecasting models of natural systems," Warner Marzocchi and Thomas H. Jordan, PNAS, vol. 111, no. 33, August 19, 2014.
- "Robustness of RISMC Insights under Alternative Aleatory/Epistemic Uncertainty Classifications," Stephen D. Unwin Paul W. Eslinger Kenneth I. Johnson, PNNL-21767, U.S. Department of Energy, September 2012
- "Epistemic uncertainty quantification tutorial," Laura P. Swiler, Thomas L. Paez, Randall L. Mayes, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII, February 9-12, 2009 Orlando, Florida USA.
- "Reliable classification: Learning classifiers that distinguish aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty," Oliver Hirsch, Information Sciences 255 (2014) 16–29.
- "Deterministic Neural Networks with Inductive Biases Capture Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty," Jishnu Mukhoti, Andreas Kirsch, Joost van Amersfoort, Philip H.S. Torr, and Yarin Gal, preprint, arXiv:2102.11582v2
- "A Quantitative, Model-Driven Approach To Technology Selection And Development Through Epistemic Uncertainty Reduction," Katherine N. Gatian, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology May 2015.
- "Epistemic and aleatory uncertainty in decisions from experience," Joel Holwerda and Ben Newell, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43(43), 2021.
- "Communicating Uncertainty about facts, numbers, and science," Anne Marthe van der Bls, Sander van der Linden, Alexandra L. J. Freeman, James Mitchell, Ana B. Glavao, Lisa Zaval, and David J. Spiegelhalter, Royce Society Open Science, 2009.
- "Dealing with Uncertainty: A Survey of Theories and Practice,"
- "A Review on Methods to Handle Uncertainty," Sonika Malik and Sarika Jain, ICCVBIC 2018, Coimbatore, India, September 2020.
- "Combined Approach to Propagate Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Risk Assessment," Palash Dutta, International Journals of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Dec 2013, pp. 29-36
- "This Is What We Don't Know”: Treating Epistemic Uncertainty in Bayesian Networks for Risk Assessment," Ullrika Sahlin, Inari Helle, and Dmytro Perepolkin, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 221-232, May 2020.
- “Risk-Informed Decision-Making In The Presence Of Epistemic Uncertainty,” Didier Dubois and Dominique Guyonnet, International Journal of General Systems, 40, 2, pp. 145-167, 2011.
- "Communicating uncertainty about facts, numbers, and science," Anne Marthe van der Bles, Sander van der Linden1, Alexandra L. J. Freeman, and James Mitchell, Royal Society Publishing, 11 April 2015.
- "Model Validation under Both Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty," William L. Oberkampf and Scott Ferson, NATO/RTO Applied Vehicle Panel, Symposium on Computational Uncertainty in Military Vehicle Design, Athens, Greece, 3-6 December 2007.
- "Three Layers of Uncertainty: an Experiment," Ilke Aydogan, Loϊc Berger, Valentina Bosetti, Ning Liu, Working Paper, June 2018.
- “Epistemic Uncertainty Analysis: An Approach Using Expert Judgment and Evidential Credibility,” Patrick Hester, International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability, Volume 2012, Article ID 617481.
- “Importance measure analysis with epistemic uncertainty and its moving least-squares solution,” Pan Wang, Zhenzhou Lu, and Zhangchun Tang, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66 (103), pp. 460‒471.
- “Two Dimensions of Subjective Uncertainty: Clues from Natural Language,” Gülden Ülkümen, Craig Fox, and Bertram Malle, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business.
- "Uncertainties in SPRA: Sources and Treatment," Annie Kammerer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
- "Judgment Extremity and Accuracy Under Epistemic vs. Aleatory Uncertainty," David Tannenbaum, Craig R. Fox, Gülden Ülkümen, Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 2 2017
- "A Commentary of Model Uncertainty," in Proceedings of Workshop on Model Uncertainty: Its Characterization and Quantification, A. Mosleh, N. Shu, C. Smidts, Editors, October 20-22, 1993.
- "Uncertainty and Uncertainties, Lecture 3-2, Probabilistic Risk Assessment," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
- "The Concept of Ignorance in a Risk Assessment and Risk Management Context," Terje Aven and Riana Steen, Reliability Engineering & Safety Systems, November 2010
- "Different Methods are Needed to Propagate Ignorance and Variability," Scott Ferson and Lev. R. Ginzberg, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 54, Issues 1-2, November-December 1996
- "Characterizing Epistemic Uncertainty for Launch Vehicle Designs," Steven D. Novack, Jim Ridgers, Frank Hark, and Mohammad Al Hassan,
- "Uncertainty - How Human Factors Fail Complex Projects," Lavagnon Ika and Jovica Riznic, PMI National Capital Project Management Symposium, October 14-16, 2014.
- "Treatment of Epistemic and Aleatory Uncertainties with OpenCOSSAN and COSSAN-X," Matteo Brogg, Institut für Risiko und Zuverlässigkeit
Leibniz Universität Hannover. - "Aleatory vs. Epistemic Uncertainties: Principles and Challenges," Nathan Siu and Julie Marble, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Presentation at ASME PVP Conference, Baltimore, MD, July 20, 2011
- “On the project risk baseline: Integrating aleatory uncertainty into project scheduling,” F. Acebes, D. Poza, J.M. Gonzalez-Varona, J. Pajares, A. Lopez-Paredes, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160, 2021,
- “Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties,” Shahram Pezeshk, Ph.D., P.E., The University of Memphis
- “Judgment Extremity and Accuracy Under Epistemic vs. Aleatory Uncertainty," David Tannenbaum, Craig R. Fox, and Gülden Ülkümen, Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 497-518, February 2017
- “A Model-Based Reliability Metric Considering Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty,” Zhiguo Zeng, Rui Kang, Meilin Wen, and Enrico Zio, IEEE Access, 9 Nov 2017.
- “A Hybrid Method to Deal with Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Risk Assessment,” Palash Dutta and Tazid Ali, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 42, No. 11, March 2012.
- “An Approach to Deal with Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty within the Same Framework: Case Study in Risk Assessment,” Palash Dutta, International Journal of Computer Applications, (0975‒8887), Volume 80 ‒ No. 12, October 2013.
- “Approximate Propagation of both Epistemic and Aleatory Uncertainty through Dynamic Systems,” Gabriel Terejanu, Puneet Singla, Tarunraj Singh, and Peter D. Scott
- “Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering Applications,” L. P. Swiler and, A. A. Giunta, Sandia Technical Report, SAND2007-2670C
- “Separation of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Probabilistic Model Validation,” Joshua Mullins, You Ling, Sankaran Mahadevan, Lin Sun, Alejandro Strachan, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 147, 2016, pp. 49‒59.
- “Judgment Extremity and Accuracy Under Epistemic vs. Aleatory Uncertainty,” David Tannenbaum, Craig R. Fox, and Gülden Ülkümen, Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 2, February 2017, pp. 497‒518.
