PORTIC—Porto Research, Technology and Innovation Center, Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP), 4200-374 Porto, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2023, 11(13), 2948; https://doi.org/10.3390/math11132948
Received: 10 June 2023 / Revised: 25 June 2023 / Accepted: 27 June 2023 / Published: 1 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Mathematics and Computer Science)
searchable encryption; homomorphic encryption; secure search; data privacy; keyword search
MSC:94A60; 68P25
云基础设施的快速增长和广泛采用彻底改变了我们存储和访问信息的方式。从Dropbox和Google Drive等个人数据备份和文件共享服务,到企业级数据管理和可扩展的基础设施解决方案,云存储对我们的日常生活产生了深远影响,尤其是在医疗[1,2]和教育[3,4]等领域。根据Netwrix发表的一份报告[5],80%的组织将敏感数据存储在云中。它提供的优势包括高数据可用性、从任何地方方便访问、降低基础设施成本、无限存储空间和成本效益[6]。然而,随着云的采用,托管给云服务器的敏感信息面临潜在的漏洞,如未经授权的访问、数据泄露和内部威胁,安全问题也随之加剧。Netwrix的报告[5]还发现,55%的医疗保健组织在去年经历了涉及第三方实体的数据泄露,这是所有行业中第二高的百分比,仅次于金融部门,金融部门58%的公司经历了类似的泄露。这两个部门严重依赖能够访问其敏感数据的第三方实体,这对网络犯罪分子极具吸引力。此外,他们的研究结果表明,攻击变得更加复杂,更难发现。
- 利用HE识别和分类现有SE。我们的分析涵盖了这些系统的几个方面,包括使用的加密技术、搜索过程的结构(基于顺序扫描或索引)以及提供的搜索功能(如处理多个关键字、正则表达式、通配符、短语、范围、出现次数和模糊关键字的能力)。此外,我们还研究了其他功能,如授权和访问撤销、SE的静态和动态方法以及正确性验证。
- 为了对SE方案中使用的最常见的HE类型进行广泛的分析,我们的分析重点是识别所使用的方案是否属于部分同态加密、部分同态加密或全同态加密的类别。此外,我们尽可能明确地识别HE方案。
- 在前面提到的分类的基础上,研究如何使用HE来实现SE中的不同属性和特性。具体来说,我们研究了HE如何塑造搜索过程结构,增强搜索能力,并在SE中启用其他功能。
- 为基于高等教育的SE计划的未来研发确定有希望的方向,旨在为SE提供更灵活、更先进的解决方案。
为了对高等教育在SE中的应用进行全面分析,采用了一种系统的方法。这种方法包括搜索几个学术数据库,包括ACM数字图书馆、IEEE Xplore、Elsevier ScienceDirect、Scopus和Web of Science。
Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Figure 1. A conceptual overview of a cloud-based SE system.
