Chinese, Simplified
也称为“流程图”。 事件图的目的是描述事件和流程之间的关系。某些事件,如某些信息的到达(例如,客户提交销售订单)或某个时间点(例如,财政季度末)会导致工作,并需要在企业内部采取某些行动。这些事件通常被称为业务事件或简单的事件,并被视为流程的触发器。需要注意的是,事件必须触发流程并生成业务响应或结果。 事件图提供流程的概述,这有助于它们的映射。事件图提供了流程、触发事件、发送事件、参与角色或组织单元以及接收或发送产品的一般视图。在这个宏观层面上,流程之间没有顺序,即使我们能够看到一个过程发送的产品可以被另一个过程重用。
- External actor: An actor that is external to the enterprise.
- Internal actor: An actor that belongs to the enterprise.
- Organization unit: Describes one unit that breaks down the organization of the enterprise. This can be, for example, a department.
- Business process: As presented in process maps (event diagrams). The business process is detailed in flow diagrams.
- Product: A product is produced or consumed by business processes.
- Business event: A business event triggers a business process or is generated by a business process.
- Information flow: Defines the flow of any kind of information (business entity, event, product, informal, etc) between active entities of the enterprise.
- Participates in link: Describes in which part or activity of the enterprise a participant intervenes.
- Initiator of link: The origin participant initiates the designated process. It starts the process by realizing a task or activity in it.
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TOGAF Modeling Event diagrams