- “Extended Component Importance Measures Considering Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties,” Mohamed Sallak, Walter Schön, and Felipe Aguirre. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2013.
- "Epistemic versus Aleatory Judgment Under Uncertainty," Gülden Ülkümen, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business.
- “Design Optimization under Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties,” Sirisha Rangavajhala, Chen Liang and Sankaran Mahadevan, 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2012.
- "Inclusion of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Design Optimization" Sirisha Rangavajhala, Chen Liang Chen, and Sankaran Mahadevan, 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.
- “Aleatory or epistemic? Does it matter?,” Armen Der Kiureghian, Special Workshop on Risk Acceptance and Risk Communication, March 26‒27, 2007, Stanford University.
- “Special Workshop on Risk Acceptance and Risk Communication, Aleatory, or Epistemic? Does it matter?” Armen Der Kiureghian, March 26‒27, 2007, Stanford University.
- “Aleatory Variability and Epistemic Uncertainty,” from Seismic Hazard Assessment: Problems With Current Practice And Future Developments, Norman Abrahamson, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, 245 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, USA, in First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC) Geneva, Switzerland, 3‒8 September 2006.
- “Representation of Analysis Results Involving Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty,” Jon. C. Helton, Jay. D. Johnson, William. L. Oberkampf, Cedric. J. Sallaberry, Sandia Report SAND2008‒4379, 2008.
- "The Role of Epistemic Uncertainty in Risk Analysis," D. Dubois, IRIT-CNRS, Conference: Scalable Uncertainty Management - 4th International Conference, SUM 2010, Toulouse, France, September 27-29, 2010.
- “Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification Tutorial,” Laura P. Swiler, Thomas L. Paez, and All L. Mayes, Sandia National Laboratory
- “Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Systems with Epistemic Uncertainties,” Lawrence Hale, Mayuresk Patil, and Christopher Roy, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, January 2015.
- “A Guide to Deal with Uncertainties in Software Project Management," Marcelo Marinho, Suzana Sampaio, Telma Lima, and Hermano de Moura, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 6, No 5, October 2014.
- “Quantifying Uncertainty in Early Lifecycle Cost Estimation (QUELCE),” Robert Ferguson, Dennis Goldenson, James McCurley, Robert Stoddard, David Zubrow, and Debra Anderson, Technical Report, CMU/SEI‒2011‒TR‒026 ESC‒TR‒2011‒026.
Bayesian Belief Networks (#BBN)
A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies via a directed acyclic graph. The combination of probabilities and the impacts identifies the most significant risks.
- "Comparison of Evidence Theory and Bayesian Theory for Uncertainty Modeling," Prabhu Soundappan, Efstratios Nikolaidis, R. T. Haftka, Ramana Grandhi, and Robert Canfield,
- "Disentangling Classical and Bayesian Approaches to Uncertainty Analysis," Robin Willink and Rod White,
- "A Bayesian Belief Networks Approach to Risk Control in Construction Projects," Ibsen Chivatá Cárdenas, Saad SH Al-jibouri & Johannes IM Halman, University of the Netherlands
- “A Bayesian Belief Network Model And Tool To Evaluate Risk And Impact In Software Development Projects,” Anthony Kwok Tai Hui and Dar Biau Liu, IEEE, 2004.
- “Project Scheduling: Improved Approach to Incorporate Uncertainty Using Bayesian Networks,” Vahid Khodakarami, Norman Fenton, and Martin Neil, Project Management Journal, June 2007.
- “Large engineering project risk management using a Bayesian belief network,” Eunchang Lee, Yongtae Park, and Jong Gye Shin, Expert Systems and With Applications, 36, pp. 5880‒5887, 2009.
- “Software Delivery Risk Management: Application of Bayesian Networks in Agile Software Development,” Ieva Ancveire, Ilze Gailite, Made Gailite, and Janis Grabis, Information Technology, and Management Science, 2015/18.
- “Software project risk analysis using Bayesian networks with causality constraints,” Yong Hu, Xiangzhou Zhang, E. W. T. Ngai, Ruichu Cai, and Mei Liu, Decision Support Systems 56 (2013) 439–449.
Risk Analysis and Assessment (#Analysis)
- "The Future of Risk Management in an Uncertain World," Colin Coulson-Thomas, The Risk Management Society.
- "A method for project portfolio risk assessment considering risk interdependencies – a network perspective," Camilo Mican, Gabriela Fermandes, and Madalen Araújo, International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health
and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2021 - "Value creation through project risk management," Pelle Willumsen, Josef Oehment, Verena Stingl, and Joana Geraldi, International Journal of Project Management, 15 Jan 2019
- "Transforming project risk management into project uncertainty management." Stephen Ward, Chris Chapman, International Journal of Project Management 21 (2003) 97–105
- "The Effect of Project Risk Management in Project Success: A Multidimensional Analysis," Fabrício Garcia Imbrizi and Emerson Antonio Maccari, XLIII Encontro da ANPAD - EnANPAD 2019.
- "A Handbook of Cost Risk Analysis Methods," Philip M. LuriePhilip M. LurieMatthew S. GoldbergMitchell S. Robinson, April 1993, Institute for Defense Analyses.
- "The Problems Behind the Problems:" Systems Engineering and Program Management Risk Factors in Acquisition Programs," Joshua McConnell, Jason Sickler, and Trent Yang, Institute for Defense Analyses,
- “Mapping Risk Analysis Methods of Product Development Process,” Stanko Škec, Mario Štorga, and Dorian Marjanović, 3rd International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering & Management for Innovation, A.A. Fernandes, R.M. Natal Jorge, L. Patrício, A. Medeiros (Eds)Porto, Portugal, 4-6th September 2013.
- "Standard Project Risk Analysis Approach,” Tena Žužek, Lidija Rihar, Tomaž Berlec, and Janez Kušar, Business and Systems Research, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2020.
- “Models and model uncertainty in the context of risk analysis,” T. Nilsen and Terje Aven, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, March 2003.
- “Methodology for risk analysis of projects,” Maria Magdalena Roșu, Rodica Rohan, and Elena - Cristina Juganaru, MATEC Web of Conferences, 112, 09012, 2017.
- “Risk Analysis and Management A Vital Key to Effective Project Management,” N. Lavanya and T. Malarvizhi, PMI Global Congress 2008.
- "A Review of Activity Time Distributions in Risk Analysis," Enobong Francis Udoumoh and Daniel W. Ebong, American Journal of Operations Research, pp. 356-371, 2017.
- "A Review of Activity Time Distributions in Risk Analysis," Enobong Francis Udoumoh and Daniel W. Ebong, American Journal of Operations Research, pp. 356-371, 2017.
- “Risk Assessment Forum White Paper: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods and Case Studies,” EPA/100/R-14/004, July 2014, www.epa.gov/raf
2018. - “Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis," Dr. David T. Hulett and Michael R. Nosbisch, Cost Engineering, November/December 2012.