- 数据所有者(DO)负责数据加密及其外包给云服务器的实体是数据所有者,在相关文献中也称为“客户端”[9]。通常,数据由对其拥有合法控制权和所有权的DO生成。然而,在某些情况下,另一个实体,即数据提供商,可能负责生成数据。使用索引来帮助搜索过程的SE方法,也称为基于索引的SE方案,通常要求数据提供商(无论是否是数据所有者)加密索引并与云共享。
- 数据用户(DU)想要搜索DO保存的加密数据的实体被称为数据用户。理想情况下,它只能在DO已经给予许可的情况下进行搜索。因此,DU负责向云服务器发送搜索请求,云服务器处理该请求,然后检索结果。值得注意的是,在某些系统中,DO也可以充当DU。
- 云服务器(CS)云服务器是负责安全存储加密数据并向授权DU提供SE服务的实体。它在接收DO的加密文档后执行三项主要任务:存储数据、搜索数据和保持搜索数据结构的最新状态。CS执行搜索的方式取决于所使用的SE方案。对于基于索引的SE,CS通过将搜索请求与加密索引进行比较来进行搜索,然后将结果发送给授权的DU。然而,对于不基于索引的SE方案,搜索加密数据的过程通常需要扫描整个文档,这将在本节稍后讨论。
- Setup()算法根据输入的安全参数生成各种系统参数(P)和所需密钥(K)(𝜆)。非对称SE必须生成公钥和私钥,而对称SE只需要一个密钥。通常,系统所有者运行此算法。
- Encryption()加密算法使用上一个进程K中生成的密钥对数据进行加密,并输出一条消息𝑀′通过使用加密算法E对原始数据M进行加密而获得。如果SE方案是基于索引的,则关键字W的输入集合也将使用(一个或多个)输入密钥K来加密,那么它可以用于生成加密关键字的索引I。DO然后应用该算法将加密的索引I与加密的消息相关联𝑀′以便创建可搜索的密文(𝑆𝐶)。然后可以将SC上传到CS。如果SE方法是基于扫描的(意味着服务器将直接扫描加密的数据),则可以跳过前面的步骤,并且消息𝑀′可以直接存储在CS上而不生成SC。
- TokenGen()搜索查询的创建由授权用户使用此算法完成,也称为Trapdoor。它需要一个输入加密密钥K和一个输入查询𝑄=𝑘1.𝑘2,…,𝑘𝑚并生成搜索令牌𝑇𝑄算法的具体实现取决于SE方案是基于索引还是基于扫描。对于基于索引的方案,该算法使用加密密钥K加密查询Q中的每个关键字,并生成索引𝐼=𝑤′1.𝑤′2,…,𝑤′𝑚的加密关键字。搜索令牌𝑇𝑄然后由I构造。对于基于扫描的方案,该算法生成扫描令牌𝑇𝑆.使用所选择的搜索查询Q和扫描令牌𝑇𝑆,搜索令牌𝑇𝑄然后创建。一旦构建,搜索令牌𝑇𝑄被发送到服务器,服务器使用它来搜索加密数据库中的相关数据。DU可能是唯一可以执行查询的人,具体取决于场景。
- Search()CS使用搜索算法在加密数据中搜索与搜索查询匹配的数据。在基于索引的方案中,搜索算法应用搜索令牌𝑇𝑄到可搜索的密文𝑆𝐶以标识与查询匹配的加密关键字集和相应索引。然后,它将相应的加密数据检索到DU。在基于扫描的方案中,搜索算法应用搜索令牌𝑇𝑄和扫描令牌𝑇𝑠以识别具有与搜索查询的关键字匹配的关键字的可搜索数据段的集合。一旦发现任何匹配,服务器就向DU发送搜索结果。
Figure 2. Key characteristics of a cloud-based SE scheme.
与顺序扫描方法相比,基于索引的方案效率很高,每个文件的比较次数从𝑂(𝑛)�(�)至𝑂(1)�(1) 。然而,一个缺点是,可以在查询中使用的关键字仅限于在索引生成过程中提取的关键字[19]。
其中← 意思是“可以直接从”[31]获得。即在(1)中,𝐸(𝑚1⊙𝑀𝑚2)
可以直接从𝐸(𝑚1) ⊙𝐶𝐸(𝑚2)
(Rings)Learning With Error,(R)LWE-Brakerski和Vaikuntanathan[48]是第一个提出这类方案的人。这些方案基于LWE问题,这是实时解决的最具挑战性的问题之一,即使对于后量子算法也是如此。LWE有一个称为RLWE的代数变体,在实际应用中更有用;
Table 3. Categorization of selected SE schemes that utilize HE.
