External actor: An actor that is external to the enterprise.
Internal actor: An actor that belongs to the enterprise.
Requirements: In this context, these are business requirements.
Interaction application component: Represents the top level components that manage the interaction with elements outside the IS. In most cases, it is a GUI component, such as here a web interface.
Database application component: Represents a repository. In pure SOA architecture, these elements should not appear. However, for legacy analysis or technology architecture, modeling repositories or repository deployment can be useful.
Application: This application component corresponds to legacy applications, off the shelf products, or can be an assembly of application components.
System federation: A system federation is the coarser-grained application component. It assembles systems to federate them, such as in the example of cooperation between different information systems between different companies.
Use case: Represents an interaction between an actor and the system, in order to fulfill a business need. A use case is further described by a set of scenarios that express the interactions between the system and the actors.
Business service: Represents a service provided by the business, which may then be realized by one or more IS services.
Business process: As presented in process maps (event diagrams). The business process is detailed in flow diagrams.
Information flow: dDefines the flow of any kind of information (business entity, event, product, informal, etc) between active entities of the enterprise.
Consumes link: Expresses that participant (e.g. an actor) consumes an element of the IS (service, operation, application component).
Realizes link: Component realization. An application component realizes the designated element, for example a business process.
Satisfy link: Expresses that an element of the IS satisfies a requirement.
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