- “Journey Map to a More Mature Schedule Risk Analysis Process,” David Hulett, Long International, Littleton, Colorado, 2018.
- “Risk Analysis and Management,” Lester B. Lave, The Science of the Total Environment, 99, pp. 235‒242, 1990.
- “Statistical Dependence In Risk Analysis for Project Networks using Monte Carlo Methods,” J. R. van Dorp and M. R. Duffey, International Journal of Production Economics, 55, pp. 17‒29, 1999.
- “Risk as Analysis and Risk as Feelings: Some Thoughts about Affect, Reason, Risk, and Rationality,” Paul Slovic, Melissa L. Finucane, Ellen Peters, and Donald MacGregor, Risk Analysis, Vol.24, No. 2, 2004.
- “Evaluation of the Risk Analysis and Cost Management (RACM) Model,” Matthew S. Goldberg, Institute for Defense Analyses, August 1998.
- “Risk Analysis & Estimating Uncertainty … and what this has to do with the price of milk in McLean,” Phil Beenhouwer, The Society of Cost Estimating & Analysis (SCEA), May 17, 2006
- “Strategic Risk Analysis ‒ A Field Version,” Jan Emblemsvåg and Lars Endre Kjølstad, Management Decision, 40/9, pp. 842‒852, 2002.
- “Advanced Risk Analysis for High‒Performing Organization,” Christopher Alberts and Audrey Dorfee, Software Engineering Institute, 2006
- “Quantifying uncertainty under a predictive, epistemic approach to risk analysis,” S. Apeland, T. Aven, and T. Nilsen, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 5, Number 1, January 2002, pp. 93‒102.
- “Schedule Risk Analysis: Why It Is Important and How to Do It,” Stephen A. Book, Business Cases, and Acquisition Strategies, Ground Systems Architectures Workshop (GSAW 2002), 13‒15 March 2002.
- “Dealing with project complexity by matrix-based propagation modeling for project risk analysis,” Chao Fang and Franck Marle,” Journal of Engineering Design, Taylor & Francis, Volume 24, Issue 4, 2013.
- “Expert Judgement, Meta-Analysis and Participatory Risk Analysis,” Simon French,
- “Expert Judgement in Risk Analysis,” Stephen C. Hora, Non-Published Research Report, Homeland Security Center, Paper 120
- “Risk Analysis of project time and cost through Monte Carlo Method ‒ A Case Study at Scania CV AB,” Catharina Danielson and Hamid Khan, Degree Projects, in Project Management of Operational Development, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2015.
- “Using Probabilistic Methods to Enhance the Role of Risk Analysis in Decision‒Making with Case Study Examples,” prepared by Risk Assessment Forum, PRA Technical Panel Working Groups, EPA/100/R‒09/001
- “Project Risk Analysis,” Jørn Vatn, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 12 November 2013.
- “Natural Variation, Limited Knowledge, and the Nature of Uncertainty in Risk Analysis,” Gregory B. Baecher and John T. Christian, Risk-Based Decision‒Making in Water Resources IX’, Santa Barbara, CA (2000): 1‒16.
- “Final Report Briefing Analytic Methods for Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis,” Raymond Covert, March 4, 2013.
- “Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their foundation,” Terje Aven, European Journal of Operational Research, 235, 2013, pp. 1‒13.
- “Tools for analyzing epistemic uncertainties in probabilistic risk analysis,” Janne Laitonom (Project Manager), EURPRA002 Final Report version 4, Mat‒2.4177 Seminar on Case Studies in Operation Research, Technical Research Centre of Finland.
- Enhanced Scenario-Based Method for Cost Risk Analysis: Theory, Application, and Implementation,” Brian Flynn, Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics, 11 December 2012.
- “Analytical Method for Probabilistic Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis: Final Report,” Prepared for NASA, 5 April 2013.
Black Swans and Unknown Unknowns (#BSUnk)
- "Black Swan Risk Management for Projects," Jurie Steyn, Owner Team Consultation, February 2022
- "On the meaning of and relationship between dragon-kings, black swans and related concepts," Ingrid Glette-Iversen and Terje Aven, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 211, 2021.
- "Keys to Success in Managing a Black Swan Event," Nancy Green, Aon Risk Solutions
- "How to identify risky IT projects and avoid them turning into black swans,” Magne Jørgensen, Ernst & Young: Nordic Advisory Learning Weekend, Riga, 2016.
- "Implications of Black Swans to the Foundations and Practice of Risk Assessment and Management," Terje Aven, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 134, pp. 83-91, 2015
- "On the meaning of a Black Swan in a Risk Context," Terje Aven, Safety Science, Volume 57, pp. 44-51, August 2013.
- "Adapting to the Entirely Unpredictable: Black Swans, Fat Tails, Aberrant Events, and Hubristic Models," P. Hammond, Warwick Bulletin of the Economics Research Institute, 1 November 2009.
- "Black Swans in a Risk Context," Terje Aven, JRC, ISPRA, 21 June 2013.
Risk Management Techniques (#RMTech)
- "Playbook: Enterprise Risk Management for the U.S. Federal Government," Cheif Financial Officer Council, November 28, 2022
- "Managing Project Uncertainty by Using an Enhanced Risk Management Process," Rolf Olsson, Malardalen Univesity, 2006
- "The Risk of Using Risk Matrices," Philip Thomas, Reidar B. Bratvold, and J. Eric Bickel, SPE Economics and Management 6(02) September 2013.
- "Risk Management for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Flight Projects," Dr. James R Rose.
- "Strategies to Detect, Prevent, and Correct the Causes of Complex Program Stress and Failure," Glen B. Alleman, Project and Program Management Symposium, University of New South Wales, 12 August 2021.
- "Deriving Certainty from Uncertainty," Gavin Halling, Project and Program Management Symposium, University of New South Wales, 12 August 2021.
- "Can We Improve Project Risk Management?, Yiding Hu, Weapons and Combat Systems Division, Defence Science and Technology Group, AustraliaProjects Governance & Control Symposium, 2016.
- "The Path from Good Project Scheduling to IMplementing Advanced Work Packaging," Chris Carlson, Project and Program Management Symposium, University of New South Wales, 12 August 2021.
- "Joint Confidence Levels: Combining Project Control Artefacts to Inform Decision Making," Andrew Butts, Ships Divisional Controls, CASG, Australian Department of Defence, 8 August 2021.
- "Complexity and Uncertainty: Problem or Asset in Decision Making of Mega Infrastrcution Projects?" Willem Salet, Luca Bertolini, and Mendel Giezen, International Journal of Urban and Regional Reseach, 2012.
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Risk Management Thesis (#RMThesis)
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- “Integrated Model for Project Risk & Uncertainty Management Ilyas B. Alhassan Tahir Mehmod, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden,
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- “Uncertainty in Qualitative Risk Analysis and Rating Systems: Modeling Decision Making Determinants,” Ogaga Jonathan Tebehaevu, East Carolina University, July 2015.