2022年,Iqbal等人[53]提出了一种机制,用于安全地搜索在医疗环境中外包给CS的加密音频数据,该机制还执行顺序扫描。他们的方法包括使用BGV FHE方案对数据文件进行加密,然后将数据文件发送到云服务器进行存储。当请求搜索时,CS使用同态运算对存储的加密文件执行顺序扫描,以找到包含搜索关键字的文档。然后,使用BGV方案对检索到的文档进行解密。在Iqbal等人进行的实验中,使用了开源编程库HElib 2.1.0版本。该库允许将BGV与自举一起使用,并应用增强功能,如Smart–Vercauteren的密文打包技术和Gentry–Halevi–Smart的优化技术[73]。
The authors cover a wide range of different algorithms to look for a match within the search protocols, regarding different types of wildcard queries. These algorithms can be split into three categories: zero wildcards (1 algorithm), one wildcard (3 algorithms), and two wildcards (4 algorithms). More specifically, for one wildcard we have the following possibilities for a query: *+𝑌1*+�1, 𝑌1+*�1+* and 𝑌1+*+𝑌2�1+*+�2, (𝑌1,𝑌2�1,�2 are strings of any size). When two wildcards are present in the query, we have the following possibilities: *+𝑌1+**+�1+*, 𝑌1+*+𝑌2+*�1+*+�2+*, *+𝑌1+*+𝑌2*+�1+*+�2 and 𝑌1+*+𝑌2+*+𝑌3�1+*+�2+*+�3 (𝑌1,𝑌2,𝑌3�1,�2,�3 are strings of any size). These algorithms take advantage of the homomorphic properties of the Paillier’s cryptosystem to encrypt the keywords in a way that comparisons are possible to identify matches. Finally, with respect to the authorization and revocation functionality, PHE is not utilized. Despite this, the system allows a DO to grant research privileges to other users for a specified period of time and to automatically revoke these privileges once the authorization period expires.
In 2021, Yin et al. [58], suggested a new SE scheme which uses FHE and allow some types of wildcard queries. The scheme was designed to achieve compound substring query on multiple attributes. A substring query, as the name suggests, is a query that allows to search for a contiguous sequence of characters within a string. For example, the substring query “cat” would return all the results which contain the substring cat, e.g., caterpillar, cats, concatenate, ducat. The proposed scheme can, in fact, support two types of substring patterns: *+𝑠+**+�+* and 𝑠1+*+𝑠2�1+*+�2, where s, 𝑠1�1, and 𝑠2�2 represent queried substrings and * represents any string of any length. This is achieved by constructing a tree index structure using a modified version of the well-known position heap technique.
在该提案中,作者使用Ocapi BM25排名模型[79],并使用未指定的FHE方案在私有云上分别加密TF和IDF。然后,这些信息被用来构建一个反向索引,这是在公共云中完成的。
2021年,Tosun等人[60]提出了一种多用户SE方案,称为完全安全文档相似性(FSDS),该方案将安全K近邻(SK-NN)与SWHE相结合,SK-NN是一种对欧几里得空间中的数据集进行操作并使用欧几里得距离测量相似性的安全算法。在该方案中,敏感数据和搜索查询表示为TF-IDF向量,这些向量用SK-NN的变体加密,作者将其命名为mSk-NN。使用TF-IDF表示从文档中生成的可搜索索引首先用mSK NN加密,然后用名为FV[41]的SWHE方案加密。该方案的总体概念是使用余弦相似性比较度量来计算给定查询的k个最近邻居。作者声称,与只使用SWHE对查询进行加密的方法相比,使用mSK NN和SWHE的组合会产生更高效、更安全的系统。这是因为所需的计算量被最小化了。
4.3. Other Functionalities
In this section, we analyze the selected works that offer other functionalities, although they are not common. Specifically, we did not find any papers that use HE to provide the ability to “Authorize or Revoke” access, nor did we find any works addressing the “Delegate” functionality. As for the remaining functionalities, we have identified six approaches that are “Dynamic” and just one which uses HE to provide the “Verifiability” characteristic.
4.3.1. Dynamic
Even though dynamic SE schemes are more likely to be employed in real-world applications, not many works have been proposed to address this problem. In our research, we identified only five published studies that exploit the HE properties to develop dynamic SE schemes. There are, however, other schemes, which are dynamic, but they do not utilize the HE properties to achieve this functionality, as can be seen in Table 3.