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- “Integrated Model for Project Risk & Uncertainty Management,” Llyas B. Alhassan and Tahir Mehmood, The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
- “Project Risk Propagation Modeling of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction,” Alireza Atin, Wayne State University, 2016.
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- “Method for Risk Analysis in regard of different types of projects,” Alex Maj Bangsgaard, Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus 2010.
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- “Propagating and Mitigating Uncertainty in the Design on Complex Multidisciplinary Systems,” Daniel Thunnissen, California Institute of Technology, 2005.
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- “A Methodology for Project Risk Analysis Using Bayesian Belief Networks Within A Monte Carlo Simulation Environment,” Javier F. Ordóñez Arízaga, Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
- “Distributed Software Development Agile Risk Management Framework: A Systematic Literature Review,” Navid Vajdi and Raja Manzar Abbass, Chalmers University of Technology University of Gothenburg, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SE‒412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
- “Empirical research on relative and absolute effort estimation in software development projects,” Ivar Fredriksen, University of Oslo, Department of Informatics, 2 November 2009.
- “Towards integrating agile development and risk management,” Jaana Nyfjord, Stockholm University, DSV Report Series, No. 08‒008, 2008.
- 11 次浏览
- 60 次浏览
利益相关者分析是精益和EA的常见做法。 从精益的角度来看,我们建议让企业架构师参与到项目中。 作为利益相关者,甚至更好地作为团队成员。 企业架构师会跟踪流程改进对整个企业的影响。 理想情况下,精益从业者和企业架构师以这样的方式合作,即生成项目结果,从而在短期和长期内最佳地支持组织。
建筑师可以在精益项目中提供很大帮助。 一些例子:
在定义步骤中,通常会执行SIPOC(供应商,输入,流程,输出,客户)分析,以便深入了解所考虑的流程(请参见下图)。 这种观点对于架构师来说非常熟悉,他们通常可以为此分析提供大量有用的输入。
DMAIC的控制步骤是关于维持收益。 为此,您希望分享整个企业中手头流程中的良好实践。 具有企业范围的架构师可以帮助您确定组织中可以重用改进和实践的区域。
从上面我们可以得出结论,企业架构师可以在整个改进周期中提供重要的附加价值。 因此,建筑师在精益和六西格玛项目中的密切参与本身就是最佳实践。
- 101 次浏览
-Dean Leffingwell,SAFe的创造者
Scaled Agile Framework应用了Agile的强大功能,以及系统思考和精益产品开发中的现代知识,帮助企业应对在最短的可持续交付时间内开发和交付企业级软件和系统的重大挑战。它是一个在线自由发布的知识库,用于在企业范围内实施精益敏捷软件和系统的成熟模式。
“通过经过验证的框架,我们可以更快,更省力地提供解决方案。 SAFe定义了在企业范围内应用精益和敏捷原则的角色,团队,活动和工件,并提供了出色的培训和辅导材料,以增加我们成功的机会。“
-Peter Vollmer,Hewlett Packard Enterprise,杰出技术专家
企业必须学习如何快速适应不断变化的技术和经济条件,否则它们将会灭绝,无论它们的规模,实力或智能程度如何。即使是那些不认为自己是信息技术(IT)或软件公司的企业 - 专业服务,金融服务,制造商,医疗机构,政府机构等 - 现在都高度依赖于他们生产新数字产品和服务的能力。 Scaled Agile Inc(SAI)的使命是通过SAFe知识库的开发和发布,以及随附的认证,培训,课件和超过全球的网络,帮助这些企业实现数字业务的增长。 150个工具和服务合作伙伴。
- 我们如何协调业务和技术目标?
- 我们如何在可预测的时间表上提供新价值,以便其他业务部门可以规划?
- 我们如何提高解决方案的质量并让客户满意?
- 我们如何将敏捷实践从团队扩展到计划和业务部门以及整个企业,以提供更好的结果?
- 我们如何围绕价值组织人,以便我们的计划有效地提供它并避免传统功能结构中固有的延迟?
- 我们如何创造一个促进我们员工的协作,创新和不懈改进的环境?
- 我们如何改变我们的文化,以便容忍失败并奖励冒险和持续学习?我们怎样才能帮助我们的团队改进而不妨碍我们?
现在,SAFe 4.6已进行了第五次重大修订,正在改善全球各种规模公司的业务成果。 SAFe在上市时间,员工敬业度,更高的质量,更高的客户满意度以及整体改善的经济成果方面取得了显着的进步。它还有助于创造更高效,更有回报和更有趣的文化。
图1. SAFe业务收益直接来自SAFe客户编写的案例研究
“我们有多次瀑布式工作,第三方集成以及严格的监管授权,这使得协调和执行异常困难。 SAFe提供了所需的敏捷性,可见性和透明度,以确保我们能够与众多其他工作集成,在交付中获得可预测性,并确保时间表得到满足。“
- Fannie Mae敏捷卓越中心(COE)主任David McMunn
SAFe是一个广泛的知识体系,描述了实施企业级精益敏捷开发所需的角色,职责,工件和活动。 SAFe为大量敏捷团队同步协调,协作和交付。 SAFe可扩展且可配置,支持使用50-125名从业者的小规模解决方案,以及需要数千人的复杂系统。
SAFe Framework网站主页具有交互式“大图”图形,该图形是框架的可视化概述,是数据库的主要用户界面。图像的每个图标都是可点击的,并提供了广泛的SAFe知识库的入口,其中包括:精益企业的五大核心能力,支持全方位开发和业务环境的四种配置,以及基本原则,价值观,构成SAFe框架的思维模式,角色,工件和实现元素。 SAFe框架的组件在以下段落中更详细地描述。
SAFe 4.6版增加了精益企业的五大核心竞争力,现在是理解和实施SAFe的主要镜头。每个精益企业能力都是一套相关的知识,技能和行为,它们共同使企业能够在最短的可持续交付时间内实现最佳质量和价值。接下来简要介绍每种能力。
- 精益敏捷领导力能力描述了精益敏捷领导者如何通过赋予个人和团队最大潜力来推动和维持组织变革。他们通过学习,展示,教学和指导SAFe的精益敏捷思维,价值观,原则和实践来实现这一目标。结果是更快乐,更有参与度的员工,以及更高的生产力和创新。
- 团队和技术敏捷性能力描述了创建高性能敏捷团队所需的关键技能和精益敏捷原则和实践,这些团队可以生成高质量,精心设计的技术解决方案。其结果是提高了生产力,缩短了产品上市时间,并实现了可预测的价值交付。
- DevOps和按需发布能力描述了如何实施DevOps和持续交付管道,使企业能够在满足市场和客户需求的任何时间全部或部分释放价值。这使组织能够降低开发成本,降低风险并战胜竞争对手。
- 业务解决方案和精益系统工程能力描述了如何将精益敏捷原则和实践应用于大型复杂软件应用程序和网络物理系统的规范,开发,部署和发展。
- 精益投资组合管理能力通过将精益和系统思维方法应用于战略和投资资金,敏捷投资组合运营和治理来协调战略和执行。这些合作使企业能够可靠地执行现有承诺并更好地实现创新。
此外,SAFe 4.6是政府的一个新的指导领域。根据SAFe的基础和原则,指导强调:
- 调整治理实践以支持敏捷性和精益价值流
- 修改采购实践以实现精益敏捷开发和运营
- 应用精益估算和预测进行节奏
- 采用与价值流对齐的精益预算
- 从项目过渡到精益的史诗流
- 使技术投资与代理战略保持一致
- 创建政府团队和承包商的高绩效团队
- 建立精益敏捷价值观,原则和实践的基础。
- 必不可少的SAFe
- 投资组合SAFe
- 大型方案SAFe
- 完整的SAFe
Essential SAFe配置是所有SAFe配置的基本构建块,是最简单的实现起点。它提供精益敏捷领导能力,团队和技术敏捷性能力,以及DevOps和按需发布能力。
图3. Agile Release Trains完全交叉功能
这种解决方案的开发对航空航天和国防,汽车和政府等行业来说很常见,因为大型解决方案 - 而非投资组合治理 - 是主要关注点。
解决方案培训组织结构可帮助企业应对最大的挑战 - 构建大规模,多学科的软件,硬件,网络物理和复杂的IT系统。开发这些解决方案需要额外的角色,工件,事件和协调,如图5所示。
Portfolio SAFe配置提供精益项目组合管理能力,使组合执行与企业战略保持一致。它通过一个或多个价值流围绕价值流组织发展。
Spanning Palette包含可应用于特定团队,程序,大型解决方案或项目组合上下文的各种角色和工件。
最左边的图由Essential SAFe配置使用,而最右边的图用于所有其他配置。但是,由于SAFe是一个框架,企业可以将更大的跨越调色板中的任何元素应用于Essential SAFe。
- 度量标准 - SAFe的主要衡量标准是对工作解决方案的客观测量。此外,SAFe还定义了一些额外的中期和长期措施,团队,计划和投资组合可用于衡量进展的指标。
- 共享服务 - 代表ART或解决方案培训成功所必需的专业角色,但不能专门用于任何特定列车。
- 实践社区(CoP) - 实践社区是一个由团队成员和其他专家组成的非正式小组,在一个计划或企业的背景下行事,其使命是在一个或多个相关领域分享实践知识。
- 里程碑 - 里程碑用于跟踪特定目标或事件的进度。 SAFe描述了固定日期,程序增量(PI)和学习里程碑。
- 路线图 - 路线图在时间线上传达计划的ART和价值流可交付成果和里程碑。
- 愿景 - 愿景描述了将要开发的解决方案的未来视图,反映客户和利益相关方的需求,以及为满足这些需求而提出的功能和功能。
- 系统团队 - 系统团队是一个特殊的敏捷团队,在构建和使用持续交付管道方面提供帮助,并在必要时验证完整的端到端系统性能。
- 精益用户体验(UX) - 精益用户体验是将精益原则应用于用户体验设计。它通过不断的测量和学习循环(构建 - 测量 - 学习),使用迭代的,假设驱动的方法进行产品开发。
图9. SAFe基础
- 精益敏捷领导者 - 管理层对业务成果负有最终责任。领导者接受了SAFe的培训,并成为这些更精简和更敏感的思维和操作方式的培训师。为此,SAFe描述了企业新的“精益思想经理 - 教师”所展示的新型领导风格。
- 核心价值 - 对齐,内置质量,透明度和程序执行的四个核心价值定义了SAFe的信念和价值体系。
- 精益敏捷心态 - 精益敏捷领导者是终身学习者和教师,他们了解,拥抱并培养整个企业的精益和敏捷原则和实践。
- SAFe原则 - SAFe实践基于九个原则,这些原则综合了敏捷方法,精益产品开发,DevOps,系统思考和数十年的现场经验。
- 实施路线图 - 实施成为精益敏捷技术企业所需的变革对大多数公司来说是一个重大变化。 SAFe提供了一个实施路线图,以帮助指导组织实现这一目标。
- SAF计划顾问(SPC) - SPC是变革推动者,他们将SAFe的技术知识与改善公司软件和系统开发过程的内在动力相结合。
[1] Knaster,Richard和Dean Leffingwell。 SAFe 4.0 Distilled:将精简敏捷框架应用于精益软件和系统工程。 Addison-Wesley,Kindle版。
- 113 次浏览
【精益创业】创业生命周期的5个阶段:Morgan Brown谈如何让初创公司成长
我有机会采访了growth的OG 's之一Morgan Brown。他曾担任Qualaroo、GrowthHackers.com和其他一些高增长初创公司的增长主管。我发现,摩根不仅在制定战略和执行增长计划方面是个十足的坏蛋,在解释其方法背后的流程和框架时,他的口才也令人难以置信。
- 问题/解决方案匹配
- 最小可行产品(MVP)
- 产品/市场配合
- 规模
- 成熟
- 学习精益创业框架,并将其应用到你的发现过程中。
- 疯狂地进行问题/解决方案的面试。
- 假设你的产品的目标用户是谁。
- 找到符合你的个人资料的人,和他们交谈。想要获得一些灵感,可以在Hiten Shah和Steli Efti的The Startup Chat播客上查看第20集,如何获得你的前10个客户。
- 问他们大量的问题,了解他们如何看待这个问题,以及他们正在做什么来解决这个问题。
- 深入研究他们围绕问题的具体痛点。
- 如果可能,运行需求测试
- 使用登陆页面甚至众筹活动来测试需求。
- 如果人们在咬你,你可能会发现一些东西——是时候投资构建一个更健壮的产品了。
- 利用你从面试和需求测试中获得的发现,开始为你的MVP制定最初的蓝图。
- 当新的信息流入时,重复你提出的问题和解决方案。
“对于最初的用户来说,没有一个确切的数字,但你需要足够多的用户,这样你就能知道人们是会继续使用你的产品还是会放弃它。”-摩根布朗←Tweet This
- 参考精益创业框架,以获得构建MVP的最佳实践。
- 请记住,一个公司的MVP可能需要一天的时间来打造,而另一个公司可能需要6个月。MVP有很多种类型,你必须根据自己的判断来决定MVP应该是什么样子,这样才能充分验证你的想法。查看15种测试最小可行产品的方法来获得一些指导。
- 进行最少的渠道探索,以获得一些使用你的产品的初始用户,这样你就可以衡量用户留存率。
- 只做你需要获得初始用户的渠道发现。当你准备扩大规模时,你将会在更强大的渠道发现上投资。
“留存率是衡量你的产品/市场适配度的最佳指标,你的留存率越高,你的产品就越必须拥有。”---------------------------------------------摩根布朗←Tweet This