Before 2021, three dynamic SE schemes that use HE to provide index updates were proposed, namely the TSED scheme proposed by Elizabeth et al. [71], a variant of this scheme, named VSED [63], and the TS-RDSE scheme proposed by Li et al. [64]. These schemes are designed for a single-user setting.
Prakash et al. proposed, in 2021 [59], a dynamic and index-based SE scheme, named PINDEX, which is intended for a multi-user setting. Their approach suggests a dynamic index construction method that is multi-linked, and which uses the PHE scheme proposed by Paillier, to encrypt the index, along with secret orthogonal vectors as building blocks. In this scheme, a DO can add and delete keywords or documents without having to reconstruct the encrypted index stored in the CS and the homomorphic properties are used on both the search and update processes.
Furthermore, the proposed scheme achieves forward privacy because of the probabilistic nature of the Paillier cryptosystem and the usage of secret orthogonal vectors. Notice that, in a dynamic SE scheme, forward privacy is a critical requirement since it ensures that newly added data does not reveal any information about previously searched queries. This is especially important in a multi-client setting where different users search different queries, and new data should not reveal anything about previous searches.
Gan et al. [55], in 2022, proposed a new dynamic searchable symmetric encryption scheme for multi-user settings, which uses XOR homomorphic function to ensure forward privacy.
The authors introduced two novel data structures to achieve efficient multi-user search and forward privacy: private links and a public search tree. Each client has three options, namely to search their own private link, the public search tree, or both. The proposed scheme also employs a state-based approach to manage database updates. This involves maintaining a state variable that tracks the current state of the database and allows for efficient updates without requiring its complete re-encryption. The XOR-homomorphic function is used in both the update and search processes. The documents themselves are encrypted using a symmetric cryptosystem.
4.3.2. Verifiability
There is only one paper which uses HE to provide the verifiability characteristic. In fact, only one more paper was found in our research which has this property, but does not use HE to achieve it, namely the work of Elizabeth and Prakash [63]. The former paper is due to Wu et al. and it was published in 2018 [72]. Their work presented a verifiable public key encryption scheme with keyword search meant for multi-user settings.
In this scheme, a standard proxy re-encryption public key algorithm is used to encrypt sensitive data. The authors also suggest a novel index construction, named Z-index, which uses a binary vector for each keyword to indicate whether each file contains that keyword. The index is constructed using an inverted data structure and is encrypted using an FHE scheme, namely DGHV [47], and a homomorphic hash function. The main objective of this scheme is to avoid using query trapdoors and therefore improve search efficiency. The verifiability feature is achieved using the homomorphic hash function.
5. Research Trends and Discussion
The research on SE schemes enhanced by HE properties has significantly increased in recent years. This trend aligns with the broader adoption of HE in various domains. In this section, we aim to provide an overview of the current trends in this research area as well as highlight their significant implications on the design of the studied approaches. Specifically, we will discuss the types of HE schemes used in SE, the application of HE in search structures, in search functionalities, and in other types of functionalities. Finally, we will also discuss the ability to allow multi-users, even though achieving this functionality does not directly rely on HE.
5.1. Types of HE Schemes Used in SE
The use of HE in SE schemes has increased in recent years. In fact, 74% of the 23 selected works were published within the last three years. This is consistent with the overall trend observed in the increased application of HE in diverse areas.
Our analysis revealed that PHE is the most frequently type of HE used in SE, as shown in Figure 3. This is not surprising since PHE is the simplest type of HE among the three. On the other hand, FHE schemes have the most potential, but they are still inefficient. However, despite this, a considerable percentage of SE schemes utilize FHE due to its potential benefits (38% use FHE for 57% of systems using PHE).
Figure 3. Types of HE schemes used in SE.