- 测试产品是否适合市场
- 调查用户,了解他们对你的产品的感觉
- 衡量净推广者得分(NPS)——如果是9分或10分,你的身材很好
- 使用Sean Ellis的产品市场契合度测试——如果40%或更多的用户表示,如果你的产品被拿走,他们会非常失望,这是一个很好的产品市场契合度指标。
- 测量保留率,并随着时间的推移寻找稳定的保留率。好的留存率是多少?取决于模型和垂直。
- 语言市场配合
- 漏斗优化
- Channel-product适合
- 明确你的产品在市场和目标用户中的定位
- A/B测试不同的消息传递:
- 你产品的价值定位
- 的标语
- 产品描述
- 特性和好处
- 呼吁采取行动
“在你开启获取渠道之前,确保你的用户流是稳定的,并且以最直观的方式将人们带入你的产品。”-摩根布朗←Tweet This
正如我之前在《构建一个像Andy Johns那样的增长机器》中所写的那样,任何成功的漏斗优化工作的核心和灵魂都是发现用户的“惊喜时刻”,并让他们尽快体验到它。在Qualaroo, Brown的团队发现当用户收到50个或更多的回复时,保留率显著提高。有了这个惊喜的时刻,团队优化了产品,以最大限度地提高试用期间的调查反应。
“寻找那些能让某些用户比其他人更成功的信号,并做得更多。”-摩根布朗←Tweet This
- 细分你的受众——确保你的目标是那些从你的产品中获得价值的人。
- 找出那些坚持的用户和那些流失的用户的独特之处
- 找出他们所采取的关键行动和他们所达到的里程碑,以释放产品的价值。
- 将这些行为融入到用户体验中,并推动尽可能多的用户采取这些行为或达到这些里程碑——这将提高用户的激活、转化率和留存率。
“探索频道就是实验。当你测试频道时,就像回声定位一样。你在发送脉冲信号-如果我在这里做一个测试,我是否得到一个响应,如果我在那里做一个测试,我是否得到一个响应。-摩根布朗←Tweet This
- 研究Justin Mares和Gabriel Weinberg的公牛眼框架和Brian Balfour的渠道优先排序矩阵
- 堆叠排名你的渠道基于3个因素:
- 他们能让你多接近你的目标客户*?
- 他们如何与你的商业模式保持一致?
- 你的团队成员的优势是什么?例如:工具式病毒传播,SEO, PR, Facebook广告?
- 首先关注最重要的一个,或者两个渠道——不要浅尝辄行,选择你的渠道,深入挖掘。
- 开始在这些信道中进行一些最初的增长实验——这些是你的ping信号——它们会告诉你一个信道是否有前景。
*边注——大多数初创公司对目标客户的考虑太过宽泛。你一定非常特别。就用户获取的目的而言,你的目标客户不是工作的母亲或市场营销人员(他们可能正是为了筹款而这样做,因为你需要为你的产品展示一个巨大的潜在市场)。例如,在一开始,New Relic并没有把他们的目标客户看成是开发人员,他们把Ruby on Rails开发人员作为他们的早期采用者,并成为了这个小众社区的代言人。后来,随着规模的扩大,它们扩展为更多的开发者提供服务。
到目前为止,你已经知道了一些可行的渠道,你对自己的转化率和留存率也很有信心,所以,现在是时候开始投入了。要做到这一点,就要在有效的频道上加倍投入。-摩根布朗←Tweet This
你想要锁定一个渠道,但一旦你找到了一个渠道,你就需要把自己的成长想象成一个蛋糕。如果我想要增加增长,我需要去获得另一个渠道并最终开始将各种渠道叠加起来以实现增长。-摩根布朗←Tweet This
- 在你的频道探索过程中,加倍关注那些有潜力的顶级频道。
- 为每个渠道聘请专家,并为他们提供执行所需的资源。这可能意味着为他们提供设计或工程支持,或为付费收购提供可观的预算,等等。
- 使用Brian Balfour的“构建增长机器”方法来衡量和跟踪你的增长实验(顺便说一句,这是增长历史视频中我最喜欢的一个)。
- 一旦你知道了什么有效,为每个渠道建立一个增长剧本。您可以在这里定义和记录推动公司增长的过程。
“成长永远不会结束。LinkedIn已经有将近20年的历史了,他们还在继续推进增长实验。Facebook也是如此。Facebook有超过10亿用户,他们正在购买应用程序并推出测试,这并不是说你选中了方框就可以继续前进。-摩根布朗←Tweet This
- 寻找海外扩张的机会。建立本地化团队,使产品体验适应每个新区域的复杂性和文化差异。
- 寻找与你的产品直接或间接相关的获取机会。也许一个收购目标能让你接触到一个新的但非常相似的用户市场,或者一个产品能帮助你扩大对现有用户的价值。
- 不断投资你的成长团队,通过不断的试验寻找新的成长渠道。寻找那些还没有接受你的产品的潜在目标用户,试着找出他们不接受你产品的原因,并找到访问他们的方法。
在生活中,在创业中,有无数诱人的机会值得追逐。但是,那些学会如何批判性地评估机会、制定深思熟虑的战略并专注于执行的创始人,比那些从一个渠道到另一个渠道、从一个想法到另一个想法的人表现得更好。Greg McKeown的《本质主义:纪律严明的追求更少》是我一直以来最喜欢的书之一,当我感觉自己正在失去优势时,我总是会回到这本书。阅读它。
- 54 次浏览
- 职能管理层负责项目团队成员及其工作和可交付成果的战术治理
- 项目资源和活动运营治理项目团队
- 审查和审计作为独立的过程治理、可交付成果和信息质量的职能
- 独立财务合规审计的财务审计
- 质疑的好处在于分配了项目业主责任的利益相关者,从而扭曲了项目结果;
- 项目业主的要求较少受到审查,减少了创新,降低了成果效率;
- 围绕项目所有权、资产所有权和服务所有权的不同技能将健全的项目决策和程序置于风险之中;
- 运营需求始终占主导地位,使项目处于被忽视的风险之中;
- 项目或有事项有被分配给利益相关者分配的项目所有权的额外范围的风险。
- 应该有正式商定的治理安排
- 项目应该有一个单一的决策点
- 在与业主、利益相关者和第三方接触时,应明确分配代表项目的权力
- 项目商业案例应包括商定的和当前的项目目标定义、每个业主的角色、他们的激励、投入、权力和责任
- 各业主应确保共同业主的法律权限和义务以及内部治理安排符合其可接受的项目治理标准
- 应有项目授权点和限制条件,以便业主对项目进行必要程度的控制
- 考虑到影响结果的能力和创造激励以促进合作行为,应就奖励和风险的认可、分配或分享达成一致
- 项目领导层应利用多重所有权产生的协同效应,并应积极管理冲突或效率低下的潜在来源
- 应当有一份正式协议,规定在考虑重大所有权变更时要调用的流程以及对资产和所有者的后果
- 项目期间和收益实现期间的报告应提供诚实、及时、现实和相关的进度、成就、预测和风险数据,以满足业主的良好治理要求
- 当符合一个或多个项目业主的合法利益时,应建立一种机制,以进行独立审查或审查。
- 业主之间应商定一个不危及项目目标实现的争议解决程序。
- 概述项目涉及的所有内部和外部团体之间的关系
- 向所有利益相关者描述有关项目的适当信息流
- 确保对每个项目中遇到的问题进行适当审查
- 确保在项目的每个适当阶段获得项目所需的批准和指导。
- 一个引人注目的业务案例,说明项目的对象,并指定范围内和范围外的方面
- 评估已完成项目是否符合其原始目标的机制
- 确定对项目感兴趣的所有利益相关者
- 与各利益相关者沟通的既定方法
- 由所有利益相关者商定的一组业务级需求
- 商定的项目交付物规范
- 项目经理的任命
- 项目角色和责任的明确分配
- 当前发布的项目计划,涵盖从项目启动到开发到运营过渡的所有项目阶段。
- 一个准确的向上状态和进度报告系统,包括时间记录。
- 项目的中央文档存储库
- 集中保存的项目术语表
- 管理和解决项目期间出现的问题的过程
- 项目期间识别风险的记录和沟通流程
- 关键治理文件和项目交付物的质量审查标准。
- 97 次浏览
- 什么是SDLC
- SDLC的阶段是什么?