Finally, we also observed that more than a half of the schemes that rely on a PHE scheme use either the Paillier cryptosystem [52,59,64,65,69], a combination of the Paillier cryptosystem with GM [63,71], or the Paillier cryptosystem with threshold decryption [67]. The reason that so many approaches choose to use the Paillier cryptosystem (or any other variations) is the simplicity and security of the scheme, as well as the number of existing implementations freely available.
The remaining articles using PHE, use several different schemes, such as XOR- homomorphic [55], BCP [56], EC El Gamal [57], Boneh [61] and Shen et al. [70].
SWHE schemes were barely present in the studied schemes. In fact, only one article uses a SWHE scheme, more specifically an implementation of the FV scheme [60]. On the other hand, FHE schemes are used in nine articles, where the BGV [7,53,58,68] and BFV [66] are utilized the most, leveraging the open-source software library HElib, which implements some HE schemes. Table 4 lists the selected works and identifies the HE schemes they use.
Table 4. HE schemes used in selected SE approaches.
5.2. HE Usage in Search Structures
The utilization of HE in SE schemes has been well explored to provide more efficient search structures. This applies to both sequential scan-based approaches and index-based ones. In all the papers that have been studied, HE is used to design the search structure of the respective scheme. It is worth mentioning that index-based SE schemes are predominant (see Figure 4), which is expected since most current applications require efficient search processes on large encrypted databases.
Figure 4. Use of HE on the Search structure.
5.3. HE Usage in Search Functionalities
The usage of HE to improve or allow for search functionalities is very prevalent in the selected works. There is, however, a functionality which is not present in none of the works, namely the ability to perform a fuzzy keyword search. Figure 5 illustrates the number of works that support each search functionality, considering the functionalities that appeared at least once.
Figure 5. Uses of HE on search functionalities.
From our analysis, we observed that ranked search is the most prevailing search functionality, being present in 10 out of the 23 analyzed works. Moreover, in all of those works, this functionality is achieved using the homomorphic properties of the underlying HE scheme. The most commonly used protocol involves ranking documents according to TF-IDF, where the information needed to compute relevance scores is encrypted using HE. Therefore, relevance scores can be computed in the public cloud. One of these schemes, FASE [54], which allows for multi-keyword queries, firstly ranks documents by keyword matching degree, i.e., how many queried keywords are present in the documents, then the secondary criteria are the respective relevance scores. Among all studied schemes, there is only one that uses a technique other than TF-IDF to rank their search results, namely the double score weighting formula (firstly proposed by Boucenna et al. [77] and used in the work of Boucenna et al. [68]).
Another important observation, now regarding schemes that allow for top-k results, is that the majority of these schemes do not allow it in a direct and single round of communication, i.e., most schemes either rely on PIR [60,67], or they include another entity in the framework, such as a coprocessor [63,71], a collaborate server [64] or a private cloud [62], which have access to the private key and are responsible for ranking search results.
Regarding the multiplicity of keywords, we observed that the majority of the works supports multi-keyword queries. There are, however, some articles that support only single-keyword queries [7,52,53,55,62]. Moreover, the ones that support multi-keyword queries can be further split into two categories: multi-keyword for ranked search and multi-keyword meant for conjunctive or disjunctive queries.
Some of the articles allow only for conjunctive queries [56,61,70,72], where the latter two also allow for phrase search, which basically is a conjunctive query where the order of keywords matters. Disjunctive queries are allowed in two of the studied works, namely the one published by Yin et al. [58] and the one by Yang et al. [65]. These approaches also allow conjunctive queries. Additionally, they allow for wildcards in each of the queried keywords, where the latter has a protocol to return the top-k results when the query performed is disjunctive. Besides the above-mentioned work [65], some other schemes allow for multi-keyword queries specifically for ranked search [54,57,60,63,64,67,68]. From all these papers, only the VSED scheme [63] has a slightly different approach on the ranking protocol. More specifically, before ranking the documents, it performs a disjunctive keyword search, to guarantee that every returned document has at least one queried keyword.