- 需求分析
- 规格
- 软件架构
- 编码
- 测试
- 文档
- 软件培训和支持
- 维护服务
- 线性或瀑布模型
- 敏捷方法论
- 快速应用程序开发(RAD)
- 联合应用程序开发(JAD)
- 原型
- 8 次浏览
- 规格(Specification )-界定系统应做的工作;
- 设计及实现(Design and implementation )-界定系统的组织架构,并实现系统;
- 验证(Validation )——检查它是否满足了客户的需求;
- 进化(Evolution )-改变系统以响应不断变化的客户需求。
- 瀑布模型
- V模型
- 增量式模型
- RAD模型
- 敏捷开发模型
- 迭代式模型
- 螺旋模型
- 原型模型
v模型表示一个开发过程,它可以被认为是瀑布模型的扩展,并且是更通用的v模型的一个例子。编码阶段结束后,处理步骤向上弯曲,形成典型的V形,而不是线性地向下移动。v -模型演示了开发生命周期的每个阶段与其相关联的测试阶段之间的关系。水平轴和垂直轴分别表示时间或项目完整性(从左到右)和抽象级别(最上层的粗粒度抽象)。
螺旋模型是由Barry Boehm在1986年首次描述的,它是一个风险驱动的软件开发过程模型,引入它是为了处理传统瀑布模型中的缺陷。螺旋模型看起来就像一个有许多循环的螺旋。螺旋的确切循环数是未知的,并且可能因项目而异。该模型支持风险处理,并且项目是循环交付的。螺旋的每个循环称为软件开发过程的一个阶段。
用可视化范式(Visual Paradigm)管理软件过程
Visual Paradigm提供了一组丰富的项目管理工具,帮助软件团队执行主要的开发活动,并管理整个过程中创建的工件。
人们在项目管理上面临着很多困难,比如陡峭的学习曲线和雇佣认证专业人员的高成本。Visual Paradigm独特的自动化项目管理知识体系工具为以最小的成本启动IT项目管理提供了所有的帮助和指导。
- 104 次浏览
格伦 - 卡斯滕斯 - 彼得斯-190592-unsplash
- 意图:这应该以简洁的方式描述阶段的意图。
- 输入:此阶段需要启动的依赖项,始终包括在不是第一阶段之前的阶段的输出。
- 产出:应列出任何预期的关键成果和可交付成果,以便每个人都理解并同意预期的内容,这将形成要签署的验收标准。一套明确定义的验收标准可以说是阶段描述中最重要的焦点。
- 签署:这应列出签署阶段所需的利益相关者。这种情况常常被排除在外,并且出现了“谁说你可以进步?”这个不可避免的问题。
与相关团队成员分享SOW的简单过程 - 通常是 - 确定一些想法或发现一个未被考虑的关键问题导致
有许多方法可以进行同行评审,并且有无数篇文章描述了良好的同行评审系统的关键因素和机制,在此过程中最重要的是与其他人共享SOW。 Bob Ronan撰写的文章“成功项目的秘诀:同行评审”是一个这样的例子,因为它写得很好并且表明了同行评审过程的重要性。
- 47 次浏览
为了规范项目管理信息和实践,一组超过80 PMI成员创建了文本,指导项目管理知识体系(PMBOK指南®)目前在其第五版,项目管理知识体系®指南是不断更新的采购经理人指数和股票的基本做法,全球使用达到最好的结果。PMBOK指南包括一个可以应用于许多项目的过程标准;然而,它承认每个项目都是不同的。由项目管理人员来应用项目管理知识体系(PMBOK)指南中涵盖的技术和阶段,以满足项目的独特需求。
- 必须完成的工作
- 必须生成和审查哪些可交付成果
- 谁必须参与
- 如何控制和批准每个阶段
S.M.A.R.T. Goals (目标)——这种方法有助于确保你的目标被彻底审查过。它还提供了一种明确理解目标设定过程的含义的方法。
- 具体(Specific )——要设定具体的目标,请回答以下问题:谁、什么、在哪里、何时、什么、为什么。
- 可衡量的(Measurable )——创建一个你可以用来衡量一个目标成功与否的标准。
- 可实现的目标(Attainable )——确定最重要的目标以及实现这些目标需要做些什么。
- 现实(Realistic )-你应该愿意并且能够朝着一个特定的目标努力。
- 及时(Timely )——为实现目标制定一个时间表。
C.L.E.A.R. Goals 一种新的设定目标的方法,考虑到当今快节奏的商业环境。
- 协作(Collaborative )——目标应该鼓励员工一起工作。
- 有限的(Limited )——他们的范围和时间应该是有限的,以保持可控。
- 情感上的(Emotional )——目标应该激发员工的激情,并成为他们能够形成情感联系的东西。这可以优化工作质量。
- 可观的(Appreciable )—把大的目标分成可以很快完成的小任务。
- 可细化-(Refinable )当新情况出现时,要灵活并根据需要细化目标。
- 范围陈述——明确定义业务需求、项目利益、目标、可交付成果和关键里程碑的文件。范围声明可能在项目过程中发生变更,但不应在没有项目经理和发起人的批准下进行。
- 工作分解计划(WBS)——这是一个可视化的表示,它将项目的范围分解为团队可管理的部分。
- 里程碑——确定整个项目中需要实现的高层目标,并将其包含在甘特图中。
- 甘特图-一个可视化的时间线,你可以使用它来计划任务和可视化你的项目时间线。
- 沟通计划——如果你的项目有外部干系人参与,这一点尤为重要。围绕项目制定适当的消息传递,并根据交付成果和里程碑制定与团队成员沟通的时间表。
- 风险管理计划——识别所有可预见的风险。常见的风险包括不切实际的时间和成本估计、客户评审周期、预算削减、需求变化以及缺乏承诺的资源。
- 开发团队
- 分配资源
- 执行项目管理计划
- 采购管理(如有需要)
- 项目经理指导和管理项目执行
- 建立跟踪系统
- 执行任务分配
- 状态会议
- 更新项目进度
- 根据需要修改项目计划
- 项目目标:衡量项目是否按照进度和预算进行,可以指示项目是否满足涉众的目标。
- 质量交付:这决定了特定的任务交付是否被满足。