5.4. HE Usage in Other Functionalities
HE has also been explored to provide functionalities such as dynamic updates and verifiability. However, during our study, we did not find any work that mentioned the ability to delegate the search. Moreover, only two works allow the revocation of users, and they do not use HE for this purpose.
Among the properties within this category, “Dynamic” is the most frequent, and is always achieved using the properties of HE. Implementing dynamic updates is challenging, especially on index-based schemes, since they required some sort of index updates. Nonetheless, schemes that utilize HE to encrypt the index offer the advantage of performing computations directly on ciphertexts, thereby facilitating efficient index updates.
From the studied articles that allow for dynamic updates, half of them rely on an inverted index [63,64,71]. Hou et al. [61] uses a VBTree, which works as a tree index where the search is performed over keywords, similar to an inverted index. The work of Prakash et al. [59] relies on a novel index type called the multi-linked index.
Regarding the ability to update, most of the approaches allow only for updates of keywords over files. However, Prakash et al. [59] and Li et al. [64] also allow for dynamic updates of files, besides allowing for regular updates over keywords.
The capability to authorize or revoke users is crucial for ensuring data privacy, yet it is not commonly addressed in the selected articles. Only two of them incorporate this property [65,67], and neither of them exploits HE schemes to achieve this functionality. Both articles follow a similar protocol, involving the generation of a search token with an expiration date. Additionally, they allow users to query multiple DOs simultaneously by requesting an authorization token from all DOs at the same time.
5.5. Multiplicity of Users
The multiplicity of users is another property that we have analyzed in the selected works. Even though this property is not directly achieved using HE, we observed that schemes meant for the multi-user setting are the most common, with a total of 63% allowing this functionality (Figure 6). Nonetheless, there are a couple of papers that show different scenarios where single-user SE schemes are suitable. Malik et al. [52], presented an application where the single entity is an airport, and Iqbal et al. [53] presented a use case where both the DO and DU are the same hospital.
Figure 6. Multiplicity of users.
Regarding the schemes that are meant for a multi-user setting, the majority rely on user authorization [54,57,60,65,67,68,70,72]. Note also that Yang et al. [67] proposed a multi-user SE scheme that allows DUs to perform search queries over multiple DOs’ data at the same time. From the remaining schemes, it is worth highlighting the work of Gan et al. [55], which achieves the multi-user functionality by allowing users to search through a private link, a public search tree, or both.
6. Conclusions and Future Work
In this work, we have provided a comprehensive analysis of the research trends on searchable encryption (SE) schemes that utilize homomorphic encryption (HE). This analysis serves as a valuable tool for researchers, enabling them to gain insights into this specific area of research and make well-informed decisions regarding future research directions.
We focused our study on the types of HE schemes used, their application to enhance search structures, to allow several functionalities such as ranked, conjunctive, disjunctive, range, and phrase search, as well as verifiability, dynamic updates, and the ability to add and revoke users. This analysis was conducted on a carefully selected set of 23 works, following a well-defined research methodology.
Our findings revealed that HE usage in SE schemes has increased in recent years, with 75% of the selected works published within the last three years. The most commonly used type of HE schemes in SE is PHE, which accounted for the majority of the analyzed schemes. The popularity of PHE schemes, particularly the widespread adoption of Paillier’s cryptosystem, can be attributed to its simplicity, proven security properties, and availability in several open-source libraries, making it easily accessible for researchers.
When considering the usage of HE in search structures, we found that building the index using HE is the most prevalent approach. This is not surprising, since SE schemes that rely on sequential scans are not suitable for large databases. Additionally, we analyzed the types of indexes used in these schemes and observed that normal indexes are the most common choice, followed by inverted indexes and tree indexes.
Regarding the usage of HE in search functionalities, we found that ranked search is the most prevalent functionality. Relevance scores are computed using homomorphic properties and are often based on TF-IDF ranking. Multi-keyword queries are widely supported, either for ranked search or for conjunctive/disjunctive queries. However, fuzzy keyword search functionality was not found in any of the analyzed works.
In future research, there is a need to explore and improve upon various functionalities when searching over encrypted data using HE schemes. Although dynamic updates consistently take advantage of homomorphic properties, other functionalities such as authorizing and revoking users, verifiability, and delegation of search capability require further development. Among the analyzed works, only one study [72] utilized a HE scheme to achieve verifiability, while none of the articles addressed the ability to authorize and revoke users. However, we found two works that, although not employing HE schemes directly, utilized a cryptographic primitive called homomorphic message authentication to facilitate verifiability, namely the work of Zhang et al. [62], and the work of Wan et al. [82]. Furthermore, Zhang et al.’s work utilized this primitive to enable the authorization and revocation of users’ access. Therefore, considering the potential benefits and the limited exploration in this area, it is worth further exploring and investigating the utilization of homomorphic message authentication and similar cryptographic primitives for achieving verifiability, and the ability to add and revoke users.
Although FHE schemes were present in nearly half of the studied articles, we believe that the percentage could be significantly higher given the recent advancements in FHE schemes. For example, the TFHE scheme, introduced in 2020 [44], is an FHE scheme worth exploring. Leveraging other encryption schemes alongside HE, such as attribute-based encryption used for user access control (e.g., it is used in the work of Boucenna et al. [68]), or OPE for facilitating ciphertext comparison (e.g., it is used in FASE [54]), could lead to the development of more sophisticated schemes.
In our study, we also concluded that the studied articles cover several important search functionalities. However, there were some notable omissions, particularly in the areas of fuzzy keyword search and occurrence queries. Fuzzy keyword search is one of the most desirable functionalities in real-life applications, making it crucial to explore HE schemes that can support this functionality. One approach, as suggested by Dong et al. [83], involves using Hamming distances. Additionally, occurrence queries were not addressed in any of the studied schemes, but we observed that most articles allowing ranked searches could easily accommodate occurrence queries since they already require information such as TF to rank documents.
Finally, it is important for future research to focus on reducing the reliance on retrieval protocols like PIR. The emphasis should be on developing SE schemes that operate effectively with a minimum number of communication rounds, aiming to minimize the overall overhead.
Overall, our work provides a comprehensive summary of the latest research trends in SE enhanced by HE. We emphasize critical components related to the HE schemes most frequently employed, possible search structures, and search functionalities. This contribution significantly advances the scientific understanding in this domain, enabling researchers to explore state-of-the-art methodologies, leverage existing knowledge, and explore new research directions.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, I.A. and I.C.; Data curation, I.A. and I.C.; Formal analysis, I.C.; Investigation, I.A. and I.C.; Methodology, I.A.; Visualization, I.C.; Project administration, I.A.; Supervision, I.A.; Validation, I.A.; Writing—original draft, I.A and I.C.; Writing—review and editing, I.A. and I.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was partially supported by the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within project “Cybers SeC IP” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000044).
Institutional Review Board Statement
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement
Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement
All the data are already provided in the manuscript, with quoted reference.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AES | Advanced encryption standard |
CP-ABE | Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption |
CPA | Chosen plaintext attack |
CS | Cloud server |
DO | Data owner |
DU | Data user |
FHE | Fully homomorphic encryption |
FHOPE | Fully homomorphic order-preserving encryption |
FSDS | Fully secure document similarity |
GM | Goldwasser–Micali |
HE | Homomorphic encryption |
IoT | Internet of Things |
OPE | Order-preserving encryption |
PCTD | Paillier cryptosystem with threshold decryption |
PHE | Partially homomorphic encryption |
PIR | Private information retrieval |
RE | Regular expression |
𝑆𝐶�� | Searchable ciphertext |
SE | Searchable encryption |
SIIS | Secure inverted index-based searchable encryption |
SK-NN | Secure K nearest neighbor |
SWHE | Somewhat homomorphic encryption |
TF-IDF | Term frequency inverse document frequency |
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