- 工作和成本跟踪:项目经理将考虑工作和资源成本,以查看预算是否在轨道上。这种类型的跟踪将根据当前的性能通知项目是否满足其完成日期。
- 项目绩效:监控项目中的变化。它考虑出现问题的数量和类型,以及解决问题的速度。这些可能发生在未预见的障碍和范围更改中。
- 275 次浏览
【项目管理】敏捷死了! 瀑布回来了。
肯施瓦伯——Scrum 的联合创始人和 Scrum.org 的创始人——说瀑布“真的毁了我们的职业”。 “它让人们被视为资源,而不是有价值的参与者。”预先完成了如此多的计划,员工变成了车轮上的一个齿轮。
当然,回想起来这听起来很痛苦,而且确实如此!需要几个专业人员来运行一个简单的编译。有些人只负责在盒子里整理卡片。这不是一项非常专业的工作,但必须有人去做。为了降低这种繁琐操作的成本,Waterfall 发挥了作用。如果事先做好计划,就不需要整天安排大量高度专业化的专业人士坐着打卡。这非常有效。可以避免许多错误,并且开发程序所需的时间更少。
在当时(90 年代、00 年代),谁负责构建一个好的软件产品几乎没有区别。大部分工作在开发人员手中。用户体验本身并不是它自己的东西。显然,它总是存在的,但如果一个产品有很好的接受度,那就有点神秘了。用户界面设计被视为不重要,并呈现出一些可怕的结果。
然而,今天,您可能需要几个具有不同技能的人来构建并保持市场上具有竞争力的产品。 UX/UI 设计师、产品经理(及其变种)、后端开发人员、前端开发人员、移动开发人员、基础设施专业人员等(在这里看到一个模式?)很明显,对更多人员、不同职位的需求正在增加日。
更重要的是,大型科技公司开始变得绝望。没有足够的专业人士来满足他们的需求。在十年(2001-2011 年)中,工资增长高达 35%,最后一个增长高达 47%,具体取决于地区。软件危机时代会再次发生吗?
Waterfall 的主要目标是降低开发阶段(实际代码编写)的成本。薪水如此之高,而且缺乏可用的专业人士,预示着提前计划的卷土重来。小公司不能仅仅与大科技公司的薪水竞争,并让专业人士“更快地犯错”。
瀑布和敏捷有根本的区别。 瀑布基本上是一种适用于软件开发的问题解决方法。 敏捷是围绕以原型设计为导向的方法论编织的一堆愿望(宣言),它已经过度扩展成为现在的时尚。 随着时间的推移,它已经与诸如“计划快速失败”之类的破坏性口号联系在一起。
瀑布从不严酷或可怕。 它的“缺陷”被夸大了,只是为了让敏捷看起来不错。
正如您所说,重要的是,瀑布是关于将思考放在首位,并为整个过程提供一个正式的结构,以鼓励(重)可用性并插入运行组织的传统方式 - 规划、成本会计、项目管理等。敏捷可能会占有一席之地 ,但是当它很重要时,或者正如你所说的那样,当公司不能继续更快地犯错时,瀑布是解决方案。 瀑布是迭代的,但有一个整体的计划和结构。
当然,瀑布项目有一席之地。在一个不复杂(non-complex)但复杂(complicated )的世界中,结果是可以预测的。我们可以知道,“如果我们这样做,将会发生以下情况。”在我们重复自己的情况下,重复做同样的事情。那么瀑布式方法是一个不错的选择。
在复杂的(complex )世界中,我们或客户不可能事先知道一切,结果无法预测,我们需要在知道之前学习。然后我们需要另一种方法。一种实验性的方法,我们可以随时做出决定并尽可能晚地做出这些决定。敏捷已成为这些复杂情况的一种解决方案。
当今的数字和网络物理系统通常属于复杂(complex )类别;我们不可能知道会发生什么,当我们有更多的知识时,我们想做出迟到的决定,并且随着我们的进展获得更多的理解。
我们不会经常两次构建相同的软件。所以我认为任何一种系统的开发通常都不会落入复杂的范畴。但是,为客户安装软件系统可能需要多次完成,虽然很复杂(complicated),但并不复杂( not complex),我们可能会使用瀑布方法。
应该定义“瀑布方法”的论文是 Winston Royce 的“管理大型软件系统的开发”。有趣的是,本文没有出现“瀑布”一词。它也没有说你必须一步一步地前进,永不回头。事实上,它说的恰恰相反,并清楚地表明,当发现问题时,您需要回到之前的步骤。那么为什么这么多人认为罗伊斯是在提倡“瀑布式”开发呢?我相信有两个原因。首先,人们只阅读第二张图,它列出了软件开发的步骤,并且确实可以作为瀑布来阅读。其次,这篇论文被敏捷的布道者当作稻草人,他们需要一些东西来打败现有的想法。如果人们真的阅读了这篇论文,他们会发现其中没有与敏捷(或敏捷,如果你愿意的话)不兼容的地方。真的是必读。作为另一篇经典论文,Parnas 和 Clements “一个理性的设计过程,如何以及为什么要伪造它”。
瀑布一直占主导地位,并且系统地未能创造价值。 瀑布和敏捷之间的核心区别在于,在前者中,问题解决和解决方案实施由不同的人完成,而在后者中,两者都由团队共同执行,利用跨职能技能。 这就是为什么功能团队不是敏捷,而是具有肤浅敏捷构成的瀑布(冲刺、每日站立,...)。 这就是为什么功能团队不是结果而是输出驱动的原因。
我认为这里的答案是更加敏捷。 后端和前端开发人员? 那是一种反模式。 创建一个团队并给他们解决问题。 为解决方案创建验收标准,让团队与客户交谈。 并为团队提供学习他们缺乏的技能所需的资源。
- 62 次浏览
我们应该停止将变更视为例外,由“正常”操作之外的项目和程序处理。 “新常态”中的组织处于不断变化的状态。正如Gartner所述(主题演讲ITXpo 2013):
敏捷运动中的各种实践都是朝着这个方向迈出的步伐。与客户密切互动的短暂迭代,使用DevOps实践的持续交付,以及Google,Netflix和Spotify等公司的“始终处于测试阶段”的方法就是这样的例子。像Lean和Kaizen这样的管理方法也采取了这种持续改进和生命周期的立场。诸如Scaled Agile Framework等方法所采用的“价值流”概念也是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步。
- 33 次浏览